Addicted to a porno

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deadmemories, May 19, 2018.

  1. Deadmemories

    Deadmemories Fapstronaut

    I was doing alright on NoFap, but I came across this highly addicting porn I used to be addicted to. I keep telling myself that I have to quit, but it pops in my mind at all the wrong times, and I find myself beating my meat to it. What are ways to stop? I want to get over PMO addiction for good...
  2. Horenuker

    Horenuker Fapstronaut

  3. When it pops into your mind, try immediately thinking of something else entirely. The longer you entertain the thought, the more difficult it will be to stop.
    ANewLeaf likes this.
  4. hobert99

    hobert99 Fapstronaut

    You are right enough. The most important thing is to forget totally. And never remember.
  5. If only I could follow my own advice.....
    ANewLeaf likes this.
  6. Celtics_f

    Celtics_f New Fapstronaut

    It's nearly impossible to get rid of it at the beginning totally. No matter how determinative you are, it will accidentally pop into your mind sometimes. Well, my suggestion is not to stay at home for a very long time. You can barely control yourself at home.
    Immature likes this.
  7. MasterRoshi

    MasterRoshi Fapstronaut

    A daily maintenance plan has worked for me so far. I’m no expert and don’t have all the answers but here’s what I’ve done to get my 58 days sober.

    Daily morning routine (every morning so far since I got sober)
    • meditation 10 minutes
    • journaling 10-15 minutes (this has been huge for me!!! I had a late night a few Sundays ago when i got very depressed and wanted to relapse to feel better. I decided to journal instead. 30 minutes later and 5 pages of journaling, I got out of my funk, went to sleep and in the morning started feeling better. I wasn’t as depressed and had less urges to relapse. This honesty journal and self reflection pretty much saved sobriety when nothing else could. And I was only able to do it in that moment because it’s become such a habit now in my life from daily routine)
    • prayer (I’m not religious so my prayer is something like “thank you universe for another beautiful day!” Then I look out the window to check the day :) I also say something like “help me join the flow of life as I was intended to do, instead of living my old selfish PMO ways...” )
    • 10 minutes of exersize (i do calethenics)
    • Practice rigorous honesty every day! (If I’m depressed I tell someone, if I have PMO urges I tell someone, if I wanna relapse I tell someone, if someone cut me off on the freeway and yelled at me and I felt sad/anxious/angry I tell someone! etc...) secrets and our hidden emotions are our enemy. When we release them and tell someone else, they lose their power.
    • Reaching out to others for help or to help them, daily, on here or from SAA meetings. (Honest communication with others about my problems and also being their for them to be honest with me)

    Other things I do
    • I attend sex addicts anonymous meetings weekly and work the 12 steps of recovery (currently on step 4). I started this after 3 weeks sober.
    • I changed my sleep habits. I sleep 8 hours guaranteed, no more or less.
    • Changed my eating habits. Zero processsd sugars (I think I was using desserts as a way to feel better emotionally also)
    • I drink a big glass of water the second I wake up every morning.

    I have been trying to get sober on my own with sheer willpower for the last 10 years and haven’t been successful. I think the most I got was 2 weeks but was crawling out of my skin the whole time, and life sucked!! I had no peace of mind. This time doing what’s listed above (which is a combination of many other peoples solutions) has kept me sober AND I’m happier and calmer and have little to no cravings for PMO. The mental obsession about sex and finding girls sexy is still strong and hasn’t balanced out yet. But the skin crawling urges aren’t with me and haven’t been for most of my 58 days sober:

    Also, I have been very very depressed and anxious for the past few years, so some of the second list, like diet and sleep habits, is to help with that, but the top list seems to be helping with my PMO addiction.

    As far as I know, there’s no magic pill to make it better. Some daily work, for me at least, is necessary to fight this thing. And it seems to be working with the simple stuff from above. I say my morning routine takes me about 45 minutes to complete, so not too bad.

    good luck and let me know if you need any help!! I’m happy to help.
    Last edited: May 20, 2018
    ANewLeaf likes this.