Looking for calisthenics advice

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by MadmanWithAFez, Oct 12, 2017.

  1. MadmanWithAFez

    MadmanWithAFez Fapstronaut

    Hey, so I'm 17, currently weigh 52kg and I'm borderline 2D I'm so skinny. I don't have any problems with these facts, however now that I'm PMO free id love to spend the time I now have on self-improvement. Ive tried gym and frankly hated it. I've come across calisthenics and believe that is the way forward.

    However, I'm having trouble starting out. I would like to have some sort of routine that I can stick to, however I'm not sure how to make one or where to find one. I want a really basic routine to start with, to then build on. All I have at home is a pull up bar, so that might limit what I can do. I'm wondering if anyone on these forums has had success with calisthenics and is able to either give some advice or direct me to a good source of information.

    Thanks a lot
    - A madman who owns a fez
  2. Mavricko

    Mavricko Fapstronaut

    What exactly do you want to achieve? Better at bodyweight stuff? Stronger? More muscle? If it's stronger and more muscles then free weights is the way to go. If it's better at bodyweight stuff then obviously bodyweight movements is the way forward.

    I do powerlifting, but I also have daily pullups (palms facing away) in my routine for at least 3 sets. If your goal is to get physically stronger, or gain muscle, then weights are the way to go. If you want to get better at handling bodyweight, gymnastics type movements etc then bodyweight exercises are obviously the way to go. Obviously if you have no equipment at home bodyweight stuff is the only option if you can't/don't want to go to a gym.
    MadmanWithAFez likes this.
  3. MadmanWithAFez

    MadmanWithAFez Fapstronaut

    Wow, thanks for all this advice, that's really helpful. In response to Mavricko, I've tried the Gym and it wasn't for me. Firstly I'd rather not pay, just because I don't make too much money (I am still in school, I only have a saturday job). Secondly, it's kinda far from my house so I'd rather exercise at home. I may go back to the gym eventually, after all I was going to the gym before my reboot, It might be different now I have more energy. For now, I'd rather exercise at home.

    Solid Stance, thanks so much theres so much information there and it's really helpful. I've found calisthenic regimes with a dozen or so different exercises in, it all gets a bit daunting. Those 5 exercises seem simple enough and I can do them at home, which is just terrific. I know you suggest cardio 3 times a week for 30 mins, but how often do you suggest the other exercises? Would I do those every day, 3 times a week or something else?

    Thanks so much for your advice! :)
  4. MadmanWithAFez

    MadmanWithAFez Fapstronaut

    Alright so I gave it a go, failed quite horribly. Started doing pushups, which began fine. I wasn't sure how long to leave between sets, so I left a minute between each set. I got 2 and a half sets in before I simply couldn't move my body other than collapse on the ground. I then decided to move onto chin-ups. I did 4 before once again, I couldn't move my body. Like I said, i'm really skinny and have very little muscle. Whenever I try to exercise I reach a point where my arms/legs just won't move any more. I guess I'll improve this with time. I also really messed up my wrists when doing push-ups. Must have been a bad position, I'll make sure I'm in a better one next time. I need to find some chairs where I can do dips, the ones I have to hand keep tipping over. I've also not eaten too much today, so I'm feeling exhausted. I must make sure I eat more before a workout in future, but for now I've called it a day. Hopefully I'll be better prepared next time, and any advice to how I can do this better would be very welcome.
  5. What he said. Shit ain't gotta be complicated to get results. I'd add plenty of bodyweight squats and lunges in ther--can't forget the leg work.

    Cardio try jump rope. Will give you the heart and lungs of an Ox.
    MadmanWithAFez likes this.
  6. kio_actualized

    kio_actualized Fapstronaut

    Like people said, go do some pushups! Try different sorts of them. Since you're doing body weight training, difficult will vary accordingly to the differents moves you're doing and it will train diferent body parts.
    I recommend Dominik Sky channel. Also: focus on eating well, this is even more important than the exercises itself. Eat healthy food and eat a lot :)
    MadmanWithAFez likes this.
  7. PainIsHilarious

    PainIsHilarious Fapstronaut

    Incorporate planks into your workout as well, they are an extremely efficency core exercise. Just get into a pushup position and hold it for 40 seconds to begin with.
    MadmanWithAFez likes this.