1 Month Clean

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by DailyBread, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. DailyBread

    DailyBread Fapstronaut

    Today marks one month free of PMO for me. It hasn't been easy, but for the first time in my life, I'm doing this for no one but myself. This wouldn't have been possible without God my Savior, noFap, or my acountabikity partner from NoFap Chris. I'm very excitedx but I know with victory and celebration comes heavy tempatation and struggle. I'm more determined than ever to keep fighting the good fight and to bring you wonderful people even more good news. Thank you all.
    Jojo man, Andix and PotentLife like this.
  2. Raynethemagi

    Raynethemagi Fapstronaut

    Dude, if you are one month clean, than the rest will be a cakewalk. I'm not saying to let your guard down necessarily, but, I do know from previous experience that the more you say no, the easier it can get. I know, for me, there was a certain point where it was one wave of urges after another, so there is a point where it gets really REALLY rough, but, once you get past that I think it's pretty downhill from there.

    You're doing good though. Congrats! Keep fighting the good fight!
    Andix likes this.
  3. AshD16

    AshD16 Fapstronaut

    1 month free from PMO is great to hear. I agree that it wouldn't have been possible without God. He has the power to work in each and one of us. God has helped me avoid lots of temptations and I find it helpful to just keep my focus on Him and not porn or the pain. Keep it up!
    Andix likes this.
  4. bizzlelop

    bizzlelop Fapstronaut

    I hope to say the same thing on the 14th of April :)
    Andix likes this.
  5. Sufficient Grace

    Sufficient Grace Fapstronaut

    I agree that the more you say no, the easier it is to say no. But I am sure we are all well aware that the longer we go without PMO, the more we are tempted to believe we have solved the problem.
    The reality is that we have to take one day at a time, like other with different addictions, and acknowledge that we will never be cured, only recovering.
    Andix likes this.
  6. Xwin

    Xwin Fapstronaut

    Congratulations. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I've never gone that far and now (at 4 days) it seems like sucha a long way to go! Reading your post was really inspiring! Best of luck! See you on the other side.
    karate01 and Andix like this.
  7. Saserman

    Saserman Fapstronaut

    Definitely don't think it's a cakewalk and don't let your guard down. I went one month and let my guard down because 1 MONTH!!! and that's how I relapsed. Resetting one's counter when it's at 30 days is a really crappy feeling, so don't do it lol
    karate01 and Andix like this.
  8. Mariposa

    Mariposa Fapstronaut

    Same here. I've done one month multiple times but it didn't stop me from falling the month later. Keep strong! It's encouraging to hear your motivation.
    karate01 and Andix like this.
  9. greatconquerer

    greatconquerer Fapstronaut

    Yes man.. I totally agree... I had planned 7 weeks.. Just 6 hours before my challenge was going to complete, I celebrated and relapsed.. so I've made a point never to celebrate my success of being pmo free too much.. May god help you in your battle.
    karate01 and Andix like this.
  10. Agreed. The moment you become overconfident about your streak & assume it's done - you become vulnerable again.
    karate01 and Andix like this.
  11. Dreams

    Dreams Fapstronaut

    I think i'm starting to come to terms with the fact that it'll never be over. 9 days mo free and it seems it got so easy.. but i know it wont be.
    Andix likes this.
  12. KenMack

    KenMack Fapstronaut

    Hi thanks for the great posts. I am so thankful that I found this forum it gives me hope here was me thinking it was just me. Anyway I work away a lot and this time I am away for 8 weeks. I am on day 19 of abstinence no P no M. It does look as if he is starting to shrivel a bit and I am getting rock hard erections in the morning and sometimes during the day to day I thought I came but I checked and it was pre cum. My predicament is I wont see my girl for another 6 weeks yet. Will it be okay for me at the end of 30 days to M using my imagination and only thinking of her?