If money weren’t an issue, what would your best life look like?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Oct 17, 2017.

  1. An apartment in New York, London, Paris & Venice plus a beach house in L.A. (maybe one in Hawaii too).

    Being a motivational speaker, writing books, making music and spending time with those I love.
  2. 海の見える街

    海の見える街 Fapstronaut

    Probably going between Israel and Japan, just doing things that seem fun (disclaimer: not doing any of these things regularly or at all. They're just hobbies on my "wish list"), like:
    Making fun programming projects and studying mind-provoking mathematical concepts, studying new languages, reading about historical and political subjects on Wikipedia for hours, attempting at developing 2D video games (things like Undertale and Maplestory), making music after learning how to play the piano, practicing an Asian martial art of some sort all day long, etc.
    Also, I'd probably want to attend a bunch of different courses, non-stop.
    Study all I can and gain as much knowledge and qualifications as humanly possible.
  3. PasterofMuppets

    PasterofMuppets Fapstronaut

    Probably owning a shitton of bass guitars, other than that just about the same.
    Ash22 and Deleted Account like this.
  4. Sailor

    Sailor Fapstronaut

    Spending a lot of time on modest cruising yacht exploring the world with family and friends.
  5. PainIsHilarious

    PainIsHilarious Fapstronaut

    Live a comfortable life where I can become my best version. Working out, reading, meditation, and many other things. I only need a secure lifestyle and I'll be happy.
  6. photoman

    photoman New Fapstronaut

    I find that even if you have money to do those things it takes much more than money to execute your dreams. You need to be willing to change and actually take action. Which is very hard. Don't get me wrong money can be a limiting factor. What if you create a list of things that you can do today without needing all that money.

    You don't need a lot of money to write a book or get your dream body. What is stopping you from executing that what-i-can-do-now list?
    I think the answer goes something like a lack of motivation, clear thinking, and perseverance.
  7. lamstronger

    lamstronger Fapstronaut

    I would still try to do something, because relaxing all the time at some beach house wouldn't be healthy, I would still volunteer like I do now, I would still go to the gym like I do now, I probably wouldn't study something crazy like medicine though, probably do something less demanding, but something, that would still keep me occupied
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2017
  8. Opportunity For Better

    Opportunity For Better Fapstronaut


    I'd probably invest in and help fund inventions that would improve the world and the lives of others. Stuff that's good for the environment and people's well-being.
  9. Minsc

    Minsc Fapstronaut

    I don't know. Having no money would simply mean shifting where I put my sweat equity. Being one of the wealthiest people in the world would likely lead to me chasing happiness and never arriving.
  10. Randomphilia

    Randomphilia Fapstronaut

    Traveling some of the places I'd like to visit in and outside of the U.S., live in much more comfier accommodations then my current setup, new vehicle and put the rest towards my savings and retirement.

    I'm still trying to figure out if this is what exactly I want with my life, but if money weren't an issue that'd be my ideal life for now. Things'll change in time but hey gotta have something to strive towards in your life, no matter how small or big it may be.
  11. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    Yeah. The reality would be more like get a massive coke addiction, sex addiction get STDS from numerous whores, take part in all kinds of debauchery end up committing suicide after a massive bender.
  12. Minsc

    Minsc Fapstronaut

    Sometimes, a person simply following their dreams leads to quickly acquiring a beyond set for life amount of money. More than likely happen when one is young and not yet mature. Then they do what you say, buy big mansions, party all the time. All this while they meet all kinds of people with not one of them being a friend.
  13. Miked132

    Miked132 Fapstronaut

    Meditation everyday, spiritual study, self improvement study, waliking in park everyday, just seem like I to to make and invest the time, I know the time is there, just have to commit and don’t get distracted
  14. Mavricko

    Mavricko Fapstronaut

    Money isn't really an issue for me. I work for myself and pretty flexible on hours currently. Isn't as good as it sounds. I have really bad chronic neck pain, it's annoying as shit. I've tried everything under the sun to try to solve it and it won't go away..if I didn't have this neck pain then it would be great...but it's like 9/10 or 10/10 pain almost 24/7..