Losing friends.

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Wazzai, Dec 25, 2017.

  1. Wazzai

    Wazzai Fapstronaut

    Let me first say I do not blame the person or myself solely for what is happening, it's life,

    But this does not mean that it doesn't suck big time.

    The thing is we finished school last year, he went to study and I was forced not to(different story).

    We kinda willed each other on and it went well.

    We(I) became very goal oriented.

    He is going into a direction where it seems that he will be starting an engineering business and I will be going for blacksmithing.

    Now the trouble started where my and his goals don't exactly match up any more. In school we were both just sort of moving forward on a dark road.

    It has became a little clearer since.

    Yes we both want success, but we seem to drift apart because of the space that's left between us.

    We did speak a few times and I have mentioned the issue to him.

    His analogy was that a relationship is a two way street and that I should at least try to talk to him as well. I agreed and tried.

    It became rather clear that I have nothing to say to him.

    The biggest issue I think is that we don't have much in common anymore.

    I like making things

    He likes nearing new people and photography.

    We just can't seem to find a middle.

    I am not asking anything. Nobody needs to reply.

    I am just sad for the loss of a good(possibly only) friend.
    0ffset_ and MasterGamer like this.
  2. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

  3. Wazzai

    Wazzai Fapstronaut

    They do.

    I just prefer goodbyes
    Runtilmylegsdropoff likes this.
  4. I lost all mine too, do you feel it’s partially because of pmo? I sometimes I feel so anxious and depressed I can’t stand being around people

    Hey, after recovery, you’ll find someone you’ll connect with and become friends with, but for now just worry about doing this and improving on yourself, don’t worry about it too much if you try and can’t make it work, it’s almost outta your (our) hands. So just gotta keep positive and keep going :)
  5. Wazzai

    Wazzai Fapstronaut

    No, I will not blame this silly little habit for something I caused.

    Yes pmo made me weaker. It made my kinda funky in social situations.

    But he knew about it and honestly tried to sympathize.

    We still went and drifted apart.

    We just have differing mindsets.

    He is focussing on friends and religion and his work.

    I'm focussing on my future too. But I am more in the phase where I borderline obsessively work because I refuse to become anything but awesome.

    We just don't have much in common anymore.

    It wasn't pmo.

    It was life.

    But I do agree with you. If you try and it doesn't work then it just doesn't.

    And improving myself is the only thing I'm actively working on. I work myself to the bone and then some.

    Life already fucked me once. Now it's my turn.
  6. Oh, I see, sounds like you’re just more focused on work more than anything else. Hey man, you gotta do what you gotta do, friends are nice but work allows you to eat so it’s all good.

    But if your life allows for it, which it doesn’t seem like, a real life friend (a good one) is a good thing that everyone needs. But if you don’t have time for it, then you just have to work around it some how and come to terms with it. But if you can, just be friends with him, meet once a week or every two weeks, just to get your thoughts out, friends are a good thing like that :)
  7. I had a child hood friend, we used to hang around and do awesome things back when we were kids. But, both of us started high school, and so we went to different directions and basically he's totally different person now. We still talk if we see each other, but we're not connected as we used to be, no topics to talk, conversation is just empty. Not like your story, but i can feel you.

    If i were you, i'd not force something if you see that it simply does not work out at all. Focus on what you like and what you want to do, don't make any negative impacts on your friend. Maybe some time needs to pass until both of you figure out what you want to do with your lives and who you want to be, you're still young so there's plenty of time and space for that. Maybe after some time, there could be a chance for both to work on friendship and have more in common than ever. Its life, its quite unpredictable and the only thing we can do is to adapt and master the situations we are in ...
  8. letter

    letter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    I hear ya @Wazzai, it hurts doesn’t it?

    I’m going through a bunch of similar stuff, and I hope we both can make some friends that’ll be real and last.
  9. PornFreeMe

    PornFreeMe Fapstronaut

    I ain't lost my friends, but I've definitely gone into hiding. I've pulled away, faded away, gone into my own sort of hermitage. PMO is selfish, it pulls you inward. You focus on your self, your problems, your failures. You don't feel good enough for anyone, and definitely not your self. This affects every aspect of your social life. You just can't feign the same fake laugh or smile anymore. You can't deal with the little subtle nuissances that make people special; that shit ends up annoying you. Everything else, the good, the great- you don't pick up on, you don't notice; you're too busying focusing on yourself and the pain you're in. I've disconnected and pulled away from so many people. I can't imagine what they think of me these days, but do they even think of me? Probably not, that's how far removed I have become.

    We can get better, though. That's why we're all here. One or two days aren't gonna make a difference, but 1/4 a yr, 1/2 a year, those self conditioning patterns and habits will open us back up, I'm sure of it. We will focus less on ourselves and open our hearts and minds back up to the world. There's so many wonderful things to think about and enjoy, let's get to a point in our lives where we can appreciate all the rich wonders of the world rather than focusing on all our pain and shortcomings.