This society is only getting worse and worse

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, May 16, 2018.

  1. Captain Rex reporting. You know what I fear. I fear that this society will only become more sexualized. I swear, there's sex everywhere. It's in movies, TV shows, video games, magazines, music, you name it. It's as if we're degenerating and becoming more primitive. I thought we were supposed to be advanced but no.

    I hate the way my peers and this society approaches sexuality. They see sex as like the end goal of relationships and to them, getting a girl is near impossible so what do they turn to? You guessed it, PMO!

    I feel disgusted by the fact that porn appears in almost everything. There's sex scenes in movies and TV shows which are practically the same as porn. Granted, there's some where you can't see much but they're still softcore porn nonetheless. They serve the same purpose and they objectify and degrade women and men alike which pains me.

    I feel like I'm the only one who feels disgusted by this wicked sex cult we call a society. I feel disgusted by the fact that people think porn is like heaven when in reality it's the closest thing to hell on earth. I once had a girlfriend who thought porn was fine even though it's not. Later on, I ditched her thankfully.

    My younger brother thankfully hasn't been addicted yet but I'm hoping to give him the talk. I don't want him to make the same mistake I made. I wasted 3 years on PMO and I fear he too might be addicted, but even longer than I have.

    Overall, I hate how perverted and oversexualized this society is and I fear it's only getting worse. I fear that a few years from now, there might actually be blowjob scenes in movies and TV shows and no one will even bat an eyelid. The thought now actually makes me shudder but we can improve ourselves and encourage others to do so and maybe this society will get better. It might be slow but change is possible.

    Sorry for the long and negative rant but I had this thought in my head for a while so I wanted to share this. Captain Rex out.
  2. Funny you wrote this today since last night I watched a movie called Idiocracy. It was a comedy about a soldier Joe and a prostitute put into hibernation for a year long experiment. Something went wrong and they finally woke up 500 years later. The country was in shambles. Joe who was of average intelligence in 2005 is now the smartest man in the world. It is now a movie I would really recommend, it had some sexual content.But it did get you thinking how this could happen. One of the co stars was Terry Crews,who has talked publicly about his years of porn addiction.
    I hope things don't ever get as bad as depected in the movie.Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this .
  3. If you cannot control a people through force of arms or other such means of coercion, then first get them addicted to entertainment and have them coming back for more, unable to control themselves. Then you start taking away their rights, piecemeal. As long as they get their fix, they could care less, in fact they will demand their fix. Smokes, Netflix, PMO, Sugary food, Dancing with the Stars, whatever it is, easier to demand more than to stop. They may complain about losing privacy or about guns and whatnot, but in the back of their minds, their addiction takes top priority. This is the ugly secret of America. People are controlled through deliberate addictions.
  4. This, I agree 100%.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    I remember some study showed that we dropped an average of 14 IQ points, which is an entire standard deviation from the supposed average. I only see it getting worse.

    We aren’t getting smarter. We’re simply getting more indoctrinated (that we call “education”; and no, I’m not saying learning is bad either) with what to think rather than how to think. People nowadays don’t even know what bathroom to use. We are a joke as a society now.
  6. They have stopped teaching kids to use the cursive style of writing and most only know how to tell time with a digital clock.
  7. moonesque

    moonesque Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    When one ‘liberates’, what did we leave behind?

    I think people on NF realize sex is not the end all be all of everything, even if not explicitly and there are deeper understandings of sex than most people bother thinkinf about.

    It is getting “worse”, but all disequillibrium is part of equillibrium. We have to act as we should in the meantime.
  8. 10 years ago NoFap didn't exist. So all you people who are complaining do you want to go back to when there was no such thing as
    Hermin and Deleted Account like this.
  9. The lie behind the the "liberation" of sex was that that boundaries restricted self-expression when in reality they restricted an unhealthy expression of sex. People think limits and boundaries are obstacles to self-expression when they're not. In fact we've found that a lack of boundaries has invited a lack of respect both towards ourselves and to others around us. The boundary that sex was to be a private matter and not public was a boundary that helped safeguard tons of people from sexual addiction.

    Things like boundaries and limits actually help us in our self-expression by guiding us to our purpose. Would we ever say that a train could only reach its maximum potential if we just remove those pesky tracks which bind it? Nope. Likewise to say humans are more self-expressive without boundaries is to say a train is more self-expressive when it is off its rails.

    Thankfully there is a site like NoFap that is showing the people of this age that the old wisdom of prudence and boundaries is a step towards progess and a life that leads to a healthy self-expression.
  10. I agree with most of what you're saying but feeling fearful and disgusted isn't going to improve the world or get you anywhere. It's good to be aware of whats going on and willing to do your part to change things but anything beyond that is going to make you miserable. I feel like our leadership is just as shitty as our entertainment culture but thanks to technology, you have almost total control over what you consume. This gives you endless options for entertainment that don't include sexual messages. You also have a great deal of control over who you spend your time with and if your peers dont share your values you can find peers that do.

    Nofap is great and its also good that youre willing to share youre experience with your brother to help keep him from making the same mistakes we did. Getting all worked up over the choices other people make is pointless.
    Yanis and Deleted Account like this.
  11. Yup, that's pretty sad. :(
    MLMVSS likes this.
  12. Damn it, I still don't write cursively.
  13. Unfortunately I think you're right, Rex. People genuinely believe sex is a basic human right. There are people fighting for contraception to be free, so that people who can't shell out the 12 bucks to buy a box of condoms can still have sex, because the idea of abstinence is considered ridiculous nowadays. It's not even considered an option for most people. People look at it as oppressive to even suggest abstinence. And that's one of the main reasons people are fighting so hard for abortion. Because they believe it's a woman's *right* to sex, rather than seeing it for what it is: a gift, a privilege, and most of all, a responsibility.

    Makes me sad sometimes.
  14. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    The concept of “society” is a weird one. There’s so many fringe groups and specific niches out there, how can you lump everyone together and claim that they all have a specific viewpoint? They don’t.
  15. Ecco

    Ecco Fapstronaut

    While I agree society at large is degenerating, I do not think there is any place for hate here.

    I for one pity a sexualized culture and only have sympathy to extend to the victims.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. Yanis

    Yanis Fapstronaut

    Don't focus on what other people are doing. Make your own choice and enjoy your life to the fullest.

    GREAT. The perfect answer.

    I absolutely agree.

    That's true.

    When people are talking about "humanity" or "society" I don't know what they are talking about. I only see individuals in my life. Thanks God I can make my own choices. I like to choose joy. Looking at "humanity" or "society" is wasting time. This is MY life and I appreciate it a lot. This is my learning-process, not easy but absolutely worth-living. Peace is possible, true happiness is possible. I feel gratitude for being alive.
  17. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    Actually I disagree i think we are becoming less primitive. Let me explain.

    I always wonder why nudist don't get a boner when they walk around naked around the beach with other hot woman. Then i realized maybe thats how it supposed to be. I think our ancestors don't get a boner the moment they see a woman because at that time nobody wears clothes. But more importantly because it wasn't the right mate.(natural selection)

    They usually only get a boner. When they see a woman they are attractive to. So basically not every naked woman gives them a boner same as not every woman wants to have sex with every man.

    This is the problem with our societé today we are over sensitized because we jerk off to naked woman we program our body to get aroused constantly. The fact that we started tot wear clothes is also a thing that caused the problem I think but that’s a other discussion.

    When I stopped watching porn and masturbating I noticed that I didn’t get a boner to certain woman although they where smoking hot I thought I was gay but then a few days later I got a GIANT ERECTION when a woman was walking by not a erection from lots of woman no from a specific woman. And that happened a few days later also.

    If you don’t masturbate for a long time and reprogram you’re brain you will notice you’re natural instinct of selecting the right mate is back on. You will get only feelings of atractive to certain woman.

    My conclusion : Masturbating or watching porn or getting aroused by every hot woman is a sign of addiction to NOFAP. Yes if you want to succeed in nofap journey you need not only to stop masturbating but make woman less important and don’t get arouse the moment you see a hot girl in a commercial and so on. You need to make a change in you’re mind once you do that you realize that you don’t actually like those woman in the video they weren’t you’re type.

    Let us say that our ancestors saw more naked woman then we do(no clothes) but the difference is their MIND. They didn’t get aroused constantly and wanted to FUCK EVERYTHING because they didn’t care about their approval except only the one’s they are attractive to.

    You still see those natural instinct today woman don’t approach guys they just walk buy in the hope the guy will JUMP IN and talk to her.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. truthseeker17

    truthseeker17 Fapstronaut

    It's not only PMO. Humans have become more materialized then ever before. We have been numbed by most of technologies nowdays(TV, FB, youtube and other media). We have been turned into consumption-zombies. All we do is consume, be it clothes, food or sex. We have lost our touch with the spiritual side and we can feel something is empty. We try to fill the emptiness with this consumption which obviously don't work.

    What you describe is just a symptom of a much bigger problem.
  19. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    So, you claim we’re becoming less primitive by claiming what our ancestors did... which is the exact definition of primitive. Good one lol
  20. Gee, thanks. Your right, I need to start focusing on myself rather than rant about this society. I just realized that that's a waste of thought and it's not going anywhere anyways. So yeah, I do need to start focusing on living the good life and hopefully find chicks with the same views as me. Thx for the advice though.