Day #5 without fapping

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Scott, Aug 23, 2013.

  1. Scott

    Scott Fapstronaut

    Hi all, I'm Scott. I'm a 38 y/o guy who's been using porn and fapping since I was about 11, and I'm new to NoFap. I've been trying to give up the addictive habits of masturbation and porn pretty much since May with limited success. Emphasis on limited. My last fap was this past Sunday on 8/18/13. I never realized how addictive this stuff was really until this year so now I'm trying to quit it and it's infinitely more difficult that one would think! For the first few days I'm generally good, but yesterday, Day 4, it felt like there was a tornado going on inside me that just wanted to fap. This morning I woke up in a similar state (mornings are definitely my biggest challenge), but now the storm seems to be subsiding. I'd really like to get to 90 days but I'll take what I can get. :D

    In my past failures I had given up on porn but not fapping. The results were that the fapping drew me back to the porn so I feel that I need to give up on that as well. It's really sad but it seems like fapping without porn is boring! I know I'm addicted because like all the literature states, I keep getting drawn into more and more unusual varieties of porn. The thing that made me realize I was addicted was when I was doing Chaturbate (as a broadcaster). When I wanted to give it up, that's when everything became obvious. I've thrown out the webcam (only to buy a new one, throw that one out, and repeat a few more times).

    I've also experienced the porn induced erectile dysfunction when I was in my early 20's through the present. Knowing what I know now, these malfunctions weren't a function of age but rather, the arrival of the high speed internet and computer into my dorm room! Who would have As for delayed ejaculation, I thought it was just always me. Even when I fapped as a kid, I would usually go for 30-45 minutes. Now it's extremely difficult for me to go for that "short" of a period of time.

    On the plus side, since giving up fapping 5 days ago, the morning wood has returned with a vengeance starting yesterday morning and again this morning. It's very difficult to ignore it :(

    Anyway, that's me, Scott!
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2013
  2. NoFapForYou!

    NoFapForYou! Fapstronaut

    Keep up the good work, Scott! Mornings are the worst for me, too. I made a commitment not to use my computer until after lunch, and that helped a lot.
  3. Scott

    Scott Fapstronaut

    Thanks, buddy! That's a simple and great idea. I'll definitely do my best to implement Saturday morning to hopefully keep the urges at bay.