self improvement sources

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by findingdawae, Mar 16, 2018.

  1. findingdawae

    findingdawae Fapstronaut

    Hi there,
    just a random guy finding for more sources of self improvement/ inspirational stuff that y'all people know of.
    Pls share any source(s) that you know of as sharing is caring and also to let us(the people in this thread) to become better people. Thank you :)

    so heres my list:

    - no excuses (brian tracy)
    -eat that frog (brian tracy)
    -stop screwing yourself over (mel robbins)

    people/youtube channels:
    -brian tracy
    -mel robbins
    -team fearless
    -eric thomas
    -brendon burchard
    -evan carmichael
    -prince ea
    -improvement pill
    -success insider

    -dreams of reality (fame or juliet)
    -till I collapse (eminem)
    -guren no yumiya (linked horizon) (fyi its an anime opening so dont say that I didn't tell you if your an anime hater)
    -titanium (sia)
    -fireworks(katy perry)
    -roar (katy perry)
    -rise (katy perry)

    - wealthy gorilla
    ClearAsMud(Al) likes this.
  2. look up David goggins on youtube, inspirational
  3. findingdawae

    findingdawae Fapstronaut

    yes my brudda I have watched David goggins before.He is a source of inspiration.
  4. SharkBait

    SharkBait Fapstronaut

    Go to youtube and check out Sodarshan Chakra Kriya. Here's just two examples of many

    If you're interested in taking it a bit further go to iTunes and punch in 'Wahe Guru for Sodarshan Chakra Kriya' where you can buy (for $9.99) two 31-minute music tracks as well as a 7-minute lecture which makes the practice MUCH easier. Coincidently you can hear one of the tracks playing in the background on the second clip. Godspeed and good luck.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2018
    ClearAsMud(Al) likes this.
  5. i have blocked youtube (too much distractions)
    who is this guru?
  6. SharkBait

    SharkBait Fapstronaut

    He is a Yoga instructor by the name of Anmol Mehta.
  7. GoldSpirit

    GoldSpirit Fapstronaut

    It may sound strange, but one of the things that prevented me the most from taking action in my life was the excessive consumption of self-development theory. It sort of became a bad habit in itself. I would binge watch or listen to stuff regarding how to improve as if that alone gave me the dopamine hit I needed.

    I suggest, based on my experience of course, to stick to minimal sources of information and focus on ACTING instead of accumulating more information. Wish you many successes!
  8. agree, and this has been an issue for me also, it becomes a reason for non action
  9. I try to read a lot of articles on 'relationships and intimacy with girlfriend'. She is against self development but the stuff that i read and try out on her usually goes down well. I just don't tell that her that i read all this stuff.

    Here are 3 books that i have found quite useful. They were recommended from the forums here:

    The Slight Edge - Jeff Olson.
    Its American and a bit hoo yah! but there are exercises and at the end you get to draw up your short and long term goals for your life. Its motivating and easy to read.

    No More Mr.Nice Guy - Dr. Robert A Glover
    Sounds a bit nasty but it isn't. This book encourages me to think about myself more often and look for ways to get the love and sex that i want. I'm not very good at it yet but just reading the book has made me more likely to be a little more assertive and less fearful of asking for intimacy when i want it not only when i hope that the gf will eventually give me a sign. The exercises were difficult for me. I couldn't do them all but the content is helpful to me.

    The 5 Love Languages - Gary Chapman.
    Those Americans sure know how to tell a story and my gf even likes me reading parts of this to her :) Really enlightening way to pay more attention to your So's needs and also feedback what your needs are. Easy to read.
    findingdawae likes this.
  10. findingdawae

    findingdawae Fapstronaut

    Thanks for contributing to this thread
  11. findingdawae

    findingdawae Fapstronaut

    Btw, have you guys heard of 'mensutra'?
    Its a great youtube channel where the speaker just verbally slaps you into reality, exposing the lies of many people, providing self improvement advice and many more stuff like motivational videos.

    You guys should check him out man, he's amazing! Loads of self improvement content in that youtube channel.
    ClearAsMud(Al) likes this.
  12. "Ball crushing truth bombs" :)

    Ive just watched a handful of his videos on youtube. He is great. Ty for sharing.
  13. findingdawae

    findingdawae Fapstronaut

    your welcome
  14. Just had a look at him. It looks good. He just made a video about nofappers recently:

    Altough I personally feel I need this kind of stuff, because it's mostly indoctrinating myself with his paradigms, it sure is a good way to fill up some peoples lives in here :) Sometimes you just need to hear and see someone look at you and tell you that you're an idiot and you are failling at life; stop messing around and get serious, you will like it!