"Plans fail when there is no counsel, but they succeed when counselors are many" Proverbs 15:22

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Éibhear, Nov 9, 2017.

  1. Éibhear

    Éibhear New Fapstronaut

    Hello all, thanks already for the resources on this site. Read about it a while ago, but finally returned and created an account because I am so sick of reading and researching porn & masturbation addiction. I've made plan after plan for years, almost half my life, to stop, and all eventually failed, and now I really question whether it ever actually can or if it's now just a part of my life...

    Anyway I'm a pretty interior, private person and am still not very comfortable with internet forums, but I've decided to give this community a try. I'm also praying for you all, for perseverance in your plans and for those you support in their struggles.
    Knighthawk likes this.
  2. @Éibhear ,

    Welcome to NoFap.

    Normally when I say hello to a new member like myself, I try to tell them what materials, videos, guides and posts helped me. But, you seem to have done the research.

    So, instead I'll share my experience, strength and hope with how I've been working this program one day at a time.

    First, I've cleaned house.

    Started with my computer, phone, tablets. The normal stuff, removed all porn, canceled my tube site accounts, deleted my bookmarks, killed my social media accounts and installed Open DNS as a blocker. Sure, I could get past any of that, but it would take time. Even one minute is time to think and that has been all I have needed so far.

    Then, literally cleaned out and removed my "masturbation station". I had, without really thinking of it, created a space where pmo was so easy. Everything was always right there in my room as soon as I shut the door. Lube, sex toys, an internet connected device, headphones, cum rags. All of that was either removed or tossed out. Being circumcised, I can't pmo without lube. So, that is far more than a minute to think. That would require a trip to the drug store to buy more.

    After cleaning house I had a huge hole in my schedule.

    So, I've been reading more. Watching some documentaries on TV (avoiding the news - that's just depressing) and even interacting with real people.

    Also, I've been spending some time on this forum. The forum is free (although they do take donations from those that can afford to give). But, it doesn't work without people interacting on it.

    In Proverbs 15:22 it mentions counselors. I think you would be a great help on this forum. Not only by asking questions and getting answers (which others will read); but, by offering your experience as well.

    Looking forward to seeing you around on the forums,

    J. Fylz and Knighthawk like this.
  3. warriorforchrist

    warriorforchrist Fapstronaut

    Welcome. In God's ability and in the right environment and taking the right practical steps it is possible to get free. John wrote about the Holy Spirit who is our helper in his gospel. Be blessed as you push through. Setbacks may come but don't give up. Victory is possible.
    Éibhear and Knighthawk like this.
  4. Éibhear

    Éibhear New Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice and the encouragement. I'll also consider your invitation to contribute more. Like I said I am skeptical about these forums and social media in general, so I'm almost surprised to find myself checking in here everyday so far. ..It's already provided a measure of strength. However, I feel like I'm approaching the end of what I've achieved in the past and maybe its time to take up a specific 'challenge' period of time.

    Also, to be honest, 'cleaning house' has been one of the most effective things i've tried so far. For me that meant moving my computer/phone out of my room and into a public space (a kind of computer lab used by some of my housemates). Hasn't always worked, but I find myself reading books more often before bed, instead of browsing my way into the inevitable!
  5. @Éibhear ,

    Thanks for that. Everyone in the community needs to know what works. We also need to know what hasn't worked.

    I am so glad you are here now. We need your experience, your strength and your hope.

    Éibhear likes this.