Drinking / nightclub - chaser affect advice please

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by jobbyj, Mar 18, 2018.

  1. hi all,
    i have been on an empowered streak this last week, and been staying away from pmo

    i am definitely breaking the links, however i woke yesterday morning with a headache after a night out went on longer and involved more drinking than expected (also in an environment with women dressed in less - nightclub-ish ).

    i had the chaser effect, and i was very aware of it, so i forced myself out of the house. all was fine, and then at 9pm, i got allured and then ended up fapping

    i think its ok, and now will need to focus on resting better on those days rather than being too active, and also i dont drink much so i need to not let such escalate again

    however, keen to take others thoughts and views?

    thanks and good luck good people
  2. jorg78

    jorg78 Fapstronaut

    Keep yourself occupied the day after drinking, very important.
    jobbyj likes this.
  3. thanks, i did that, but the evening i should have gone to bed
    was too productive and then tired, should have listened to the body
  4. Too much alcohol can cause relapses, keep yourself busy and don't give in.
    jobbyj likes this.
  5. thanks, i know this, but i got carried away
  6. differentoutlook

    differentoutlook Fapstronaut

    If you're at a party with attractive women, why not pursue having sex with one of them ?
  7. i am married
  8. had the same happen this weekend, i felt i would have been fine, but had a fight with my lady which got me stressed too

    i think its useful to learn these triggers, shame i lapsed though but not beating my self up, just learning for next times