Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by flatearthsociety, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. flatearthsociety

    flatearthsociety Fapstronaut

    Hello :)

    This is my first post here. Thanks for accepting me here, admin :D

    I'm a 23 years old boy who was addicted to porn. fuck it.

    I wouldn't consider to introduce my name since I want to stay anonymous on the internet..

    so, my story began when my age was 9 years old. first thing that made me addicted to porn was FHM Magazine April 2004 issue.

    that shit made my little guy was so hyped in porn. I was constantly going to toilet (because in the toilet my father put those shit magazine, and the other issues of older FHM magazines)

    then, it was naturally developed in me, regularly fapping for 3-7 times a week and sometimes more, depends on the porn. sometimes I fap twice in an hour. shit happens. my father saw me doing that shit, then my mum, then my father died at 2010, then my mum (again) caught me doing that, for several times. but it's no big deal because my mum wouldn't talk about it. so does my father when he was alive. until now I was literally doing that anywhere, whenever I want and whenever I need it (of course I'll go to public toilet or some place personal like my room to do that)

    and I develop a fetish too. I'm addicted to girl butt crack. shit I was so addicted whenever a girl show her butt crack, I was literally stare to her butt without realizing that times passes through, in other words, IDGAF what the hell happen to this world when I stare to that precious ass. then when I came home, I literally masturbate with the 'image' that stays in my head for a couple of times for a week, even a month, like shit.

    I was feel like a garbage. my last girlfriend (REAL gf, not a one night stand or a bitch) was at my high school period, at my age at 16. this girl, she was so hot IMO, because she has a big ass, and small jeans, and because she don't wanna fuck with me, I literally fap constantly after I met with her, (I met her on daily basis) because whenever I met her, she always had her butt crack hanging out, and that basically turns me on. I broke up with her and still regretting this choice I made. I hope I met her one day again.. lol. because of this weird ass crack fetish.

    and then, it goes over and over again until I think it's enough this day. I want to stop fap, and I wanna had real sex, and a real girlfriend to marry. because I wanna fuck a lady so bad, I dunno why, whenever I see an attractive girl, all I think was fuck her. is it normal?? in my country, sex under age wasn't normal, and I was like, what the fuck? then I masturbate so I could release the urge of fuck.. lol but I think it wasn't normal. I wanna quit. when I'm writing this, I was literally just fap 30 minutes ago, and because I wrote the word 'girl butt crack' I suddenly got the urge of fapping right now, but I think I would stop those shit right now. Immediately. because it's irritating. I can't talk with a girl right now, when I talk, I constantly think the girl I talk too was thinking that I was pervert because I constantly see her boobs or her thighs, like wtf man. why is this happening to me? and I was really stressed out because I lost my way to get a girl, because of this idiot FAPPING shit.

    I really need advice for get a girl, right now, I want to marry the girl I love because I wanna fuck so bad.

    it's really hard to not masturbate man. I really need any advice and I really wanna quit. please help me
  2. Hello and welcome to NoFap! I’ve assembled a list of things to look into for newcomers such as yourself. Please take a look!

    NoFap Resources

    Please click on this link to check out the “In Case You Didn’t Know” post. This post is filled with useful tips and tricks to help rebooters accomplish their goals. Link here: https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/in-case-you-didnt-know.84619/

    Porn Addiction Info: https://www.nofap.com/porn-addiction/

    Rebooting Info: https://www.nofap.com/rebooting/

    There are plenty of forums here on the website. Places where you can have a journal, talk and discuss certain subjects with the people on here, etc. And speaking of journals…

    Consider creating a journal if you haven’t already! By documenting your journey in talking about what you did that day and how your streak is going, you can allow others to follow and support you!

    Journal forums are divided by age group in order to better help people support others within their age group. Click on the link that holds your age group to find journals with folks that share your age. Then, if you like, you can create your own journal and join them!

    Under 20: https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?forums/under-20.17/

    Children are being exposed to pornography at younger and younger ages, these days often below the age of 10! Many of us are experiencing significant detrimental effects before reaching our 20s. This is for journals for rebooters in their teenage years.

    Ages 20-24: https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?forums/ages-20-24.18/

    For NoFap® reboot logs between the ages of 20 and 24. This is a common age group of rebooters, so the NoFap moderators split the 20s into two sections.

    Ages 25-29: https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?forums/ages-25-29.19/

    This is the age group of many of the original users of the NoFap® platform. They're among the first generation of those who went through early puberty with the existence of high-speed Internet porn, and many of them are experiencing significant side effects. Time to get clean!

    Ages 30-39: https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?forums/ages-30-39.20/

    They are among the first generation of those who went through their teenage years with the existence of high-speed Internet porn. This is for journaling between the ages of 30-39.

    Ages 40+: https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?forums/ages-40.21/

    They have some life experience under their belt, and they have plenty of time to make significant changes to turn things around.

    NoFap Journals

    These journals belong to people with differing lifestyles, experiences, and personalities. Feel free to check them out as they all deserve the support!

    The War For A Better Life – Tylerirish: https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/the-war-for-a-better-life.126816/

    Harry Maclad’s Journal: https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/harry-maclads-journal.139914/

    Iron Willpower – Hardboiled24: https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/iron-willpower.114248/

    Twisted Odyssey – tyrant108: https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/twisted-odyssey.111180/

    The New Path – Dragonnlife: https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/the-new-path.151065/

    First Journal – Road to 180 and then beyond – emzzz: https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/first-journal-road-to-180-and-then-beyond.121236/

    19 and ready to stop – 1.1.17: https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/19-and-ready-to-stop.85448/

    Some Motivation

    And most of all…

  3. Hey @flatearthsociety ,

    I'm just a normal ordinary member. No moderator super powers and no special insite. I share my ESH (Experience, Strength and Hope) of what works for me.

    Just another warm welcome and a heart felt hello. This community has helped me so much.

    What worked for me was "working" it. It took hard work for me to complete a hard reboot (No pmo) for 120 days, then move into a Sex Positive mode.

    First, reading the literature published by NoFap itself along with reading journals.

    Then, doing the work. Writing in my journal and replying to introductions and other's journals.

    Finally, but not least, getting involved with the fellowship. I found it on the forums, but also in people's profiles. The forums tend to be longer posts, where the profiles tend to be more "conversational".

    That is what has worked for me. I like to remind myself that this community was here waiting for me with the lights on when I arrived. Now, I have to do my best to be there when someone comes to the community.

    Then, watch this video:

    --> L

    PS -

    One of the ways I got involved with the fellowship was by reading some really great journals. Reading other's stories with their victories and even defeats is a big part of my program.

    I've included journals from all age groups, spiritual members, religious members, secular members, male and female. You should find journals that help. If not, look around, there are hundreds of others from which to choose. When I say "it works if you work it", reading journals is part of that work.

    Once you open a journal, click "Watch Thread" in the upper right of the page to get alerts when new posts are made. Here are just a few:

    @Alikersantti - https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/155162/
    @C. J. - https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/153580/
    @Reverent - https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/143845/
    @Struggle Bug - https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/141911/
    @BigDawg913 - https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/145872/
    @kropo82 - https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/78164/
    @tet2vd - https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/144513/
    @Protagoras - https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/109842/
    @JakeO5 - https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/152940/
  4. flatearthsociety

    flatearthsociety Fapstronaut

    Thanks alot man. I'll do my best. My life never been better, it work if you work it out. That's true. Now I'm trying to work it out. How about finding a girlfriend? Any suggestion? Lol... I'm so desperate in finding one, and ended up watching porn. But right now, I want to quit watching porn. Thanks to this site, I literally quit watching porn and masturbate. Idk about orgasm, because if I get laid, obviously I will get orgasm, right?
  5. Hey @flatearthsociety ,

    Well, being a gay man, of course I do! Geez, who do you think women talk to about things like this? It's us gay guys. So, my first piece of experience is this. Clean up, get a haircut, make sure you wash with a clean soap like ivory, brush your teeth (get to the dentist if you need to), and relax!

    Also, your far more likely to meet a "nice women" at nice places. Men wonder why they keep meeting women who drink too much - while they are picking up women at a bar. So, volunteer - work at program that feeds the hungry or get involved with a local charity.

    Most likely the perfect girlfriend isn't going to knock on your door and walk right in.

    If you define your program as no "pm" versus no "pmo" and it works, that's your decision. Read the reboot section - it's long (oh my so very long), but it explains it really well

    You can find it at:


    --> L
  6. flatearthsociety

    flatearthsociety Fapstronaut

    alright man. I'll try my best. ivory soap? lol, does that really necessary?? I want to workout first, then had a shave and a haircut, I cleanup everyday lol.

    working on a charity program, that was nice thing to try.. for real.
  7. Casey Adams

    Casey Adams Fapstronaut

    HI. Welcome to the community :)
  8. flatearthsociety

    flatearthsociety Fapstronaut

    thanks man.. well I tried to change my tracker to PMO, but, I just wondering, if I had a wet dream, is it included in orgasm?
  9. Hey @flatearthsociety ,

    Nope. Ivory soap isn't required. But, I can tell you this for sure. Most women pay good money for their perfume and work very hard to get their quaff exactly correct for a date. If a man shows up smelling unscented (unscented soap, unscented deodorant, unscented shampoo, unscented laundry detergent and unscented dryer sheets) then there is zero chance he won't notice how wonderful she smells and comment on it.

    Also, after she's spent $500 for half an oz of perfume, the last thing she wants to to compete with is a 6 oz bottle of old spice at $5.99 a bottle. But, I'm just the gay best friend they talk to about it the next day over coffee or on the phone, which means I should know.

    I'm not saying you can't wash in a soap you like, just remember that nature provides men with natural pheromones that women find attractive.

    I think the bottom line is "make it about her". Sure, there's give and take in any relationship. But, at the beginning if chivalry is alive and well, it will make a big difference.

    And yes, go places where women are you like to meet. Swiping left and right is no substitute for offering to carry heavy boxes for her as the two of you are helping build a church.

    --> L