Please help..I want to control but I cant....

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by KarthikB, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. KarthikB

    KarthikB Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone

    I am a newbie to this web site but not to PM
    I have watched P for six years (now 17) and I am desperate to stop it.
    I started M an year ago and I got addicted to it going 3 times a day..

    So please help me...
  2. perusan

    perusan Fapstronaut

    Here are a few links that might help you start your journey

    Have a good explore of the nofap forums especially the success stories and learn about what others have been through. You will find lots of advice and tips on about how to approach your own reboot. Start a journal, get a counter, read some more posts, make some friends.

    You are in the right place to stop. With your motivation to stop and determination you can be free of this.

    Good luck!
  3. KarthikB

    KarthikB Fapstronaut

    Oh no

    My body can't resist after seeing an exciting ad on a newspaper...
    I have done it again...
    Now back to square one

    This is just becoming more and more tough for me.
    I feel ashamed for not controlling M for just a couple of days...
  4. perusan

    perusan Fapstronaut

    It isn't your body that can't resist. Your body has nothing to do with it. Your body doesn't need to fap. your body doesn't need to O. Your MIND doesn't need to fap. Your MIND doesn't need to O.

    The only thing that needs it is your ADDICTION. And it is telling you lies. It is telling you that this is what you are. It is telling you that this is what you need. It is telling you this is normal.

    It isn't.

    You are not at square one though. You are at NoFap. This is the best place to be. Well done for coming back. Now you have found out how difficult this is going to be. And you may think the fight isn't worth it. But actually that is your addiction saying that. You know the fight is worth it. You don't want to be a PMO addict when you are 20. You don't want to be a PMO addict when you are 25. You don't want to be a PMO addict when you are 40. Do you want to waste all that time and energy, lose your self-confidence, live without the ability to think clearly, lose your chance to have a healthy relationship?

    No! You don't want to live a fucked up life. You want a clean life. But you have to face the fact that this takes work. You have to face this like some training montage in a film. But unlike a film, this is real life and you can't do it in 90 seconds. You have to do this for 90 days. Every minute of every one of those days. you have to MAKE CHANGES. you ahve to question every thought. You have to change the way you approach the world.

    You have to look away from the adverts. you have to stop visiting your favourite web sites that contain triggers. You have to stop watching YouTube vids. You have to stop watching shows with "hot girls". Do you see what this means? You WANT this, but you need to accept that what you WANT means CHANGING WHO YOU ARE and what you do.

    Here are some steps to start with. You are going to be a monk for the next 90 days.

    1. Make a list of everything that triggers you. Where you see them. What moods make you susceptible. List everything you can.
    2. Make a list of things you are going to do to avoid these triggers. Write it all down here so you can refer to it every day.
    3. Make a list of things that you have always wanted to do or learn or read. This is your 90 day bucket list. These are the things you are going to concentrate on. Find things that are enjoyable, not too taxing, but are engaging. Find things that will make you happy.

    Then to protect yourself,

    1. Remove all P from your computer.
    2. Remove all links to sites that contain anything slightly sexy -
    3. Remove the computer from a private area. Only use the computer where you can be seen.
    4. Find an ad-blocker for your browser and install it.
    5. When you see a "hot girl" in the street you are going to look away. If you see one on TV you are going to look away or find another show. If you see one in the newspaper you are going to turn the page. If you see one on the internet because it is part of an article or a link then you are going to switch off the computer.

    Tell me honestly, did you follow the links I posted?

    You can do this. Everyone can do this. Find the kid inside that wants to be clean and be a big brother to him. Make his dream come true.
  5. anonymouse80

    anonymouse80 Fapstronaut

    Be brave Karthik. The fact that you've decided to quit, found this site and set yourself up is itself an indication of your desire to better yourself as I no doubt believe you will.

    However, you developed this habit over a long period of time and it's going to take a while to completely conquer it. You need patience and perseverance.

    I posted this on another thread describing some of the methods I use to help me. Maybe one of them will be useful for you.

    Update your journal (this thread) regularly and don't feel ashamed asking for help. We're all in this together.

    Good luck!