Porn Kills Love

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Shang-Chi, Mar 13, 2017.

  1. I Am that I Am likes this.
  2. AChosenPeople

    AChosenPeople Fapstronaut

    I feel like this porn kills love has a very feminist vibe... like... again omg porn is soo female unfriendly so disrespectful and stuff...

    Look at the PornKillsLove site and you will notice the feminist influence:

    "In real life, real love requires a real person. Research has found that after men are exposed to pornography, they rate themselves as less in love with their partner than men who didn’t see any pornography."

    Again, they make it seem like women are the victim of porn, when they actually aren't. This could be applied to men as well. It's just this "protective feminist aura" that calls for hate.

    "Instead of love and affection, pornography is all about domination, disrespect, abuse and selfishness."

    While I disagree that porn is good for you in any matter, it is certainly not that abusive anymore. Bitch please, it's 2018, chicks are getting into the porn industry by themselves and are not raped or forced in anyway to shoot porn.
  3. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    Where's the 'dislike' button?
    thorswrath32 and I Am that I Am like this.
  4. No hate is called for @AChosenPeople I agree that porn has negative effects on ALL of us. Me , you, the performers , consumers , the males and females. We've all taken a loss here with this brainwashing exploitation we call porn.

    The only winners in porn are Larry Flint and Hugh Hefner but they might be paying for that now in the after life...
    kropo82 and I Am that I Am like this.
  5. I Am that I Am

    I Am that I Am Fapstronaut

    You just asked for this thread to be extended about a dozen more pages.

  6. I Am that I Am

    I Am that I Am Fapstronaut

    Now I am not here for a discussion. Science, facts, statistics, truth. Like a steamroller.

    If something happens to me this steamroller is set on autopilot so to speak.

    vibemaker likes this.
  7. I Am that I Am

    I Am that I Am Fapstronaut

    I am still clean warriors.

    I am gonna spare these mods the trouble of watching me like an eagle here (they get disturbed over my threads which as far as I know are not breaking any rules and a warning be a nice gesture before a slap on the wrist is dealt out) and lock out this account now.

    My spirit is with you.

    A fucking warband is tearing through this forum tomorrow hear me now.

    Empty Red Cloud likes this.
  8. AChosenPeople

    AChosenPeople Fapstronaut

    What was this for?
  9. So is this why I get intrusive sexual thoughts in the back of my head, that I don’t intend, whenever I talk to girls and guys, most typically girls?
  10. 25498518_10156422934701756_6931106399009571967_n.jpg

    Personally I can't imagine parents that would want to see their kids grow up and become pornpuppets.
    kropo82 likes this.
  11. Toodles!

    That's it for me. A month plus and I am grateful to the NoFap staff and the portion of the community that is really trying to get and stay clean and are polite and kind to other users!

    One more post I just saw,


    Pornography fuels a cycle of abuse and exploitation that silences victims of human trafficking.

    Use your clicks for good—keep porn out of your browsing history.#pornkillslove #stopthedemand [​IMG]
    thorswrath32 likes this.