Where do I go from here?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by nofap528, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. nofap528

    nofap528 Fapstronaut

    I've installed the k9 web filter to block all porn sites. I've started to go to the gym 3 days a week, and try my best to do 1hr cardio on the days im not at the gym. But everytime I browse a while on You tube, i relapse because you can get away with a lot of things on youtube. So i just MO twice today after 2-day streak. Why arent the things im doing now not helping me, or what can i do to further prevent urges?
  2. chinchilla808

    chinchilla808 Fapstronaut

    DON'T GO ON YOUTUBE. At first you might have to cut yourself off from a bunch of things that make you relapse: Youtube videos, risky movies, advertisements, the list goes on. Treat yourself as you might treat an alcoholic. Would you keep a bottle of whisky on your desk if your trying to recover from alcoholism? NO. The main idea is the same: it's an addiction. But some may argue that alcoholics have it easier; for they have to drink it to get an effect. With PMO even freaking glancing at an imaged of a woman sets off a chemical reaction, the addiction pathway. PMO addiction is similar to many other addictions. Have you ever been addicted to something? Did you manage to quit? Try implement those strategies. All the best!
    staying_alive likes this.
  3. chinchilla808

    chinchilla808 Fapstronaut

    Actually what you can do is put the parental block on Youtube, I used that for awhile.
  4. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    If YouTube is a problem, get rid of it. You will feel contempt at first, but you will not regret it. It will help you so much especially if it is a trigger. You can't be on something that triggers you if you want to get through this. Good luck bub
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2015
    Kurapika 2 likes this.
  5. mv8652

    mv8652 Fapstronaut

    Didn't you ever hear the old joke where the patient says, "Doc, it hurts when I do this," and the doctor says, "Well, don't do that!" Whatever triggers you, avoid it. As chinchilla808 said, use the parental block on YouTube until you're stronger. Actually, there are lots of good NoFap-related videos on YouTube, that I find very helpful and inspiring, but if you can't keep your eyes off the triggers there, just don't go there.
  6. Hero One

    Hero One Fapstronaut

    Hi, welcome!

    The problem with a PMO addiction, is that your brain is currently wired to not actually think it's a bad thing. Infact, your brain is actively looking forward to the next time you can. Because 'O' is such a high, it's rooted in your subconscious, and your brain is going to be very confused as to why it's not getting it anymore.

    The things you are doing to help - the exercise, healthy living and changes to your routine, are helping. But the actual decision to abstain will always fall to an 'either / or' moment, where your willpower will be tested against temptation.

    There's no 'quick fix' against this. The healthiest person, doing all the right things, still has to make a fundamental decision at the end of the day to give in or not.

    I'd suggest keeping away from temptations - as you say, YouTube is a slippery slope, with lots of provocative material. I'd limit your time there for now.

    I applaud your steps so far, but you're in for a wild ride. We're here for you.
    staying_alive likes this.
  7. sivavs

    sivavs Guest

    Install a porn filter in your mind.
  8. nofap528

    nofap528 Fapstronaut

    Wow. Thanks everyone for your replies, i'm definitely going to either put the parental block or just cutting off Youtube, thanks again for your input guys.