To all the guys feeling lonely

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Hopefull addict 13, Sep 26, 2017.

  1. Hopefull addict 13

    Hopefull addict 13 Fapstronaut

    Here is the thing my fellow fapstronauts, loneliness is a state of mind, its a feeling just like anger and happiness. Borrowing a leaf from the quote that says 'nobody can hurt you unless you want to be hurt' then i feel that you cant feel lonely unless you want to feel it. I have been through that path of loneliness once and I used to bitch about it all the time, guess what my complains did not take away my loneliness untill I decided to do something about it i.e find a solution. That was when I stumbled upon a quote which said that 'the happiest people are those that are comfortable staying alone' this made me realise that I have to learn to be alone sometimes besides I came out of my moms vag alone and i will die alone then why not be happy when am alone?
    No man is an island, yes I know but if I cant live with myself, then who can i live with, charity begins at home right?
    Therefore my friends, embrace that lonelines you are feeling and turn it into solitude, then use that solitude constructively i.e read books, meditate, plan your life, write, find a constructive hobby or have a closer relationship with your creator ( applies to the religious types) otherwise if you dont embrace your loneliness and turn it into something beautifull, you are heading to disaster.
    P.s: I am writing this to keep my hands off my dick. GOOD LUCK IN YOUR JOURNEY
  2. Bale

    Bale Fapstronaut

    Then why the hell did you stop?! :D

    Thanks for posting this, I really believe this is the right mindset. It took me a breakup and losing my job to realize that the key was not in expecting others to make me feel I had value as a person, but rather in being comfortable with myself, which comes down to having a few values and principles to live by, a desire to grow and expand into the world, and action in the form of habits and trying new things. And a lot of compassion as well. There can be no happiness without forgiveness.
    Knighthawk likes this.
  3. Hopefull addict 13

    Hopefull addict 13 Fapstronaut

    Wow... i can imagine how low you felt after the breakup, knowing fap is the problem. I have broken up with 2 beautifull ladies due to PIED. I used to make up all the excuses I could find to prevent them from knowing that I am a fapstronaut, fapping is kind of a taboo in africa. I wonder what could happen if i told them the truth
    M.E.X. likes this.
  4. I hear it for the first time and it'b briliant to me !
    Hopefull addict 13 likes this.
  5. Clean Plate

    Clean Plate Fapstronaut

    What I learned from the buddhas teaching was, to learn not to take refuge in anyone or anything other than yourself. Im still meditating everyday, but I have only been meditating for about 3 months. Ive been a loner all my life, and trust me I can relate. When I used to be so alone, and I would want to make friends (even the bad type of friends, at one point of time in my life), and whenever i did "make friends" I just wanted to be alone, and not around them, lifes a doozy through my perspective. I now know its because of my Depression, everybody has their own form of demons, i dont care who you are, you have them, nobodys perfect. Anyway meditation has helped immensely as well as NOFAP, you see you need a variety of "good lifestyle choices" to see through the "film" of "suffering" that is "life" and meditation is a good way to clear/control the "film" for over extended periods of time. You never think about being alone once meditation has you at the point of TRUELY living in the moment. So the moral of the story is dont look at your loneliness as a bad thing.
  6. Hopefull addict 13

    Hopefull addict 13 Fapstronaut

    Come to think of it, meditating is something i have not tried. Any good books you know of that will help me learn more about it?
  7. SanityOverVanity

    SanityOverVanity Fapstronaut

    Try the Headspace app, great for beginners
    Hopefull addict 13 likes this.
  8. Blac_Viking

    Blac_Viking Fapstronaut

  9. David_42

    David_42 Guest

    I find myself finding my worth in what others think of me. I used to be really bad about it, and I felt like I almost NEEDED to have a girlfriend at all times. I did everything to make my girlfriends happy, so that they would love me for what I did. A couple of days ago some high school girl at a sporting event asked if I had a girlfriend, and I told her, "No. I don't." She told me that she felt sorry for me. I told her not to. That's when it hit me. After going through all of high school and college, getting my heart broken by every real girlfriend I ever had, I am finally able to recognize something important. I'm happier (maybe content is a better word) now, single and not looking, than I ever was with a girlfriend.
    WreckTangle likes this.
  10. mungo

    mungo Fapstronaut

    I like how you see things, and with staying away from PMO as well as with the help of regular meditation practice, you´ll see things clearer and clearer, as beautiful or painful they are.
    I would have liked to reach that point at your age, but for some reasons I couldn´t discipline myself to do so and so I lost much precious time........
    Your post is one of the many motivators for me here to stick to my goal this (last) time, to further engage in meditation, to feel deep into all those vast spaces of loneliness, boredom, insecurity etc.
    keep going on !
    Innervision likes this.
  11. Hopefull addict 13

    Hopefull addict 13 Fapstronaut

    Bro, in this short life I have lived the greatest lesson I have learnt is never to live by other peoples opinions. Reason is, everybody is humans are missing something in their lives and most opinions that people give on how you should live, align with their personal interests ( my perspective). You cant live up to everybodys expectations because in the end you will loose yourself in the process, the strongest trees stand alone right?
    I learnt from charles buckowski, that if you unapologetically be yourself in everyday life, people respect you for who you are eventually. Therefore if you are single, be single because you want to be single. Eventually the right lady will find you coz ladies love guys who stand their ground ( from what I have seen).
    And when the right one comes, fuck her proper keeping in mind that this is part of what you have been changing your ways for. Then you will see her sticking for a while, or even introducing you to her friends if you are lucky
    gingeralan, David_42 and M.E.X. like this.
  12. Innervision

    Innervision Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your nice words! That's is something easiest to know than to practice, but having this mindset about a huge problem like loneliness is putting ourselves on halfway of the process of self improvement and growth in life. I have this same issues about feeling lonely, and is very refreshing to view that problem from another perspective, that not establishes us as mere victims or poor guys suffering from external factors. My mind is, at the same time, the biggest ally and enemy I have. We all have to learn how to better construct and feed that ambiguous machinery. Keep up the nice work!

    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

    Loneliness is part of the fading withdrawals. Feeling lonely is actually ignoring the freedom, possibilities and ease you have.
    Hopefull addict 13 likes this.
  14. Hopefull addict 13

    Hopefull addict 13 Fapstronaut

    I completely agree with you on what you say about the mind.. As a matter of fact the mind turns on you in a bad way during flatline and at the same time its the same thing that keeps you going through tough times. What you feed it matters alot. Garbage in Garbage out
    Innervision likes this.
  15. lamstronger

    lamstronger Fapstronaut

    For me, having a girlfriend or being in a relationship, shouldn't be the reason for one to be happy. I had a relationship and I didn't feel any different, sure having sex is great, but now 10 months after the break up I'm happy and I don't feel lonely or a need to be in a relationship.
    Hopefull addict 13 likes this.