Control, in body and mind.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by hah-shah, Mar 1, 2018.

  1. hah-shah

    hah-shah New Fapstronaut

    As adults, we make every decision for ourselves. We are responsible for everything. Here are some examples: Where we live, what we wear, who our friends are, what we eat, how we spend every minute of our day, how we entertain ourselves.

    The very first time you looked at pornography, you more than likely chose to. Most of us were young and curious, we looked for it to fill that curiosity. We chose to look at pornography. That's all fine, because that was our decision to make, nobody else's. And we were fine with it, no shame because it's what we wanted to do.

    Today as an adult, when you look at you really desire to? When you look at the big picture and have in mind any goals you have for yourself, is that what you really want to do? As you were when you were a kid, do you make the decision and are fine with it? For most of us no. We aren't fine with it, it pisses us off.

    I'm not a therapist, but I personally as a grown man know that I value my control and freedom in life, the fact that I can do whatever I want. However, when we became uncontrollably hooked to watching pornography and fapping at it, then that control is gone, taken away from us, from us. It is a huge slap in the face if you think about it. As an adult, to go against your own will and impulsively do something that is against what you want is humiliating.

    Now, anybody who chooses to watch pornography and fap all they want....I can't judge you. You are a grown adult. That decision is yours, and only yours, to make. BUT, I believe most of us, as much as we hate to admit it, aren't okay with it. If it was up to us, we would stop. We would throw it away, and use all the extra time and energy to live a way better life.

    But that's just is up to you. If nobody can stop you from making a bad decision, then why are you stopping yourself from making a good one?

    Just a thought, there a lot of mindsets that have helped several individuals to overcome addiction and this problem. Gaining control over my life and making sure that every action I take is okay with me and benefits my overall life is a huge motivation. It's not selfish, it's called responsibility. As adults, we all have the responsibility to take care of ourselves.

    Point: If you take a look at what you're doing with your life and aren't happy with it, then that's honestly your fault, you chose that and got yourself there, nobody else. At the same time, it's not a reason to take it out on yourself, you'll only make things worse. Being in control puts you in a position to fix it.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2018
  2. GiantPanda

    GiantPanda Fapstronaut

    What a great post. I believe the problem within this is that we are in a habit of judging ourselves and thereby disempowering us. If I would think about myself as being not worthy and something bad because of my addictive behaviors it would be easier to not take responsibility for my problem to protect myself from my own judgement.
    hah-shah likes this.
  3. Supremehokage

    Supremehokage Fapstronaut

    Couldn't have said it any better. People don't realize the destruction porn causes. how it genuinely changes our minds into drug addicts basically. Slaves to a screen. Your right the only way to happiness is through self control. Absolutely a hundred percent self control.