A hot chick I like likes me, what do I do?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Deleted Account, Feb 15, 2018.

  1. The Wrestler

    The Wrestler Fapstronaut

    Dunno mate, a hair flip is not exactly definitive proof she's flirting with you. @G-dog offers solid advice: talk to her more, get to know her better.
    Asking good questions can help with this. Closed questions, ones with a "yes," "no," or one-word answers are bad questions. Go with questions that start with the word "what" and they'll tend to allow for a broader response. Opinion questions are great, and DHA - Dreams, Hopes, and Aspirations - are always great things to talk about!
    This is a great attitude!
    goodnice and Noelle like this.
  2. Jason Zhang

    Jason Zhang Fapstronaut

    Well, not much I can do to prove it to you but I do hope you take my word for it. Not much point in me lying about my high school dating life on a site where nobody actually cares. Just trying to help!

  3. A world renowned martial arts instructor said they were "nothing but sperm recepticals." So see them however you please. Whatever makes it easier for you to talk to her, go with that.
  4. Same age as you bruh, I think you should just talk to her. I made that mistake last year; this hot girl was totally in to me, and yet I was too pussy to pursue her. I've gotten over it now, but fuck bro I regret it. I would be much happier right now if I tried and got denied. I think you should do the opposite!
    Noelle and Runtilmylegsdropoff like this.
  5. Timeon

    Timeon Fapstronaut

    You can't hit a homerun if you don't swing.
  6. The only problem is, I'm still in a flatline. My dick is dead and I still feel low in confidence right now. Idk why she likes me at this point, but probably because she sees a lot of potential in me. But still, I'm going to mann (TF2 reference btw) the fuck up and talk to her for once ✊
  7. Good news everyone! I just started talking to her and I got her phone number! Thanks everyone for all the advice you gave me! It really helped me a ton on the dating scene
  8. Noelle

    Noelle Fapstronaut

  9. PrimalFeeling

    PrimalFeeling Fapstronaut

    look deep into her eyes and tell her you have not jerked it in 228 days.
    Deleted Account and pranav02 like this.
  10. I'm pretty sure she would not be comfortable if I tell her that lol .
  11. This. Works like a charm. Hahahaha. Best piece of advice ever given.
  12. She could have a crush on you, but you never know. From what it sounds like, she's at least a little bit into you, but I'd really have to see it. Another thing. MAKE A MOVE. I don't know how many times in the past I'd have cute girls obviously show interest in me, but I'd never make a move because of my low self-esteem. I can't even imagine how many good times I would've had if I had just made a fucking move. She's not gonna tear your heart out and eat it man, hahaha. At worst she'll probably say she has a boyfriend or some shit. If you get rejected don't take it too bad. EVERYBODY gets rejected, good looking and ugly. Just move on and keep talking to girls. Good luck pal.
  13. Btw, just to let you know, I already made a move on her weeks ago and it was successful. I got her phone number so I made another post about how I should ask her out and stuff like that. I should've updated this post a while back though.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. Be Commander Riker, grow a pair, and order her to go out with you. Don't ask for permission, just say "you will go with me to ________ on ________, give me your phone number so that we can confirm our plans." Then hand her your phone directly with a contact card up, get her number, then immediately text to check if it's real. Don't field any of that in question format.
  15. The thing is though, I already got her number weeks ago. I should update this thread just to let others know.
  16. Good for you Capt. It is good that your mind set has changed. Perhaps you will see that your parents aren't extremists after all. :)
  17. goodnice

    goodnice Fapstronaut

    Well done cap!
  18. Rocketman10

    Rocketman10 Fapstronaut

    He He Ha Ha Ha my advice to you is if she likes you. well then like her back. You can catch more flies with honey then you can with vinigar
  19. How about a nice chicken soup ??
  20. Rocketman10

    Rocketman10 Fapstronaut

    with some chick peas added