Once more

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by craving-and-rotting, Mar 23, 2018.

  1. craving-and-rotting

    craving-and-rotting New Fapstronaut

    i've been 2 years struggling with my porn addiction, i've lost all hopes, i've tried everything and now i'm on a point where my conciousness is disapearing. All in my live is losing meaning and anxiety and depression are common in my daily routine. Today i relapsed, only after a week, i can't do it anymore so here i am.
  2. You should seek professional help. Porn addiction is a recognized medical addiction and it will be helpful to actually take action and see someone about it. You've tried on your own for a while and arent succeeding so i think that seeing a professional about it is the next step
    craving-and-rotting likes this.
  3. Miss Winnie

    Miss Winnie Fapstronaut

    You’re totally not alone bud. I as well as many on here have also struggled with anxiety, depression, and a bunch more. If you would like someone to talk to, dm me any time.

    Honestly wish I could give ya a hug right now. It’s really hard, but youve Got the strength within you to tackle this.
    craving-and-rotting likes this.