Why not just use boner pills

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Bandido, Aug 29, 2020.

  1. Bandido

    Bandido Fapstronaut

    Supposedly porn causes ED, which I think is not the case, is more of a mental and emotional issue. The fact that you can get erected with porn, but not masturbation, proves nothing, as with masturbation, you're more self-conscious and your negative mind will sabotage you and stimulus is reduced. It is easier to get erected when you're distracted and focused on others, porn. All men regardless if addicted to porn or not, will have a stronger erection with a bikini photo than with their thoughts, that's a fact.

    Reality is that you have problems with sex, so why not use boner pills, especially if you get into a relationship? Chances are quitting porn may not fix this for a lot of people, because the issue is mental and emotional. Even if you somehow "rewire" your dopamine to become normal again, you still have a lot of mental and emotional baggage from your failures, shame, etc that can sabotage your sex life and relationship.

    What you need is successes, not failures. The whole point of this shit is to have sex with a woman. You can visit a sex doctor and get prescribed the boner pills that you take daily and last longer. Nothing wrong with that. I know I would.

    People say you will become dependant, but guess what, lots of men use them. All porn actors use them and that's why you have mental and emotional issues because you have been taught to believe you're not big enough, not hard enough, not man enough for not being like these porn actors who have great genetics, use steroids, and boner pills.

    Of course, this site blocks the boner pills names, wonder why? cause they want to keep you trapped into this failure mindset.

    Most of us are getting older anyway, lots of people here in their late 20s and 30s, I'm 36 now, guess what, you're getting old, shit doesn't work as well anymore as before, nothing wrong with using a little help.

    But somehow people believe is cheating or wrong they feel shame of having to resort to external help
    Burhan96, Henr2020 and 007_JamesBond like this.
  2. We may as well just take drugs to enable us to do anything, in that case.
  3. I believe I speak for the greater part of the nofap community when I say that we prefer to treat the cause and not just the symptom.
  4. Candun

    Candun Fapstronaut

    How many posts are you going to make repeating this silliness?
  5. Good can’t exist without a condition and consequences meaning you take these for years everyday and expect nothing to happen?
  6. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    So spend the rest of your life carrying Boner Pills around? What happens when they run out? What happens when your partner realizes you can’t have sex with them without a pill? How will that affect their self esteem and desire to have sex with you? How will that make YOU feel long term?

    if my leg gets injured and isn’t working I don’t amputate it for a prosthetic—I rehabilitate it till it works agin.
  7. And that's all we need to read to know what your real agenda is in coming to this place.
    Mr. Kruger likes this.
  8. _NULL_

    _NULL_ Fapstronaut

    I don't see any problem with ED pills. I consulted my urologist and he said it's safe to use them even in long term. They are not addictive and the symptoms fade out after the effect of the pills are gone (if you have symptoms when use them). I see them as a tool, just like sex toys. I had these thoughts about them: "What if she finds out? Will she think I don't find her attractive?" I told the last girl I had sex with that I would use them and she was supportive (she knows about my porn addiction). And to be honest, I don't feel any guilty using them anymore. They help with my erections, so why not? Just find the right amount for you to avoid symptoms like headache, among others. You will have a problem if you can only have sex using them. It's important to note that sex is not (just) about your penis. To have good sex, using your penis is optional. That's my approach to sex. Intercourse is cool, but there are oral sex (for both of you), vibrators (if you and/or your partner like) and your whole body to explore. Don't use pills thinking this will provide good sex. Most women don't cum with intercourse anyway.
  9. pump20

    pump20 Fapstronaut

    You don't need the boner pills bud because they're not necessary. All you have to do is stop PMO forever and the boners will return. It's going to take some time so be patient. In fact, those pills didn't exist back then. Plus, they're expensive anyway, so why bother?
    Mr. Kruger likes this.
  10. M90mv

    M90mv Fapstronaut

    Boner pills simply work as a vasodilator.. that means that the veins that go to your unit will be larger in diameter allowing for more blood flow.

    Most men with PIED don't have a physical issue that prevents blood flow, their dopamine reward system is all messed up from years of instant reward/gratification.

    In most cases (including my own experience) Boner pills will not do much for you if you are not already aroused.
    Mr. Kruger and PMOare4SoyBoys like this.
  11. Bandido

    Bandido Fapstronaut

    This makes no sense. Lots of men have issues down there for lots of reasons, including physical ones. What happens when you run out lol the pharmacy is 5 minutes away, carrying boner pills around? the whole point of using them is to have success in a relationship, you don't have to carry shit around son, what happens when partner finds out? nothing, you own up to it that you have issue with boners whether mental, physical, etc

    it has nothing to do with them and their self esteem, how that will make you feel long term? is whatever man, lots of people are on medication because they have to

    what happens if you quit all this porn crap and you still have issues, what now? quit relationships altogether? become gay? most women will step out on you when you can't perform thats a given, is a sad reality and sex is a big part of a relationship, she may like you heck even love you but sooner or later she will need that sex and if you cant provide it well she will find it somewhere else

    you mention how you would feel long term? good, because im enjoying myself and having successes, imagine quitting this porn shit only to keep failing time and time again, what now? how would you feel then? your self esteem would be destroyed which becomes a vicious cycle of failure

    fact of life is lots of guys quit porn and all this fap shit and still have issues, what are you supposed to do then? accept your lot in life? wallow in your own pity? fuck that, if science can help a man with his sex life why not use science
    Belching_Booch and 007_JamesBond like this.
  12. Bandido

    Bandido Fapstronaut

    that's your case, I've been fapping to porn for decades, i'm 36 now, the boner pills always work for me

    if they don't work for you that means your issue is physical
  13. Bandido

    Bandido Fapstronaut

    sooner or later you will have to use them to have sex anyway when shit starts failing as you get older so it doesnt really matter

    you think the average guy in his 50s is in perfect working order? lol they all have issues here and there
  14. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    That hasn’t been our experience. my husband had pied for 5 years, took 4-6 months of no pmo but now a year and a half later he is rock hard! He’s 52 this year and sex is by far the best it’s ever been in our marriage. As long as he doesn’t pmo he’s good to go every day.
    Mr. Kruger and Candun like this.
  15. Bandido

    Bandido Fapstronaut

    why are you here then and not your husband? sounds fishy
  16. Candun

    Candun Fapstronaut

    If you have other mental or emotional issues you work to fix them. Not hide them forever with pills.
    Mr. Kruger and Psalm27:1my light like this.
  17. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    Lol, why in the world would this sound fishy? I joined to better understand the addiction and to help other so’s navigate with their spouses. I’ve been married for 28 years, so I’ve been through just about everything you can with this addiction. Our experience is not uncommon. At all, unfortunately.
    Sosuke Aizen and Mr. Kruger like this.
  18. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    And my husband is on here, however, he’s not all that interested in posting much.
    Sosuke Aizen likes this.
  19. alphakadabro

    alphakadabro Fapstronaut

    A 36-year old man should not have erection issues. It means you have hormonal problems or porn problems, or both. I've used tons of boner pills because I had PIED but still wanted a sex life. But if you do that, you still need no PMO so that you can recover from the addiction.

    Boner pills don't fix desensitization and less satisfying orgasms, by the way. And as others have stated, they don't fix the root problem, they just hide the symptoms.

    I can tell you from experience that when you use boner pills regularly, you feel invincible and are more likely to PMO. Who cares about avoiding porn when I can take sex pills to stay hard? Soon the 5mg pill becomes 10mg and then 20. And soon that pill stops working. Then youre taking another pill 10mg, 25mg and 50mg just to stay hard.

    If you've never done them before, they give you killer nasal congestion. You can't breathe through your nose for like 36 hours and they also are accompanied by headaches usually. So you got the tolerance building and then you get the overconfidence which usually makes the addiction worse. And remember, addiction causes brain damage that carries over into other areas of your life. So what will you do to treat all the other symptoms of PMO addiction other than PIED?

    This snowballs into treating all the symptoms one by one, which is enormously foolish. It only makes sense to use sex pills as a temporary measure while on the no-PMO path. And then stop their use as soon as possible. Not to mention many guys say abstaining from O and sex altogether for a period of time makes recovery fastest.
    Mr. Kruger and liveclean like this.
  20. M90mv

    M90mv Fapstronaut

    Incorrect. I'm not saying they are completely useless but they won't fix someone who has severe PIED.

    If you can easily get and maintain an erection while PMOing but not during normal interactions, how in the world can you say thats a physical issue?
    Mr. Kruger likes this.