Bartholow on Masturbation (and Spermatorrhea)

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by saneagain, Jun 25, 2017.

  1. saneagain

    saneagain Fapstronaut

    I wonder why doctors keep telling us masturbation is healthy? This excerpt is from a book from 1871 by Roberts Bartholow. Like the teachings of Sivananda this text describes many symptoms people experience in extreme cases of PMOing for years or decades. All the effects are well known for decades or even hunderds of years.

    Here is a link to the complete book:;view=1up;seq=3


    Objective Symptoms due to Masturbation.

    —Objectively considered, the masturbator is recognised by a marked facial expression, by a characteristic mannerism, and by a peculiar mental state. The facial expression consists of a pale and sallow tint of the skin ; unusual development of acne, especially on the forehead; a dark circle around the orbits ; dilated and sluggish pupils; lustreless eyes, and an oblique line extending from the inner angle of the lids transversely across the cheek to the lower margin of the malar bone. The face has a haggard, troubled, furtive expression. These signs of themselves are by no means conclusive, for they may be produced by other causes than masturbation. This observation is especially true with respect to acne. This eruption occurs at puberty, more or less abundantly in different temperaments; and hence it would be very unjust to accuse young men of practising onanism, in whom no other evidence of the fact existed than the presence of this eruption. The manner of the masturbator is peculiar. He is listless, shy, retiring, and easily confused ; he avoids society, preferring solitude; there is a want of steadiness and decision in his locomotion; his inferior extremities seem deficient in power, and all Ins movements betray a mind ill at ease. His mental operations are confused ; his speech is embarrassed, awkward, and without directness; his memory is defective, and he is absent-minded and given to reverie. If the habit have long existed, and been excessively frequent in repetition, epilepsy may be produced ; or serious mental disorder, as delusional insanity, dementia, etc., may occur. The state of the genital organs varies with the length of time the habit has been indulged-In some young subjects, there will be observed an extraordinary development of the organs, owing to premature excitement; but the disproportion
    is not maintained. With the progress of the habit the penis becomes relaxed, the erections feeble ; the corpora cavernosa either atrophy or their vessels lose their tonicity, whereby an apparent diminution in bulk takes place ; the corpus spongiosum and the glans also shrink, so that the prepuce appears unnaturally elongated. The testes may increase in size, become tender and "irritable," or they may undergo a certain degree of atrophy the latter is the more usual result. In addition
    to these signs, a strong and sometimes overerpowering spermatic odor is observed about these parts, and may diffuse itself in the atmosphere around the patient.

    Subjective Symptoms due to Masturbation.
    —Pains in the lumbar region, a sense of weight and aching in the loins, around the anus, and in the testes, are experienced. The appetite is capricious,
    the digestion feeble, and the bowels are constipated, or constipation alternates with diarrhoea. The mind is deficient in power of attention; the imagination is constantly pervaded with vague erotic dreams, the moral sense is blunted, and the perceptions are dull and confused. Pains in the head, in the occipital and frontal regions, and
    a sense of fulness, and in serious cases alarming vertigo; pains in the course of the principal nerves, and an extreme nervous susceptibility, are experienced. The organic nervous system manifests a functional disturbance in harmony with the disorder of the nervous system of animal life. Gastralgia and abdominal pain and uneasiness are
    in some cases very distressing symptoms. The distinctiveness of the foregoing symptoms will be determined by the extent and duration of the habit, and by the constitutional peculiarities of the patient. The more highly developed the nervous system, and the more it preponderates in activity over the muscular and digestive systems, the more serious the effects.
    Maddey and pukernast17 like this.
  2. The_Monk

    The_Monk Guest

    Such a great explanation of symptoms. I had all these symptoms, every single thing. I am never going to ejaculate
  3. pukernast17

    pukernast17 Fapstronaut

    My man ..
    Nice post
    Maddey likes this.
  4. saneagain

    saneagain Fapstronaut

    I advise you people to download the complete book and read about Spermatorrhea. I am currently reading it and the insight people had back then is astounding.

    Yet you go to your super smart neurologist and he will tell you excessive masturbation has no effects and it's even healthy! Because otherwise you get prostate cancer. SUCH A BIG PILE OF SHIT THIS ADVICE IS.
  5. saneagain

    saneagain Fapstronaut

    From the same book:

    How come this info is not known among doctors? I don't get it. I experience all of it.
    Maddey likes this.
  6. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    Man, this was like from the Salem Witch trials era and era when women wore nothing but dresses. In other words, a bit dated when it comes to modern science?
  7. saneagain

    saneagain Fapstronaut

    So what? I experience many of the symptoms he describes. I discovered the book a few days ago..

    Bartholow reports patients with spermatorrhea / chronic masturbators beeing dizzy / lightheaded / having vertigo / feeling of fullness in the head.

    I have been dizzy and lightheaded for months (+bad memory, slow thinking, visual snow, palpitations, frequent urination). I feel like my head is clogged with something with cracking sounds from inside, tension and ear ringing.

    Anyone had dizziness / liehgtheadedness and got rid of it?!
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2017
  8. Rajdeep Ojha

    Rajdeep Ojha Fapstronaut

    I also don't understand why modern Western medicine considers masturbation as normal and healthy. I used to masturbate everyday in my early teens and I lost my health and vigour completely. I developed spermatorrhea. No matter how much exercise I do or how much I eat, I still feel weak and debilitated. I read many books written in 19th century including Robert Bartholow's book. I have all the symptoms these books describe. After lots of research, I didn't find any proper treatment of spermatorrhea except abstinence and overall self improvement. There are homeopathic remedies that are said to cure this but I'm not sure. Anyone with similar experience? I feel so hopeless.
  9. Rajdeep Ojha

    Rajdeep Ojha Fapstronaut

    Every time I try nofap, I fail after 2/3 weeks. I'm sure that abstinence will help. The body must have some own healing power. But I just can't stop relapsing. I have no friends, no social life. Is there anyone who can genuinely help me?
  10. Rajdeep Ojha

    Rajdeep Ojha Fapstronaut
