New on the forums - hi!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by GetOuttaBedDancing, Mar 3, 2018.

  1. GetOuttaBedDancing

    GetOuttaBedDancing Fapstronaut

    I'm 29. Been using P for around 17 years (wow...). I decided to stop PMO for at least 6 years now but haven't had much success doing it alone. What would happen is, I'd would sign myself up to do 90 days hardmode, and every time without fail I ended up relapsing by day 14-17. This PMO fight is just brutal.

    By signing up to NoFap and starting a journal I am showing a new intent: that I want to try doing this a different way. To be a part of a community. To get help and support from others. To not go at it alone. I'm just so glad that something like NoFap exists, and to know through this forum that we are not alone.

    How I got into this situation is a long story, but the summary is, through my teen years and my 20's, I've had a couple of common fetishes for which browsing P just felt great. Had no idea of the consequences. Kept using P for fun, to de-stress.

    Lately there were a couple of years of serious overwork, and I found myself physiologically burnt out. All this, on top of the PMO situation I was already trying to control. These days my libido is on the floor, my motivation is on the floor. I feel knackered waking up most days and am pretty sure I have what might be described as PIED.

    It's shameful, it's unhealthy, and it's really had an effect on my interest in women. What even happened? I was the horniest teenager. Never thought I'd get to this stage, to be honest. The scariest thing is that I see women in social situations who are objectively hot and I know I should be feeling attraction, but I just don't feel the attraction.

    But I know this is where I am now. So I can make a choice. Will I live like this, or will I take positive steps every day to build a healthy, loving, and fulfilling life that I've always wanted.

    I say NO to PMO. I say YES to life. Here's to building the sex life I've always wanted.

    I've been seeing a private doctor re. the chronic fatigue.
    I've been eating healthily.
    I've been going to the gym twice a week.
    I've been adding more hobbies and have been taking them seriously.

    I am confident that by keeping a journal, I'll be more aware of my thoughts, and will have a way of keeping track of how I feel over the next 90 days, so that I can kick the habit for good.

    Here's to the good life. Thanks for reading :)
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2018
  2. Look is amazing story that's great choice you sign up to nofap i read all and is never too late to start by the way my tip try to approach woman from public and bars cause trying to do it when you reboot boost your confident and make you more distract from pmo
  3. Thomas8

    Thomas8 Fapstronaut

    Hi, welcome to the forum. You made a great decision.
  4. GetOuttaBedDancing

    GetOuttaBedDancing Fapstronaut

    Thanks ShlomiAvitan, I really appreciate that. Yeah I really enjoy chatting to random girls too - the next step is to get to know these girls better. I've held off dating so far because of low self-esteem, but it's a bit chicken or the egg. Sounds like dating might be the way out!

    Thanks Thomas8. Great to be on board!
  5. ludwig525

    ludwig525 Fapstronaut

    @GetOuttaBedDancing Welcome! you've come to the right place. Congratulations on your positive outlook; it's better to look at what you want to become as opposed to only thinking about "stopping".

    I'm not super experienced here, but @John McClean gave me the good advice to not fixate on the huge goal, but do smaller easily attainable ones, he writes about it here:

    This has been very helpful to me because I put a lot of weight on the markers, which can lead to relapse for me. Truly, it seems to me, it all comes down to today, every day. Cheers and good journey!
    John McClean likes this.