Withdrawal Symptoms for 1 Year

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by saneagain, Dec 3, 2017.

  1. Ocguy

    Ocguy Fapstronaut

    Sad, so many brainwashed people. Its ok, youre probably very young, and been force fed your whole life to trust the establishment and your masters.

    Like I said. I've seen healthy blood and I've seen unhealthy blood and the ones not feeling well, it shows under the scope CLEARLY. I've seen up close about 15 of these analysis. My friends that feel fine don't have anything going on in their blood that looks suspect. And quite the contrast with the other group. Look on YouTube man, watch several of them. Make up your own mind based on what u visually see

    The three different analysts have never pushed anything btw. Just made suggestions, many non supplement related.

    Youre listening to a medical community that pushes drugs as a business and well known to not cure anything but instead mask symptoms with said drugs.

    Don't u think its in their best interest to claim analyzing blood is quakery?

    I agree with the other poster, you come on hear asking for help, but quick to dismiss anything outside your comfort level. I guess you havent hit rock bottom yet. No offense but from here on out I will never reply or offer any advice to your posts. There is obviously no point. All you want to believe is the porn angle. And I've told you countless times, I know porn stresses the body and opens the door to infections, I'm meeting you half way. But you can't give me one ounce of open mindness. And I know it's a little scary.

    But one thing I know for sure, you will never be cured by a western medical doctor. Unless of course you have something clearly obvious like a bone broken, etc.
    Doctors don't even study nutrition , it wasn't until the last 15 or 20 years that people started calling them out on it because they sounded ridiculous.
    seer and Westsidejimmy like this.
  2. Single Palm Change

    Single Palm Change Fapstronaut

    OK @Big Lebowski
    I don't have much time so I'm just going to list things from the top of my head..

    Look into activating the parasympathetic nervous system.

    Stimulate the vagus nerve. Deep breathing, singing, humming, massage.

    5-htp as a precursor to serotonin, 95% of serotonin is used up by the gut.

    Eliminate unknown food allergies.

    Coffeine fucks with the stomach and nervous systems.

    Take away gluten and sugar from your diet. Try the LOW-FODMAP diet.

    Eliminate stress, deep breathing throughout the day as much as possible.

    Meditation to be able to be aware of, accept and forgive stressful thought patterns
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
  3. Single Palm Change

    Single Palm Change Fapstronaut

    Lets stop it with the negative attitude. I posted what I did as a kick in the butt, but a friendly kick in the butt.
    Western science is stuck up and old fashioned but the methods are fireproof. It takes a long time for new knowledge to get accepted and there is a blind spot for all kinds of bias. But what is accepted generally works. We are talking about claims that have not been accepted YET. And let's just leave it there, no point in arguing.

    Saneagain has shown me a positive and interested side in a private message. I think we are misunderstanding each other here. Let's take it from the top, ok?
    And a 1, and a 2, and a 1, 2, 3, 4
  4. Ocguy

    Ocguy Fapstronaut

    Well he hasn't shown that side to me. I'm just defending myself. He's basically calling me out as being a fraud or an idiot. I've spent years studying this and he brushes it off with one Google search that refutes it

    Btw, full agreement with vagus nerve dysfunction. I have posted about that in the past to this community, met with a big yawn
  5. saneagain

    saneagain Fapstronaut

    Dude you are the one claiming that the whole medical and science comnunity is a huge conspiracy who does not really want to help you.
  6. Single Palm Change

    Single Palm Change Fapstronaut

    What good will ever come out of defending or attacking the scientific community??
    Come on guys, this isn't the youtube comments. Let's agree to disagree. Nobody here is a doctor or a scientist.

    You are distracting yourself from the real problems by this petty argument. It is a defensive mechanism by a mind ruled by anger and emotion. So stop it because you are fueling the cave man/beast withing you!!

    Being able to forgive and forget, being friendly and compassionate, HELPING EACH OTHER BEST AS POSSIBLE - that is what this community is about. Compassion and love will get you through this depression and recovery! Not hate and standing your ground - that is scared beta animal fight and stress tactics!

    And you know it! Learn to forgive and love, learn to be modest, learn to accept that you are weak and in need of help! Otherwise you will never make it!
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
  7. Single Palm Change

    Single Palm Change Fapstronaut

    Pull yourself together man!!! Take full responsibility for your emotions and stop reacting blindly and blaming others! I'm only telling this because I want to respect you. But no one can respect a whiner! Seriously!

    You too, take responsibility for your emotions! So you feel desperate and helpless! That's your own damn choice!!! Take responsibilty now!

    Take the power back, guys! You have the power to be great and respectful men, to carry your burden with pride and live according to your best interests and visions. So don't let the emotions carry you off to the cave man level! That is children stuff!! Don't do it!
  8. Ocguy

    Ocguy Fapstronaut

    There is a huge discrepancy between the science community vs the medical community. It absolutely blows me away.
    For example, the scientific community recently called out the medical community with respect to alzeimers and said , they can't ignore it any longer, :everybody with alzeimers is loaded with herpes type viruses and fungal like organisms in their brain" in so many words
    (Which they discovered via a microscope btw) Something the medical community never adresses .
    They should be pumping alzeimers patients with antivirals and antifungals. Instead they push some drugs that try to mask the symptoms.(and poorly at that) Just one example.

    I have tremendous respect for the scientific community but the majority in the medical.community are morons. I'm talking about your everyday doctors.
    That information doesn't get passed down to them
    They also compartmentalize each body part as if it's not connected to the whole body. That's the Amercan medical association. I'm sure there's something similar in Europe

    for example if u have a fungal infection on your toenail they would send you to a podiatrist aND just treat the toe. Not even considering that you probably have fungus or an imbalance in your whole body/gut etc.. The system is a joke.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
  9. Ocguy

    Ocguy Fapstronaut

    I'm hardly whining. Lol
    It just gets tiring trying to enlighten people. Makes me want to just let them suffer and only help people that have an open mind, instead of fighting with them
    Like trying to tell an atheist there's a god.
  10. Single Palm Change

    Single Palm Change Fapstronaut

    Get back on subject please. We are trying to help @saneagain with his withdrawal problems.
  11. Ocguy

    Ocguy Fapstronaut

    That is the subject, he has a medical problem. And western medical will throw up their hands with each one of his symptoms. That was my point
  12. Single Palm Change

    Single Palm Change Fapstronaut

    Dude, how is that helping him? It isn't! So you have a beef with Western medical system for some reason. Ok. But we're trying to think of how to help saneagain
  13. Single Palm Change

    Single Palm Change Fapstronaut

    OK I gave it my best shot. But this is going nowhere. @saneagain, catch me in the private message. We'll work this out together.
    jorg78 likes this.
  14. jorg78

    jorg78 Fapstronaut

    So how is your diet?
  15. saneagain

    saneagain Fapstronaut

    So I have some mysterious sickness which can only be diagnosed by some special methods for which "normal" medicine is too stupid for and only ocguy knows the treatment for. I get it.

    My blood has been checked for over 100 parameters by an endocrinologist, which all have been fine. Except for my testosterone being just a bit too low. But nothing that would cause such severe symptoms.

    A gastroscopy and a coloscopy have been done. Back then I asked to look for signs of fungus. Nothing special has been found except for gastritis at that point. My poo has been checked for bacteria and fungus. Nothing.

    An ENT specialist checked me. Nothing. My dentist checked the mysterious pain in my mouth. Nothing.

    A brain scan (MRI) has been performed. Nothing.

    In addition my symptoms overlap 100% with withdrawal symtpoms/PAWS symptoms of e.g. benzos. It's typical for people who go through benzo withdrawal to hear from doctors that their values are fine - just like in my case.

    What kind of super stealthy sickness is that, that makes me feel shit and still there is nothing wrong with my blood values? Don't you think that if it was candida or anything else , which is so extremly spread in my body that at least a few values should be all over the place? Or that I should have clear signs of fungus in my gut, on my feet, mouth ... anywhere?

    Why did some symptoms/some pain just disappear over the course of months? Just like it seems to happen with PAWS?
    Freeddom_Taker and Westsidejimmy like this.
  16. Ocguy

    Ocguy Fapstronaut

    You ask what's my angle? What's yours? To discredit me and at the same time offer similar advice I am, or at the very least from the same alternative , holistic perspective. ? My whole rant was to get him to open his mind up outside mainstream medical, since that has failed him, just like it has for me.

    And your preaching the same thing I am, granted maybe more gently.
  17. jorg78

    jorg78 Fapstronaut

    If you want to test yourself for candida: https://www.thecandidadiet.com/testing-for-candida/#Spittle

    If you want to remove candida from your body, eat coconut oil and drink apple cider vineger.
  18. Ocguy

    Ocguy Fapstronaut

    If your so convinced it's only paws then ride it out. Maybe try low dose naltrexone, that will give you an endorphin boost and maybe stabilize some of the anxiety and maybe immune response. Something, if it's not bugs, is causing your system to go haywire
  19. Single Palm Change

    Single Palm Change Fapstronaut

    Zyklon B farts, that's heavy stuff!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Believe me they were lethal! It was so embarrassing to drop one. Now they smell more 'human' if that makes any sense at all ha ha.
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.