About the orgasm you get after Reboot

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Psychonaut8989, Nov 25, 2017.

  1. Psychonaut8989

    Psychonaut8989 Fapstronaut

    Will it be too intense? Often, people say after not fapping for a while they get a ''very intense orgasm'' thats stressing me out.
  2. Psychonaut8989

    Psychonaut8989 Fapstronaut

  3. Psychonaut8989

    Psychonaut8989 Fapstronaut

  4. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    I just know that after a long streak, when I relapse, I get a freaking head ache for the entire day, my stomach hurts as well and the first orgasm is not actually any good.
  5. slumdog1991

    slumdog1991 Fapstronaut

    I have been wondering about this. I'm expecting to have sex with my girlfriend on day 91, which is just under 4 weeks away. I'm intrigued by how the orgasm will feel.

    I experienced an orgasm after 30 days of no PMO once and I remember it vividly. The orgasm itself wasn't necessarily the best but I remember a huge feeling of release during the peak moment. This was followed by an insane concoction of feelings going off inside my head. I could feel all of these releases, it was very chemical. It was as if someone was pouring a jug of something into my brain. I had to go and watch TV for an hour or so because I knew I would not be able to sleep straight away. This rushing sensation continued for some time and it was a little scary. I think I feared it because it was new, so I hope to not feel that next time.

    On the subject of next time, it will of course be 3 times as long since I last orgasmed so again, I'm intrigued. That experience above suggests it will be something similar but perhaps more intense (3 times the intensity!?). I explained to my girlfriend that I wouldn't know what to expect - I might pass out! Whatever happens, I expect it will be big and that I will have to take some time to see the feelings through and accept them. Exciting stuff!
  6. Confession222

    Confession222 Fapstronaut

    In my experience, an orgasm after a long streak of no PMO is actually not that pleasurable. It's more of a release than anything else, but in terms of pleasure, it doesn't rank very high. That said, the second orgasm after a long streak of no PMO is fucking insane; some of the best I've ever had.

    E.g., I try to abstain from PM, but readily orgasm with my wife whenever I can, though she isn't high desire and I'm bad at initiating and thus we can often go for a month without it. I once went for about an entire month with no porn, no masturbation and no sex at all. At the end of that dry spell, I finally had sex with my wife, but it was over very quickly and the orgasm was not very good. I felt super relieved afterwards, but again, the orgasm was nearly non existent. We cuddled and fooled around until I was ready to go again and then I lasted near 20 minutes and the orgasm was REALLY intense and insanely good.

    Whatever the case, you shouldn't fear your own orgasm. This puts a lot of pressure on you and makes the sexual act (whether its copulation or just masturbation) all about the orgasm rather than the experience itself. Whatever your case may be, your orgasms will be much better if you aren't thinking about them constantly and just let them come (ha, pun intended) and be what they are.
    slumdog1991 likes this.
  7. seaguy44

    seaguy44 Moderator Assistant

    I agree with others. First relapse - orgasm was okay but the release was definitely a lot more! I had a similar experience for the 2nd orgasm. It was very much intense. This has made me realize how important it is to retain semen and not have orgasms much. Now I know I will orgasm only when I have sex with a girlfriend. That's it.
  8. steveo2312

    steveo2312 Fapstronaut

    They say the body absorbs the sperm......when i came on day 31 i saw no evidence of that, it sure looked like 31 days worth to me
    seaguy44 likes this.
  9. Healed!

    Healed! Fapstronaut

    Mine have been very strong and pleasurable. Those that were less intense seemed to last longer than normal. Of course all this is after dealing PIED for a couple of years.