So here's my situation...

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Perseverer, Oct 18, 2017.

  1. Perseverer

    Perseverer Fapstronaut

    I've been a fapper since around ages 9/10 and to porn since about 11/12 but that only really became a problem when I got my own laptop at around age 16. In my later teens I've never struggled with talking to women, I have had a pretty active social life but have had ups and downs. I've had little fads with a number of women but have never had sex due to inability to get an erection or maintain one. This has happened more times then I would like to admit and so from the age of 19 I kind of gave up thinking there was a biological problem.
    After extensive research I finally self diagnosed that I have porn induced ED. In the last 2 months I have had 2 relapses approximately 1 month apart with the last being about 2 weeks ago. I have also cut everything out of my diet that can contribute to ED, I have stopped smoking, smoking weed, drinking, any form of drugs and I have been doing meditation to the best of my ability, albeit not very well but I do try! I am writing this now because another girl has come into my life and well, I like her, I feel a genuine connection between the two of us but you guessed it, I haven't been able to perform... what makes it worse is she is younger than me so it's more embarrassing.

    My questions are as follows...
    1) Can anyone give me a rough estimate on how long it will take me to get back to normal?
    2) I'm at the flatline stage, I definitely have a dead dick, my flaccid size seems to be a shriveler all the time and I would like to know does this stop after you have come out the other side of NoFap?
    3) Do you think it is unwise to to use some pills to help me with erection in the mean time while I am doing NoFap because she will not wait forever.
    4) What are any other pieces of advice you may have for me? I would like to hear it!

    P.S this is my first post and certainty not the last! From what I can see there is a great community here, I look forward to being able to help in anyway I can! :)
    neil32 likes this.
  2. Opportunity For Better

    Opportunity For Better Fapstronaut

    Personally, I'd avoid relationships until you make significant progress with NoFap. Otherwise, you're going to have a lot more pressure. Another poster recently said he thinks that he became dependent on ED medication and now can't perform at all without it. I haven't looked into research in this area, but dependence is certainly not uncommon when it comes to drugs and medication, so it wouldn't surprise me. You don't want that, especially at your age.
  3. Perseverer

    Perseverer Fapstronaut

    That sucks, I know people say there is plenty more fish in the sea but I want this fish :(
    I wasn't proposing every time but perhaps once to get a real experience, I think that could be a huge moral booster for anyone in with PIED or something similar. For sure I wouldn't like to become dependent on them that would be even worse than I am now.

    Most likely it will be 60-90 days before I see any results?
    neil32 likes this.
  4. Gewinner98

    Gewinner98 Fapstronaut

    It may sound obvious, but no one can probably answer your first question. Gabe Deen needed 9 month to overcome his ED, some guess write their success story after 30 days of nofap and say they had sex with a girl and their ED is gone.
    I ve been also struggling asking myself this question, I ve read a dozen information about this. And all I can say is : There is just no answer. All you need is to concentrate on your life, nofap for at least 90 days, start to rewire with real girls and stop lookinf for a magic pill against ED.
    As for me, this issue ruined so much opportunities with girls, so I don t care. I will make a month, half a year, one year, two... But I won t ever return to porn. I ve just had enough of killed time in my life.
    DIYAS1 and neil32 like this.
  5. Perseverer

    Perseverer Fapstronaut

    Yeah I figured that much. I am going to try after 30 days some rewiring of my own just with touch, it seems that abstaining from PMO alone isn't good enough with out rewiring process. I will also tell this girl my problem which won't be comfortable but I am here for improvement and I feel facing it head on is best way.

    As for this... fuck porn. Worst things I've ever come across in my life. I will never look at it again, even soft porn.
    neil32 likes this.
  6. Gewinner98

    Gewinner98 Fapstronaut

    this information might be helpful
  7. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    I’m an SO and as difficult as it is I agree with some of the other posters that you need to fix this first and then date. Give it at least 90 days pmo free. Then when you do start to date if it becomes sexual think about being honest with her about your ED issues. That will allow you to be more comfortable and have a better chance of overcoming. Most women will understand and if they won’t then they are not the one for you.

    Relationships add a ton more stress and anxiety. Pmo is not just about sex but it is used by many to cope with stress and bad feelings. When you are early on in NoFap you are going to have emotions you had been pushing down come back to add to that not being able to perform with a girl you really like and her potentially hurt feelings and you are really likely to relapse.

    You are young. I will admit it’s a bit scary how young you started with pmo but your youth gives you tons of time to get healthy and have a life full of wonderful sex.

    As for taking an ED drug at least in the US it’s quite hard to get a script at your age without some medical condition. Also in cases where your ED is psychological ED meds rarely help. If they do help you stay hard they often give you delayed ejaculation which women really get insecure about.

    I know you want to rush through your recovery because of this girl but you can’t rush it. It takes time. And although she seems perfect now and everything you want you go into a relationship with her with an active pmo addiction it will be hell for both of you. Stick it out work hard be patient.
  8. Opportunity For Better

    Opportunity For Better Fapstronaut

    Yep. Unfortunately, there are tons of guys in relationships who still PMO. The relationship doesn't fill the void they wanted to escape by using porn. And when there is a problem in the relationship the pull towards PMO'ing is often stronger than when you're single, because your reality is even further from your expectations. You might have a fight or not be able to perform or whatever and suddenly you're back to where you started, but worse, because now it affects someone else.

    To add to this, they're really freaking expensive. I think in North America in general you're paying upwards of $20 per pill.
    neil32 and GG2002 like this.
  9. Perseverer

    Perseverer Fapstronaut


    Whats an SO? Yeah it's a little annoying that it comes now but I don't have much choice.

    I've gone through this already, dealt with a period of depression and general down moods, my family were very conscious of it but I'm out the other side of that run of it at least.

    It sucks. I wish I would have know earlier so I could be sorted by now.

    The pills are not a problem I have access to them, I tried one alone and it worked. That last point is something I didn't know though, thanks.

    It's not active anymore, I am cold turkey and 110% committed to this. If I can quit smoking, I can quit PMO.
    Thanks for the response.
    neil32 likes this.
  10. to say maybe the overly desired instant change just intensifies your problem
    did in my case anyway, proper physical response came back once i'd decided to just let it be and stop worrying about calendars, streaks, etc.

    'Life goes on, if you'll let it...' S.E. Hinton RUMBLEFISH
    Perseverer and Gewinner98 like this.
  11. Perseverer

    Perseverer Fapstronaut

    I think your right. I am meeting her soon and will tell her, I don't want to drag her on indefinitely so I think it is only fair to leave the decision with her. Thanks for the advice :)
    forbiddenPLACES likes this.