I can’t tell if I’m gay or if this is just a porn related fetish

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Enter36thChamber, Mar 16, 2018.

What is my sexuality?

  1. Straight

    20 vote(s)
  2. Gay

    1 vote(s)
  3. Bi

    4 vote(s)
  1. Enter36thChamber

    Enter36thChamber Fapstronaut

    My advice to you is completely quit PMO cold turkey for as long as you possibly can (hopefully forever) and after you hit day 90 see if you still feel the same way about your same sex gender. Because your brain on porn can seriously mess up your preferences and sexuality.
    looking and Jen@8675309 like this.
  2. BecomeStrong

    BecomeStrong Fapstronaut

    I know your situation very well. The last years I watched only transgendered person-Porn and the last months I noticed that Sissy-porn is arousing me even more. There were moments where i was uncertain about my sexuality too. This thoughts where in my head every time when I fapped to Sissy-Porn. But when i thought about this question with a clear mind, the anwser was easy because I'm, just like you, not attracted to men so I'm pretty sure that I'm straight. When I'm in a club or a bar I never look for guys thats not even on my mind, I just look for girls and that is what counts not the thing that you watch on screen.

    I'm speaking to you as a virgin aswell and even at this Point I have a similar story. Last summer I've met a nice girl very frequently and there was the day where we want to have sex with each other and just like you I wasn't able to get an errection, what was pretty embarrasing for me. There are some possibilities to explain this "accident" first it was maybe just the nervousness and the pressure that you've made yourself. Many people talk about problems with an errection during the first time caused by too much psychological pressure. Second it could be an impact of the PMO-Addiction maybe a real person is not arousing enough, because you idealized the things that you have seen in Porn.

    My advice for you and for me is just to relaxe, take it easy, don't think too much about it, hold on with your nofap-streak and let the future come.

    I hope I could help you a little bit and sorry if my english wasn't appropriate every time, it's a german guy who's writing here.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2018
    Enter36thChamber likes this.
  3. Clean Plate

    Clean Plate Fapstronaut

    Its porn induced my friend. I too have thoughts of whether or not if I was gay. Porn is bad and it leads the mind to places where you shouldnt be. Thats the effect of porn. Think about it, if you never once watched porn you wouldnt have these thoughts (my opinion of course), I could be wrong though. Abstention after awhile should result in the mind attaining clarity. Then take it from there.
    chiyu likes this.