Porn addiction can be a symptom of the shit in your life not just the cause

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Toomuchh, Mar 27, 2019.

  1. Toomuchh

    Toomuchh Fapstronaut

    I think its important to remember that while porn has negatively affected the lives of many people on this forum, it may or may not be the root cause of your problems. Sometimes porn addiction is caused by previous trauma that leaves us more susceptible to abuse porn, which then leads to problems of excessive PMO use.

    I think this distinction is important for recovery because if you ignore the problems in your life that lead to PMO, no matter how long you go on nofap, youll always go back to it no matter how long your streak. If you don't face those issues you wont be able to fix anything. I think some people get sold on the idea that by just abstaining from PMO all your problems will be solved. This is ridiculous.

    People will probably dislike that im saying just nofap alone isnt enough to change your life. That if you want to change you got to do more than just that.

    That being said nofap imo is just like eating a healthy diet or exercising and being fit. It's a healthy lifestyle choice that comes with certain benefits but not a magic pill to solve all your problems. It enables you to have more time to grow as a person, instead of wacking off to porn.

    So if you do nofap but replace the time you spend on porn playing videos and surfing the internet all day. Dont be surprised when you relapse again and wonder why nothings changed. If you do nofap and still feel anxious af and never take the time to reflect on why you have low self esteem(cause really thats what anxiety is) and do something proactive to change how you feel, dont be surprised that you relapse. If you eat the most unhealthy foods don't wonder why you feel like shit.

    Nofap is just one part of your life, it triggers the fuck outta me that some people act like nofap is some kind of one size fits all miracle cure. That instead of owning up to their problems, they use PMO as an excuse for everything wrong with their life. Like they aren't responsible for taking control of their life.

    Its easy to blame PMO, but that's not gonna let you grow as a person if you avoid taking ownership for how you got there. I think it doesnt do anyone on here any favours when they spread rhetoric about how porn is why theyre, skinny, depressed, suicidal, fat, have anxiety, low test, etc. Bitch porn just makes those things worse, and nofap just puts you in a position to deal with those issues. If you think nofap is gonna fix all that for you, youre just setting yourself up for dissapointment.

    So people looking for a quick fix to shit in their life, get real there is no such thing. Once you accept that you'll be in a better position to improve your life and move in the direction you want to.
    whoa!, AxBlaim, OnTheEdge and 2 others like this.
  2. So true and useful. I felt I already know that but reading it makes it more real. Thank you for sharing. I'm gonna keep this in mind.
    Toomuchh likes this.
  3. The article you quoted it's just one of the best things I've read about Porn Addiction.
    OnTheEdge likes this.
  4. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    100 % true. I've been says this all along. PMO is our drug of choice. The same as heroine is for heroin addict or alcohol for alcoholic. Our tool to escape painful emotions.
    Toomuchh likes this.
  5. jk243

    jk243 Fapstronaut

    Well said
    Toomuchh likes this.
  6. AspiringVitality

    AspiringVitality Fapstronaut

  7. Very true. I once knew someone who started doing heroin and then proclaimed it was a 'cure' for her depression. I criticised her, saying it was stupid to think you could take heroin and not deal with the depression itself. The depression and anxiety would just be there waiting for her when the heroin ran out. What I didn't realise at the time was my porn use was the equivalent for my own problems. Nofap takes away the coping mechanism and then you have to deal with the problems which are unearthed. That's why it's so difficult.