NF - Book aficionados & Reading Society

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by DireWolf, May 7, 2015.

  1. DireWolf

    DireWolf Fapstronaut

    Welcome, i decided to create this thread as a project for us readers and book enthusiasts to share our favourite books and stories, give recommendations on art, discover old jewels and discuss new releases, welcome to the book club, everyone is invited.

  2. DireWolf

    DireWolf Fapstronaut

    I'll start saying that im a big sci-fi and fiction reader, i really enjoy and relate with authors that at some point in time have dreamed a bright future where technology, knowledge and the will to be better creates new societies and takes us to the stars, even though that is my favourite category i enjoy other kinds as well

    Top 5 authors:

    1.- Jules Verne
    2.- Robert E. Howard
    3.- Robert A. Heinlein
    4.- Stephen King
    5.- Chuck Palahniuk

    Most of these authors have influenced and shaped my personality and my mindset, sure i dont agree on everything but you take in something with you every time you love a book, i have memorized like 4 Jules Verne books even though my memory is garbage, share yours!
  3. Big SF fan as well, especially of William Gibsons Sprawl Trilogy of novels.
  4. Sci fi, speculative fiction, historical fiction, mystery, fantasy, romance, I really read everything!

    My top favorite series/ authors:

    1. Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey/ Maturin series (I absolutely adore these books, best historical fiction ever written, I cannot get them enough praise)
    2. Isaac Asimov's Foundation and Three Rules of Robotics series (the king of sci fi IMHO)
    3. J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series (I admit it, I jumped on that bandwagon, its the only other series besides Aubrey and Maturn and LoTR that I can read over and over again)
    4. Sherman Alexie, anything by this awesome, hilarious, visionary writer (Reservations Blues and Flight are my favorite)
    5. J.R.R. Tolkien's Hobbit, Roverandom, Farmer Giles of Ham and Lord of the Rings (I first read LoTR when I was seven, fell in love, it's what made me want to become a writer and nurtured my love of languages)

    I'm currently reading Hunger Games, because I had a hankering for a dystopia.
  5. What's your favorite Heinlein, DireWolf? I think for me is was The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress. I love stories about robots, of course being an Asimov fan, and having a robot and some humans get together to start a revolution is just the perfect plot. Couldn't stand Stranger in a Strange Land. I hate it when sci fi authors use psychokinesis and other similar powers. For me psychokinesis is simply magic and has no business being in a sci fi novel.
  6. DireWolf

    DireWolf Fapstronaut

    I love Heinlein's work, he shows the virtue and the importance of study and knowledge every time. i will share a small detail on my favourites:

    1.- Tunnel in space: love this one about the new pioneers, a student gets stranded with others on another planet, adventure stories are my thing.
    2.- Starship Troopers: i may be a in a minority but i agree completly with Heinlein's view of duty, democracy and the way to conduct society, great story
    3.- Titan invades earth: one of the most epic, funny and entertaining sci fi books i've ever read
    4.- Farmer in the stars: Again a story about pioneers and people who dare to face the challenge, adventure and tremendous risk
    5.- Space Cadet: Once again Heinlein potraits the virtue of learning and knowledge as a weapon, along other virtues can form great men, i love this one.

    Honorable mentions to: All you people zombies story which is now a movie BTW and the Future Stories series with the good old Harriman doing business
  7. KnotReel

    KnotReel New Fapstronaut

    1. Charles Dickens / Bleak House, Great Expectations, The Old Curiosity Shop, and Oliver Twist
    2. Robert Louis Stevenson / A Child's Garden of Verses, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Treasure Island
    3. Shakespeare / King Lear, Othello, Twelfth Night
    4. Orson Scott Card / The Ender Quartet
    5. Joseph Heller / Catch-22

    Honorable Mention: Charlotte Brontë / Jane Eyre
  8. transmute

    transmute Fapstronaut

    Gotta get into The Maze Runner series before the 2nd film comes out. Want to be done with the 2nd book in time for the film. Loved The Maze Runner film probably like the book even more.

    How cool would it be if we could have an augmented reality NF book club where we could all gather in a virtual library like DW posted in the first post, sip tea and nibble on vegan cupcakes (or coffee and donuts if that's your thing)?

    Or we could always email Jay Walker and see if we could use his library for a biannual week long book club retreat? (dont mind me i am out of my mind):

    Last edited: May 10, 2015
  9. DireWolf

    DireWolf Fapstronaut

    Thumbs up on the maze runner series, i've not read the books but i watched the movie with no expectations at all thinking it was goona be bad, but it was good.
  10. transmute

    transmute Fapstronaut

    Same. Had no high expectations for the movie but I ended up really enjoying it. I hear the books are even better. Most people say the 2nd book, The Scorch Trials, is better than The Maze Runner. Going in with high expectations for the film and book.
  11. DireWolf

    DireWolf Fapstronaut

    Well, share your spoiler free reviews on the maze runner series right here, on our club.
  12. Yes yes, vegan cupcakes and NoFap virtual reality. Like I'd died and gone to heaven.
    transmute likes this.