Relapsed and feel awful

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Gibson sg guy, Feb 5, 2018.

  1. Gibson sg guy

    Gibson sg guy New Fapstronaut

    Hello, im 23 i have suffered from porn addiction masturbating prostitute texting prostitute ads and meeting with prostitutes in general for bjs. I have been battling to break the addiction for 2 years now but always end up relapsing. My current longest streak had ended tonight at day 28. I first got triggered by textn a escort then proceeded to look at some ads then started rubbing my nipples to test stimulation and ultimately looked at porn masturbated and o'd. Just when i thought i finally had the bull by the horns i let my guard down and relapsed. I felt so horrible afterwards that i cried a little out of shame, guilt, and feeling of lack of will power and being weak. I started looking into no pmo 2 years ago to solve delayed ejaculation and to solve my addiction with pmo and hookers i didnt have a problem with erection. I had/have not much sensitivity in my penis for light touch (oral, vagina) due to my pulling of the skin type rough masturbation habit i developed since early teenage hood the only thing that has seemed to relieve the condition was abstaining but i never do it long enough for long term benefits. I just want to be free of all this to better myself physically and mentally. Today February 5th i will be starting over as day 1 i want to reach 120 days then on forever after that looking for encouragement, tips, motivation. Thank you
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2018
    dragonslayer likes this.
  2. dragonslayer

    dragonslayer Fapstronaut

    Hey Bro

    28 days is a great run. I hope you saw some significant benefits while on nofap, which will motivate you to get back on the nofap wagon again.

    Try to find out what triggered you and this time get rid of it even before it arises. If it is some app or website, remove it, delete it, block it.

    Try to fill your empty time with something positive. You can always visit this forum and maybe motivate someone, help someone and also learn some new ways to resist PMO. For me meditation and working out in the gym works well to calm my mind and also get my body into good shape. Find out what you would like to do with your free time and DO IT.

    Good luck man. Peace.
  3. jjnf

    jjnf Fapstronaut

    It's easy to blame yourself when you do anything "wrong", but in reality you're just dealing with a difficult situation.. if it were easy, then there'd be no problems.. so what really happened is - you faced something very challenging and you succeeded for a while, did you succeed forever? No.

    But that doesn't make you a bad person.

    You can't expect that you're gonna be perfect ever, that's just too much pressure, it's not a healthy expectation.

    Be proud of yourself for even facing your problem (most people don't), and be even prouder of yourself that you faced daily pressure and yet you still managed 28 days!

    That is worth praising yourself for - every step in the right direction is worth praising yourself for.

    As long as you keep aiming in the right direction, you will get closer to where you want to be.

    Even if you're hard on yourself, that can be positive if it makes you keep moving in the right direction.. the important thing is to not hate yourself, or be endlessly self critical - this achieves nothing. Criticism is only good if it helps you.

    Often, we humans, tend to compare ourselves from where where we are now... to where we ideally want to be - this is a bad strategy, because you are always thinking "oh, I'm not where I want to be, I'm not even close" etc...

    It's times like these, where you should compare yourself to someone in a much worse situation than yours - think of where you are, compared to someone who is in the worst situation possible. Or even someone who can't even face their problem. Right? Compared to them you are a fucking hero! Forgive yourself for any mistakes, just keep going in the right direction and be proud of yourself for trying.

    Guysavi likes this.