Struggling on a Friday night

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by phillyguy24, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. phillyguy24

    phillyguy24 New Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    phillyguy24 here, I signed up in the nofap December 2013 thread to not pmo for the entire month. I've gone 5 days now without pmoing, which is the longest I've probably gone without it in years haha. Anyways I know tonight is going to be tough, Friday nights have always been a time for me to crack a beer or two and pmo. Honestly not sure if I can make it. Any thoughts or words of encouragement would be great. It feels weird to even be writing any of this to be honest haha, but I know I could use some help if anybody's on the forum tonight. Thanks
  2. antiquatedlife

    antiquatedlife Fapstronaut

    I am on my second day of this journey, I guess technically just over 36 hours. I had an easy day today, because I stayed busy, but like you it tends to be the nights when I don't have a lot occupying my time that my mind and internet browser tends to wonder. Then it is a disaster. I don't have any solution for you man, but I hope its an encouragement to you that there are others of us on here going through the same thing you are going through tonight. Try and stay focused on your goal and keep your mind occupied with something. Hope you keep up the good work man.
  3. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Just nodding off now but why don't you spend some time just reading some of the threads, there's some really encouraging/inspirational stuff in there written by a thoroughly decent bunch of guys with the balls to make some positive changes in their lives. Keep it up chaps. Look at the quote in my signature. Is so very true! Cheers
  4. rlrecovery

    rlrecovery Fapstronaut

    Do you have a friend you could visit or talk to? That mightvkerp you busy!
  5. dajota

    dajota Fapstronaut

    Hi PhillyGuy24, whatever you do, don't tempt yourself!

    Go read a book, watch some TV, read nofap forums, browse the news. If you are into it, try meditating! or doing pushups! write a list of what you want to achieve (in life, in the next 5 years, in the next 1 year, in nofap etc...) Sort out your finances / plan your holiday budget!

    Stay clean and be strong! You can do this!
  6. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    How did it go (no judgment either way)?

    Either way maybe try changing your routine. If you associated Friday night for example with PMO then do something different Friday night? (And beer really won't help!!)

    I remember quitting meat. People would say "so WHAT do you eat?!?" and I would notice (and nothing has changed years later) that they ate the same things day in day out very rarely (if ever!) questioning anything (which oddly enough they were like in virtually every other area of their life!) but making that change FORCED me to discover all kinds of weird and wonderful foods I would never have done otherwise. (And I am NOT judging meat eaters just illustrating a point!!!)

    Same happened with drink (and people HATE it when you stop doing something they continue to do!!) But when i stopped that I took up all sorts because of the free time/energy etc etc I gained and the WILLINGNESS to do something different/better with my life. No its not all plain sailing but MY GOD its been worth it!!

    Your already thinking outside the box and just by making a small change are opening up the door of opportunity to discover all kinds of new and exciting things. Tis your choice mate. All the best :)
  7. rebels8

    rebels8 Fapstronaut

    I would say that the three things to remember when trying to overcome addiction to fapping and porn are self-control, self-control, and self-control. Yes, it's all about the self-control.