Thinking of porn scenes sometimes.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by kumma123, Feb 3, 2018.

  1. kumma123

    kumma123 Fapstronaut

    I'm 9 days clean from porn but from time to time an porn scene image will enter my brain sometimes I've even begun to get aroused by the thought before it goes away. Would love to find out if anyone else has this and would it count as a relapse?
  2. Activate

    Activate Fapstronaut

    It's not a relapse. Watching porn is a relapse
    The addiction is trying to seduce u back into conformity and slavery by triggering ur pleasure sensors
  3. Clean Plate

    Clean Plate Fapstronaut

    Even where I am right now, I sometimes get some of my favorite porn scenes flash backs. As long as you dont act on them (masturbate or watch porn) you will be fine. I ignore them thats all I do. Sometimes I meditate or start exercising. Basically doing something to keep your mind off the thoughts that get you turned on. Ive been wondering lately if its a bad thing to supress these thoughts. I truly dont know, hopefully one day Ill figure it out. Good luck!
  4. Don’t indulge or entertain those thoughts
    kumma123 and Kris456 like this.
  5. Budh

    Budh Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    It happens to us all. I battle with it on a daily basis, just seeing an attractive woman is all it takes for me to get tempted back into hell and there are many physically attractive women out there.....

    You need distraction for when these thoughts occur like meditation, exercise or call a friend for a chat etc.
    The problem is your brain thinks porn is good for you, though with time and patience your brains neural pathways can change for the better.
    kumma123 and Kris456 like this.
  6. Almost every damn day! Several times an hour. I can vividly remember certain scenes and moments.
    It's tough not to break.
    Don't be alone man. A closed door and a smart phone are your two biggest fucking enemies.
    Go anywhere where you're in public or around people. Except a porno theatre of course lol. Not many of those around these days but he'll.
  7. I'm facing the same problem. Fantasies are like my kryptonite, I watch something tempting online I have no problem ignoring it but if it manages to trigger some stupid fantasy it gets really hard to control my thoughts.
    Ahmad@9044 likes this.
  8. It is flashback of porn which were super stimulus. I get it each and every hour. Just don't react on them. Its all fine
    arpyegap likes this.
  9. Truegamer007

    Truegamer007 Fapstronaut

    Try this: Whenever the porn scene image comes in your head, rather than focusing on it, observe the thought from a distance. And then just let it go. This becomes easier with practice. I suggest you try meditation. The technique I suggested is called mindfulness and is a big part of meditation. Think of it like sitting on the side of a busy road, just observing the traffic. In this case the traffic is your thoughts, you just watch them go, don't run behind any particular thought.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Interesting. I'll try it.
  11. BlueLeopard

    BlueLeopard Fapstronaut

    I am in the same boat, getting flashbacks daily. Almost gave in today but the though of hitting the reset counter kept me clean