how to startOver

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by phyzia, Apr 11, 2018.

  1. phyzia

    phyzia Fapstronaut

    two months ago i joined nofap at first i was so exited about it i lasted for 23 days. it was
    very very good "the best days of may life". i thought it's over and i won but for no particular reason i faped and i told myself it was a mistake and i can carry on but i faped again and again and my addiction returns and becomes even crueler then before . I fucked up so hard in my mid term exams. i am an engineering student and i'm working with some teammates on a project and i have not started working on my part in the project yet and i'm supposed to handle my part of the project very very soon. i do not know what to do . i feel very disgusted with my self , very depressed . i begin to think of strange ideas to hurt my self to get an excuse to leave the project because i can't handle this stress. so any advice please.
  2. kevinfine

    kevinfine Fapstronaut

    Hi @phyzia ,
    I have been there and know the feeling. See fapping steals our time from us ( we only have a limited amount) and then it gets to crunchtime and we stress cos the important stuff has not been done.
    Depression, anxiety and a wad of other stuff sets in.

    May I ask.. are you Christian?
    phyzia likes this.
  3. Never Again

    Never Again Fapstronaut

    I don’t know about the specifics of your school, but at mine we have something called medical leave. It is possible that you can choose to leave the school for a certain period of time, with this semester wiped clean, though you would end up losing tuition money you paid for that semester. This is actually something I did and it worked out very well in the end. I would have gotten very bad grades that semester. Instead, I have a near-perfect track record, just with some time off. Then, you can go home and perhaps get a job or two and spend a year working (like I did). During this time, since there is very little obligation to do work on a computer, you can take more drastic measures against porn addiction. You can cut yourself off from the internet completely (or at least severely) and ensure for that period of time that you will not relapse. Additionally, you could recover from any depression/anxiety you may have or develop some self-discipline such that when you return to college, you will be ready. This is something I did (though I half-assed my initial steps against PMO so unfortunately the addiction is still with me). If you do plan to do this and fight PMO, DO NOT HALF-ASS YOUR STEPS. It is the perfect opportunity to cure yourself of this addiction. I seriously wish I had taken advantage of it.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2018
    phyzia likes this.
  4. I understand what you are going through. I am going through the same thing right now. You feel good for a few days after giving up and then the addiction sneaks back up on you. I need advice as well. The only advice I think I can give you is to keep pushing on. Dont become too at ease and think that the addiction cannot return. It can and it will if you are not careful. i just relapsed tonight and am now starting over again. we can I this!
    phyzia likes this.
  5. We can do this***
    phyzia likes this.
  6. phyzia

    phyzia Fapstronaut

    you may , no i'm muslim
  7. phyzia

    phyzia Fapstronaut

    thank you i will give it a thought
  8. phyzia

    phyzia Fapstronaut

    thank you it really helps
  9. ChoromanDX

    ChoromanDX Fapstronaut

    "When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, but finds none. Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when it comes, it finds the house empty, swept, and put in order. Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that person is worse than the first. So also will it be with this evil generation." - Matthew 12:43-45

    Whether you believe in the supernatural, in demons, or even in Jesus himself (probably not in the same sense as I, given that you are Muslim), the principle of his words are quite true. If you've exiled porn from your life and not filled it with something else, it'll return with greater intensity. A scientific perspective would agree; when you start craving dopamine, your brain is going to railroad you down whatever reward pathways it can remember. And, if you haven't been building those other reward pathways, what reward pathway is it going to choose? You'll be sitting in front of a computer screen, staring at whatever "object" satisfies your lust, and your brain will be trying to make up for lost time.
    phyzia likes this.
  10. New Masa

    New Masa New Fapstronaut

    This is the last change i beleifve