sigh...90 days

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by newdawn(10-17), Mar 9, 2018.

  1. newdawn(10-17)

    newdawn(10-17) Fapstronaut

    it took me almost 7 years in this so called pmo,now its my time to get back what i lost,i cant be thankful enough to whole family of nofap,for the past 90 days,on daily basis,btw this has been like my social media,i allowed myself to be addicted to this site to remind me of my "why" and held myself accountable.
    its worth it brothers and sisters,i will be honest,it is and will tough journey,its hard but it is possible,have beast mindset,we are capable of greater things that you have ever had thought doesn't matter how many times you will fail,its that will to keep your head up that matters.
    its time to move on,i will be visiting site sometimes later first we have to see clearly on the other side of nofap,
    i believe all the successes i will ever achieve in the remaining part of my life(btw im 25),directly or indirectly will be from nofap,thanks family,i'll represent this brand out there,as many of you will.

    always remember this “Who on this f***ing earth would be going right now? YOU ARE!” believe it enough to where your body will say, “he’s not gonna stop”.

    “It’s so easy to be great nowadays, because everyone else is weak. If you have ANY mental toughness ,if you have any fraction of self-discipline; The ability to not want to do it, but still do it; If you can get through to doing things that you hate to do: on the other side is GREATNESS

    these are some of quotes that kept me going through this journey.we will keep in touch sometime later.cheers (sorry for some grammatical errors)
  2. Thanks for the motivational post brother and congratulations on your 90 days. Keep it up!
    j_pwc_bat likes this.
  3. Inactive User

    Inactive User Fapstronaut

    Dude that's great. Keep it up and never give in!
    j_pwc_bat likes this.
  4. 22•100

    22•100 Fapstronaut

    What benefits did you observe.
    j_pwc_bat likes this.
  5. newdawn(10-17)

    newdawn(10-17) Fapstronaut

    sure,this time,ain't looking back
  6. newdawn(10-17)

    newdawn(10-17) Fapstronaut

    thanks bro!!
    Inactive User likes this.
  7. newdawn(10-17)

    newdawn(10-17) Fapstronaut

    for me,this has been my second longest streak as first went till 5 months,but i didnt a small mistake which i learned from and ready to apply whenever such situations arise again,otherwise some of the benefits include:confidence,social,female attraction,assertive,calm l,shining eyes,motivations just to name a few,,feelings cant be expressed through text bro,,strive to reach there the you will feel yourself,good luck,its worthit
  8. 22•100

    22•100 Fapstronaut

    Stay strong!. So you stay happy.