At what milestone does a person completely lose interest in masturbation?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by NoFap_FTW, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. NoFap_FTW

    NoFap_FTW Fapstronaut

    I am on Day 6 - thoughts out of random appear as I am still in the early stages of NoFap. How many days would you say a person loses interest in masturbation, to the point where he doesn't even think about it? A YouTuber has claimed he has done the NoFap challenge and was on 400+ days - surely if you haven't masturbated for a year - even half a year you lose interest in masturbating forever?
  2. I don't believe so. I think that if you have been addicted to something once, your brain never forget. It gets incredibly easier, but still. Especially with this type of addiction. I mean, I don't consciously want to masturbate, at all in the slightest, but I know for sure that if I put my hands in my pants and start rubbing there's 100% chance I orgasm. It's all the stuff around that evolves, like you know you never want to do it again and you never do it again. But there's no way of never thinking about it again, I mean especially since sex is like everywhere and triggers is not a metaphorical thing.
  3. NoFap_FTW

    NoFap_FTW Fapstronaut

    Yeah, of course you'll think about masturbation - but I meant would it be easier as the days go by?
  4. Ex-Wanker

    Ex-Wanker Fapstronaut

    You can't stop you mind from thinking about it but after 90+ days, you will be having a strong self-control that won't let you fap. (In my opinion)
  5. NoFap_FTW

    NoFap_FTW Fapstronaut

    Thank you all! Sorry I worded it wrong - of course you can't stop thinking about masturbation/sexual thoughts (because it's human nature) but what I meant was would it be easier as the days go by to control yourself.
  6. Aryan

    Aryan Fapstronaut

    Its the mindset change and its about how much your life improved since you stopped to fap....You can stop for any time And still have a relapse but gradually your self control will rise and it will be lot easier when PM is not at all any option in life
  7. Mystical•Citra

    Mystical•Citra Fapstronaut

    It all depends on how long it takes for you to truly comprehend the damage created from the act of masturbation, and how it effects you personally. Once you comprehend the karma (effects) of masturbation, you will no longer commit the crime. Its different for everyone. I now comprehend how masturbation destroys my spiritual fuel, and I understand the effects created by it so I cannot see myself doing the filthy act ever again.

    The desire to masturbate comes from the ego. It is a desire for pleasure. Desire for pleasure comes from the memory of a previous action. Every time you masturbate or indulge in lustful thought it becomes harder to resist the act. It is like trying to put out a fire with gasoline. Fueling these desires will only make them stronger, so stop thinking about sex and all forms of lust. Cut its head off.

    Sit down and meditate and contemplate the karma from indulging in lust.
    Ask yourself these questions in meditation.

    1. How was I affected by indulging in lustful thoughts?

    2. Was it worth it?

    3. What would I loose by not indulging?

    4. How would I benefit by avoiding it?
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2014
  8. Maybe three days after you die..... ;)
  9. octonacho

    octonacho Fapstronaut

    I think, over time, it becomes easier to control yourself. It is all about changing that part of who you are or "reprogramming" yourself.
  10. ###

    ### Fapstronaut

    After the first 3 or 4 months, cravings diminished substantially for me. Urge still comes back in waves, especially during crisis times, but diminished and infrequent. Temptation always there but more in the background than on my back.
  11. Completely second that, except that is was more 6-7 months for me, but I was quite loose and not urged to do my reboot, so I guess it depends of how serious you are with your reboot.
  12. anthrope

    anthrope Fapstronaut

    I second (or third?:)) SK and Anne. It comes in waves. When I did a more than one year nofap a decade ago, I was working out so much that I never really paid attention to lust. In fact I kept myself constantly worked out or socializing, and in a constant on the run mode. In that state I never even took the time to notice when the waves of lust returned, but thinking about it now, they did. Now, using a more mature approach, and making friends even with the PMO part of myself, while gently asking it to leave, I see that lust will show up based on how much we are identified with it, but it is always a choice to go with it, or to simply be a witness to it until it dies down. Meditation helps enormously.
  13. albatross15

    albatross15 Fapstronaut

    What milestone will I completely lose interest in masturbation?

    ...I'm guessing death?
  14. Lapirata48

    Lapirata48 Fapstronaut

    "How many days would you say a person loses interest in masturbation, to the point where he doesn't even think about it?"

    About 10 minutes before you die. ;)
  15. I went three months recently before relapsing (Ming, but not PMOing). During those three months sometimes it was easy, sometimes it was hard. It didn't necessarily just get easier because a month or two months had gone by.

    I've heard testosterone seems to build for the first week or two, and urges seem to build along with that. Each day of the first week or two it seems like the desire for release builds up. Then after that the level plateaus and living with that amount of pressure to release becomes the new normal.
  16. LionKing10

    LionKing10 Fapstronaut

    well it is a tough one, sometimes after a month you feel good and it feels like you don't think about it,the problem is the media, tv, adverts, movies etc too much skin and then at one moment you feel weak. My goal is a month a time, until I get to 6months. COME ON,