Dnt know wat to do

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Gender, Feb 25, 2018.

  1. Gender

    Gender New Fapstronaut

    when the sun goes down , moon comes up. Then comes a feeling in mind that addicts me to wath porn and mastrubate over and over again. And I jst dnt know what to do to avoid it .. <need help>
  2. Jay Anthony

    Jay Anthony Fapstronaut

    Mate, there is not much one can really do to help you apart from give you the same generic advice. Find a hobby, put a porn blocker on your browser etc.

    At the end of the day do you want ED or to struggle to form strong bonds and relationships with girls? That itself should be enough motivation and I know we all fail but are you doing the same thing over and over which is why you are relapsing? If so start making changes.

    When I first had severe PIED I went 175 days as that was motivation enough to ever feel that emotional feeling I did when I kept failing with girls. I am now on day 84 again and aim to do reach 1 year now.

    The first 2-3 months are always hard and challenging but believe in yourself and stay away from triggers that will set you off and even if there are things that set you off learn to meditate or distract yourself so you dont fall in the same trap.

    If you really want to be porn free and mentally free then get yourself together and fight because no one else can do it for us!!!