39 year virgin starts NoFap

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by fssrk1, Aug 17, 2014.

  1. fssrk1

    fssrk1 New Fapstronaut

    Hi Everyone,

    I stumbled onto the yourbrainonporn website and decided to give this a try. Last year I did it for almost two months and has some of my most productive work and highest grade in a tough graduate level engineering class.

    This time I am committed to making it to the 100 day mark to see the complete benefits. I started NoFap on 7/6/14 and now it has been almost 41 days. The early 2-3 weeks were very tough and I had to adjust with how to channel the excess physical energy.

    What I have noticed so far:

    Stuck to a healthy diet

    Exercised consistently: low intensity cardio, body weight training pushups, pullups etc, and sprinting

    More confidence: such as more eye contact with men and woman, striking up conversations with new people and not really caring what they think about me as much.

    Been having better luck getting dates online and in person. I had a really attractive woman about a month ago follow me around a party for 3 hours to talk to me. The funny thing is she went out of her way to get to get my female friend to get my phone number and ask me about salsa dancing classes. She could have used google or the yellow pages. We went on a few dates but her ex-husband butted in and I broke up with her.

    Better concentration.

    Starting to go out to more social events even by myself and talking with others.

    Fixed two problems that our best technicians couldn't solve by themselves. Our best techs are now coming to me with questions. Before NoFap they only gave me routine work that anyone of us could have finished. This is giving me more confidence which is what I want.

    With the more confidence from work people are looking to me for a leadership role. This is the long run could lead to a more interesting job but I like my current work for now.

    A few negatives:
    It seems that I getting more sensitive sexually and almost orgasmed a few times just thinking about attractive women. This is something that I need to be more careful about.

    My libido sometimes drop and at times only get a smaller erection than I had before NoFap but I am hoping this is just part of the healing phase.

    Getting more aggressive emotionally and verbally a few times I was arguing with a few female friends and hurt their feelings by saying things without thinking. I really felt bad and apologized to them and explained to them what I was doing.

    When I told them about NoFap they think I am being way too hard on myself and they want me to masturbate or sleep around with some women. They took me to a strip joint last night and although some of the women were physically attractive it didn't do much for me. I made sure not to get a lapdance because I probably would have cum in my pants which would have been embarrassing and defeat the purpose of my goal.

    The more I do this the better I will I be able to channel my energy.

    This Wednesday I have a date with an older women that seems attractive to me. Wish me luck guys.

    I think NoFap will help me a better man and help me finally lose my virginity. No excuses about being too busy at work or anything else.

    The strict Catholic religious upbringing kept me very ashamed of my sexuality and lead me into watching porn and masturbating because it was considered wrong to just have sex with women for fun unless you creating a child which I didn't want for many years.

    Yes I know long introduction but a lot that has gone on my life to get me to this point.

    I wish everyone luck and hope I can be of some support to others.
  2. perusan

    perusan Fapstronaut

    Looks like you will be posting in the Success Stories in no time at all. Certainly your positives and negatives ring true with what many people observe as they get over that initial struggle with abstinence and find a steady new way of living. Not sure about your comments about your erection - I usually find if we are worrying about those sort of things then we are still centring our focus on our genitals. Once you lift your mind, your concerns, your focus from there you will find more confidence and peace of mind.

    As for your female friends' concern for you and their solution, it doesn't surprise me. Many people, not just women, think M and O are healthy and an abstinence is unnecessary. But that is fine if you have a healthy approach. We are all here because we know we are unhealthy. We fap unhealthily, we view P unhealthily, we are addicts. And because we are addicts we cannot accept what is normal for others.

    Good luck this weekend!
  3. HandsFreeOrganism

    HandsFreeOrganism Fapstronaut

  4. Popeye87

    Popeye87 Fapstronaut

    You're doing really well.. I hope to one day be writing of such progress. I think you'll be losing your virginity in no time..good luck bro..:D