Strong urge to smoke after 30 days of nofap. Advice needed.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Mar 16, 2019.

  1. PowerfulSRE

    PowerfulSRE Distinguished Fapstronaut

  2. [​IMG]
    Coffee Candy likes this.

    CORAZZON Fapstronaut

    I'll chime in on this one.

    PMO and smoking both bud and cigs have intertwined in my life for nearly the last 10 years. When I discovered noFap, I was trying to quit smoking. The difficult part for me was, I didn't like smoking one without the other. If I smoked bud, I had to smoke a cig afterwards to mello out. If I smoked a cig, well it just wasn't the same unless I was high.

    PMO ties into this because 9 times out of 10, after whacking myself off, I'd smoke a bowl and then a cig afterwards, then continue about my business. As you all know, you do something enough it becomes a habit. These things all started to become the only things that I would look forward to when I got home from work, or when I was bored and didn't know what to do.

    When I started my reboot the last time, before I heard about the site and I was just using the app, I tried to quit everything at once. Which didnt quite work out.

    So this time, I'm focusing on staying clean from PMO, and I have gradually weaned myself off of both bud and cigs. It's a mentality thing really, you want a better lifestyle for yourself, a clean lifestyle with a clear mind. If you're having the thoughts "I should make this my last cig", than take that thought and use it to better yourself.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Was. Quit cold turkey after 8- years.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. PowerfulSRE

    PowerfulSRE Distinguished Fapstronaut

    So Self control you say? You didn't get any weight, anger? How do you feel now when you are close to smokers? @Successwithin
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Yea, I have been down that road. Smokin shit, getting high and then PMO. And completely hungover the next day and being too lazy to even move a muscle.
    I get these "one last time cig" thoughts once every week. Hate it! :'(

    Last month I went into severe depression and even cried in my room once because I felt like I was a slave, chained to all these addictions.


    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2020

    CORAZZON Fapstronaut

    Just bite the bullet one day man and call it quits. It worked best for me if I timed everything right to where I smoked my last cig right before I was ready go to sleep, that way you wake up with nothing to smoke.

    Once you get past the 3-4 days, you'll be golden. Trust me bro the pain and discomfort of quitting is nothing compared to the pain that comes with feeling like you know you could of done better for yourself.

    It's a decision you have to make, its not easy to do but it's a simple choice. Put them down, make the choice to better yourself.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Self-control in its best form. When I'm close to smokers (which is almost never) I just ignore it or think why I've ever done that by my own choice. Of course, there are a few days of feeling "emptiness" at first when you quit, but as you know that smoking is just a habit. When you replace that bad habit, with for example exercising it is relatively easy to quit.

    This is just the same as the urges of masturbating, it is all about self-control. You either control yourself or let all kinds of wants and needs to pull you to every direction.

    Meditate, jog, go to a gym, box, sing, dance. Anything that feels good for you. Ground your energy, so you are in control of your most sacred place your own body, mind, and soul. Control your energy.

    PowerfulSRE and Deleted Account like this.
  9. I have been free from weed since 11/12/18 and cigarette since 11/26/18. I still get urges to smoke.
    CORAZZON likes this.

    CORAZZON Fapstronaut

    I see, must of overlooked that.

    Those urges you're getting is probably just your brain asking for some form of a dopamine kick. Don't give in man, your doing good!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. While I'm not a smoker, one thing that helps me with NoFap it to tell myself that PMO is just something I don't do anymore, that it's not the person I am. It's not hard for me to not smoke, because that's not who I am. Try telling yourself that, maybe it will work, it's worth a try.
    Also, OPM season 2 hype!!!!!!

    Good luck man!
    Deleted Account and CORAZZON like this.
  12. Thanks, friend.

  13. Basith

    Basith New Fapstronaut

    Update: Wow. Lucky to find a post from my old account. Been sober from drugs since 2019 june.
    CarP likes this.