Channeling sexual energy

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Peace Seeker, Mar 15, 2018.

  1. Peace Seeker

    Peace Seeker Fapstronaut

    Not masturbating led my mind into a frenzy for the past few days due to excessive amount of physical activities. I was in a state of constant sexual arousal so much so that I couldn't focus on other activities. I was thinking of giving in to masturbation. But then I started channeling my sexual energy into gym exercises. I'm feeling that my consciousness and energy level has improved.
  2. ProwGalatiansHS

    ProwGalatiansHS Fapstronaut

    It feels a bit forbidden when you call it channeling energy. I know what you mean though. I hope you are well and I think that gym excercises are maybe nice to be a real soldier type guy. Are you into the law enforcement, fire dept. and the military stuff maybe?
  3. Peace Seeker

    Peace Seeker Fapstronaut

    I am a student. i went abroad for a week which involved climbing up the hill, running against time (like literally on feet), scuba diving, swimming for a considerable amount of time and a few other physically demanding activities. At the end of the week my legs hurt like hell, my skin was a bit sun burnt (due to my own carelessness).
    I started gym a few months back and am trying to incorporate a healthy routine and diet in my life.
  4. ProwGalatiansHS

    ProwGalatiansHS Fapstronaut

    Okay. I just was thinking that some guys who are academics maybe dont always prioritize training so much. Therefore I wondered if you are going for a typical strong profession.
  5. Peace Seeker

    Peace Seeker Fapstronaut

    I'm in management studies, and want to open my own business in the future. So keeping myself disciplined is one way of dealing with the busy schedule and prevent procrastination.
  6. ProwGalatiansHS

    ProwGalatiansHS Fapstronaut

    Okay. Good to hear that you can live as a nofapper without problems though.
  7. SuperLulox

    SuperLulox Fapstronaut

    Yes going to the gym is great. Someone said in this forum that it's like a metaphore of nofap: you put a lot of effort and will power into it, you have to be consistent, and you have to keep in mind the bigger picture, since you wont see progress right away. I'm going tomorrow and im exited about it; i just love the feeling i get after going to the gym and taking a cold shower. It sure helps with discipline and to release all the slurpus of energy we have from abstaining from pmo. Good for you man, glad you didnt relapse (quite a streak to loose).
  8. findingdawae

    findingdawae Fapstronaut

    Hi there, is this thread about the "spiritual aspects of sexuality" or referring to Napoleon Hill's "sexual transmutation"?
    Sorry I'm new to this thread so pardon my ignorance.
  9. Peace Seeker

    Peace Seeker Fapstronaut

    @findingdawae I don't know what you are talking about, but it's definitely not spiritual. It's just about venting out frustration due to testosterone overload.
  10. findingdawae

    findingdawae Fapstronaut

    Oh I see, thanks for explaining
  11. Low

    Low Fapstronaut

    No there is way more to this then just testosterone definitely there is something definitely spiritual about this I'm not sure where the sexual energy comes from exactly is honestly feels external like an aura of energy when i first started this i could really feel that aura of energy and it was great. Napoleon Hill said something like this you don't have to force or even try to transmute that it will just happen on its own just focus on your goals. I believe that dopamine plays a big role in are benefits also that something worth looking into. I read this book called the hacking of the american mind it was great it talks about how corporations trick are brains into wanting to eat and consume more its very interesting.
  12. It called chi or prana :)
  13. Nil1991

    Nil1991 Fapstronaut

    I want to get fit xD
    but gym seems so boring.. I hope that I like it more, when I start NoFap for real
  14. Peace Seeker

    Peace Seeker Fapstronaut

    Just exercise at home, follow a routine, and don't procrastinate.
    Nil1991 likes this.
  15. Uncultivated

    Uncultivated Fapstronaut

    Good job brother, keep it up
  16. Normal gym is boring. Go and do CrossFit if you want to stay motivated. Best thing I ever did for myself.

    I’ve been going to gyms my whole life and started cf at 47 years old and am fitter now than I was in my 20’s.
    Peace Seeker and Nil1991 like this.