Serotonin Pills, Our Brain and Porn Addiction

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Vallow, Dec 20, 2017.

  1. Vallow

    Vallow Fapstronaut

    Hey guys I wanted to tell you that I am completely addicted to pornography and masturbation like many of us are and I have gone to some extreme lengths to obtain that "High" many of us receive in our brain after we do pmo or any act related to that. I have noticed after mutiple pmo sessions in a day, my body does not want to eat at all. You can literally be around food and your body wont let you consume it. Your also extremely lazy and all you want to do is sleep and lay around. I have even spent days in my dirty bed wondering where I was going to get the motivation to change my life and get back on track. I did some research and realized that pmo causes our "brains" to have lower levels of "serotonin" which is a chemical our brain naturally produces which allows us to feel happy, eat and in general have more energy. When you pmo a lot, you will lose your "Serotonin" and you will get like I mentioed above. I have bought "serotonin" pills in CVS while I have started NoFap Again and within only a day or two. I feel a top of the world and better than the place I was before. If you read my post note that our addiction starts in our brain and to fix us, we might need to repair some functions of our brain through medicine that we are destroying with porn and constant masturbation.
    Tardelli likes this.
  2. Ongoingsupport

    Ongoingsupport Fapstronaut

    What's actually in the pills? L-tryptophan, 5htp?

    There's more to it than seratonin, seratonin is a precursor to melatonin, which is of course important for sleep, and sleep is important for a huge number of things. Also melatonin is a hormone, like vitamin D which is of course what you want during the day and related to light cycles, it's not the best idea to take it as a pill when your body is supposed to make it on its own, certainly not relying on it in the long-term.
  3. SlowHand

    SlowHand Fapstronaut

    I agree with @Ongoingsupport . I have taken 5-HTP off and on for years, battling cluster headaches and depression. Recently put it away, as I am trying to let all the major neurotransmitters return to baseline as part of the reboot. I feel much better now without it. It may have helped you, for now, to improve your mood. But I'd recommend a good long reboot to see where you really stand. Then, if you're still depressed, seek medical advice from a physician. Just my opinion...
  4. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    I'm afraid compulsive masturbation is just our drug of choice to cover deeper psych problems we have. When we stop "using" it, problems resurface along with addiction withdrawal symptoms. That's way, it's so hard to break the cycle permanently.

    When having sex or watching porn, dopamine is released giving us sense of sharp focus and a sense of craving. Norepinephrine is also released, creating alertness and focus, similar to adrenalin. Orgasm also triggers a release of oxytocin and vasopressin, bonding hormones, endorphins, natural opiates creates a “high", elevated serotonin levels gives us a sense of calm and relaxation afterwards. It's basically perfect mix of drugs.

    The only natural substitute I came across is high intensity medium to long term aerobic exercise. It releases similar hormone mixture in our brains and does help us with withdrawal symptoms from PM. We just substitute compulsive masturbation addiction with exercise addiction. We're still addicts, just a healthier one :)
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2017
  5. Dunrobin

    Dunrobin Fapstronaut

    Very Good point and reminded me of this :)

    Fenix Rising likes this.
  6. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    Nice one, T2 rules. Joke aside, I can relate to that. I was a semi pro athlete till my early twenties working out 5-7 days a week for a decade or so and didn't have any problems with PMO. It all started when I stopped training. It makes me wonder if I wasn't subconsciously searching for happy hormones mixture in PMO. God, here goes my free will :)
  7. Dunrobin

    Dunrobin Fapstronaut

    You make a good point, and I think most probably the case. I too was very fit and active in earlier years and lost that to working harder and longer hours in offices. Drinking and generally having a laugh and a quick hit of pmo. Fast fwd another 10 years and here I am....