help please

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by TheGarden, Dec 7, 2017.

  1. TheGarden

    TheGarden Fapstronaut

    Hi all
    I'm new here so wanted a bit of guidance and help from others. I'm 30, I have an amazing wife and 2 beautiful daughters, I love my job and have great friends. But I constantly have a horrible rain cloud over my head. I'm hook line and sinker addicted to porn. I hate it. I feel like I'm destroying my family every time i do it. I've been struggling with porn and masturbation since I was a teen. I have better and worse periods, but generally it only takes me a week or two between me spending hours on my phone trawling the Internet for porn videos. I'd love to kick this addiction once and for all. Can anyone give me some simple first steps on how to do that? Thanks heaps
  2. Hi @TheGarden

    Glad you are here. And very welcome to join us in our journey to a healthy, fulfilling life without any self harming habits.

    It's a safe place here. We all are in the same boat, so there is no single space for judgement here.
    Maybe it's a good idea to keep a journal. Sharing your struggles, thoughts and feelings may help you to understand the underlying issues.

    Quitting porn is not an easy job, but it is possible.
    Do you have some strategies yourself to quit this habit?

    Keep coming back and get the most effort out of nofap!
    You don't need to do it alone!

    I wish you lots of luck!
  3. TheGarden

    TheGarden Fapstronaut

    Thanks heaps for replying Roady!
    I've tried a few different things like having a friend as an accountability person, but I've found they just stop asking me about how I'm going with abstaining from porn as they find it too awkward.

    I find myself giving into porn when I'm alone and tired. But it's hard to completely avoid being alone and never being tired which is where I become unstuck. Also my will to not give in to porn had diminished over the years, so now there I don't even challenge it.
    It's definitely good to talk about it in the open though.
  4. TheGarden

    TheGarden Fapstronaut

    Do you think that anyone is ever really cured of porn addiction?
    Roady likes this.
  5. Yes I believe that.
    There are some awesome people here who are 6 years free from porn.
  6. Reverent

    Reverent Fapstronaut

    Welcome. Having a wife and daughters are great motivations to quit this dirty habit. You are very fortunate you have that resource and motivation.
    For years I also felt like there was no escape or hope for this problem. But each day that goes by from the last time I PMO. I realize there is an exit.
    Welcome aboard, you can do it, we will believe in you even when you won't.
    TheGarden likes this.
  7. TheGarden

    TheGarden Fapstronaut

    Thanks @2wolves add me to the challenge thread!
  8. TheGarden

    TheGarden Fapstronaut

    Thanks @Reverent that's great encouragement! Its good knowing I'm not the only person with this problem