Today I feel like giving up

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by mijereah, Sep 17, 2014.

  1. mijereah

    mijereah Fapstronaut

    I've gone a long time with this struggle this year. It hasn't seem to go away. The most I've made it is 55 days, but I had to hit the reset button today. It sucks. I want to give up. I miss the summer already. It seemed I was on a winning streak but BAM life happens, I get depressed, I lose friends..mostly girls, I think about those girls, get more depressed, I have to move out of my place, find a new place, and on and on it goes. I'm tired of life right now. I want real change. I'm hoping that the last few months of this year will turn out good. I don't even have any goals anymore. I lost my sense of direction and purpose. I don't know what to do anymore.
  2. MrStrong

    MrStrong New Fapstronaut

    Same here.... there's something more than quitting masturbation..... quitting masturbation helps in gaining health and making brain active and refreshed..... in other words rebooting your body and mind....... but a goal is needed to in the pursuit of which our new found energies(gained by quitting masturbation)can be utilized.....
  3. I highly recommend reading a great post from perusan yesterday in the Rebooting section called something like "A message to those who are struggling" -- in a nutshell it's not just about stopping PMO but really more about filling that space to truly live life. Good luck man!
  4. sanchy

    sanchy Fapstronaut

    Liten mijereah, Life is full of it's ups and downs. You will have good times and you will have rough patches that seem to go on forever. But, it's just that, a patch, and it will pass. In the meantime, you can sit at home pitying yourself, or you can decide to fight it.

    The fact that you are here, writing, shows that you are intent on fighting. So keep strong brother. Take a look around you, there are still people that love you, that need you. There is still beauty in creation. There is still MUCH MORE you CAN do.

    Stay strong. If you believe in God, pray to him for strength.
  5. Manudesaa

    Manudesaa Fapstronaut

    Salut gars !
    J'espère que tu vas savoir me lire, car j'écris en français. Je te comprends et moi aussi je suis pareil que toi : hier soir, j'ai bu de l'alcool et je me suis masturbé. Et aujourd'hui, j'ai honte et je n'arrive pas à sortir de ce cercle vicieux. C'est très dur de sortir de cette dépendance, mais il faut continuer à se battre, à se battre un jour à la fois, car demain est un autre jour ; et surtout ne jamais abandonner !
    S'il te plaît gars, n'abandonne jamais !
  6. sender

    sender Fapstronaut

    Yes, tomorrow is another day, but it will only be a good one if I insist on living it as the man I want to be. First, figure out what kind of man you want to be. Then be that man. You create the life you want. You write the script.

    @mijereah - May I recommend: I did their training over 15 years ago, and have been meeting regularly with a group of guys who also went through it. That was very helpful for me in helping me to find my place among men. Perhaps it will appeal to you and be a step in your finding direction.