New Here

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by ABC_123, Nov 14, 2017.

  1. ABC_123

    ABC_123 Fapstronaut


    I've browsed this forum in the past. My reason for joining is that I need support. I'm on a 4 day streak after having messed up a 30 day streak (my best). I'm on a serious downer because of it. I should tell my story, I guess. I'm nervous as hell because I've never told anyone, but I can't go on holding it in forever, because it will eat away at me. Here goes nothing.

    I'm 25 and a virgin. I was very socially awkward in my teens. I grew up in a rural community and didn't fit in well there. I was something of a loner. I have had sexual experiences (I was trying to count how many women I've 'been with' when signing up. I think it's 10), but at first nerves and then alcohol prevented me from getting hard (which used to always happen when fapping). I brushed it off as simply being down to nerves/alcohol/both for a while, and any time I was with a woman, I'd try to push through, never believing there could be a problem. I've using porn since the age of 14 (first google images and magazines, then videos from 18 or so).

    Earlier this year, I tried pills and still didn't get hard, although I did notice it taking some effect. I also went to my GP and blood tests suggested the problem isn't physical. So after doing some online research, I'm pretty sure I have porn induced ED. My main question is, can I reverse it? I'm pretty happy with most other aspects of my life, but I want to have a happy, fulfilling relationship, of which sex is obviously a part. On that note, there is an absolutely stunning woman showing interest in me, but she either thinks I'm not interested or I'm playing hard to get, because I'm being elusive. I don't want to tell her about this problem.

    I'm prepared to be patient, but having relapsed I'm terrified of doing so again and getting caught in a vicious cycle that makes me depressed. Any advice and support on how to do this, and what exactly I need to do, would be much appreciated. Can I do it on my own? Do I need to tell a doctor? Anyone else been in my situation and recovered? If so, how long did it take?
  2. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

    Patience, discipline, consistency and endurance are what’s required to travel this journey. The amount of time it will take for you to see improvement depend on how well you perform the previously mentioned behaviors. Many men have seen positive results in ED but it’s not an overnight process.

    Being in a relationship doesn’t require sex, although it commonly includes it. If you want to talk to the person who is interested in you, do so. That may mean disclosing your ED issue but if that turns her away, that may show something about her and not you.

    The enemy is here to steal, kill and destroy. Check out In Case You Didn't Know for strategies and tips which may help you along your journey.
    ABC_123 likes this.
  3. ABC_123

    ABC_123 Fapstronaut

    Thank you, D.J. I'll check that out. Appreciate the reply.
    D . J . likes this.
  4. Yanis

    Yanis Fapstronaut

    Congratulations for the 30-days-streak.

    In the age of 25 I also was a virgin. Today I am glad I waited.

    That's a natural longing. First you should make a good relationship with yourself. Accept yourself, like yourself, love yourself.

    That's a good comment. I also recommend to talk with the woman who is interested in you. A lot of women are really supportive.
    D . J . and ABC_123 like this.
  5. ABC_123

    ABC_123 Fapstronaut

    So, still going strong but not obsessing over the streak. Looking at why I'm doing this and starting to realise that if it's just about sex I won't stick to it. It's about being a better me. Feeling confident, and feeling as if I'm on the right path. Have a vision of where I want to be and how to get there, but wary of rushing into things and taking on too much at once. Patience is a virtue and all that.
  6. ABC_123

    ABC_123 Fapstronaut

    Also, am I posting in the right place or is there a section for keeping journals?
  7. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Go to the Reboot Logs, find your age group and begin a thread, which is your journal. Copy/ paste a link here so that we can encourage you along your journey.
    ABC_123 likes this.