My wife is my trigger

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Deleted Account, Nov 14, 2018.

  1. Don't know what the point of this is, just putting my thoughts down. I have appropriate pictures of my wife on my phone and computer background. She is extremely attractive, however due to mental or emotional issues, she cannot have sex. She has tried for years to get help on various fronts, has made great progress, but no success on physical intimacy. Seeing pictures of her almost makes me depressed and aroused and want to act out with PMO. I think I'm going to take her pictures down. It hurts and it's tempting to look at her. It's not her fault. When i feel like this, I often look at her like a body to be used for my pleasure, instead of a person I should serve and love. Maybe I can train my brain to look at her differently with practice. But for now, when I'm in times where I can act out, seeing her picture is really bad for me.
  2. vxlccm

    vxlccm Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Yep. Remove everything that isn't helping!

    Being dedicated without resentment is for sure difficult. Sounds good that she has been trying to heal (for you). Hang in there, bud.
  3. DickMiller45

    DickMiller45 Fapstronaut

    Hey thanks for posting. I am in a similar boat I think. I have struggled to make peace with my wife’s asexuality for most of our life together. I think it must be possible to have an otherwise fulfilling asexual marriage, but I don’t know quite how. Keep trying!
  4. The best I can do is focus on my kids and my job, helping our family succeed, and maybe she will come around. If not, hopefully I leave behind a legacy with incredible kids. Good luck to you!
  5. DickMiller45

    DickMiller45 Fapstronaut

    I bet you can do even better. (This is a challenge to myself as well, as I have made the same exact claim.)

    I bet you can let go, entirely, of needing your wife to be any different than she is. You can find peace and prosperity within yourself, and you can share it with her and with your kids, and maybe with others as well.

    I believe it is possible for everyone.
  6. You're right. Acceptance is the first step toward healing and growth. Thank you for your encouragement and insight. God gave her to me as she is for a reason: my growth and development to find my way back to him, through her.
    vxlccm, Trappist and DickMiller45 like this.
  7. phuck-porn!

    phuck-porn! Fapstronaut

    so my situation is not the same - but a little similar so I kinda get where you're at. I agree that the highest goal is to be in a place where we don't need our wives' affirmation, or where we as men don't need sex. I spent several years telling myself I could get by without sex just fine - but I dove into PMO instead.

    I'm not saying that that is what has to happen. I was in a dumb place and took the emotional short-cut that was familiar. However, I now think that needs like affirmation and sex are real, deep, and legitimate needs - and I still really don't like admitting that. that being said, I think it is possible to get along healthily, even in a relationship, without them. Possible - but not easy. we have to own the fact that at some deep, dna level we have a drive, a need for those and similar things. we cannot pretend that does not exist. secondly I think we need to be intentional about how we deal with it - frequently reminding ourselves of what we are doing, and why.

    Lastly, we need to be eternally vigilant against resentment. when we give up something that deeply seated, it's easy even years later to feel resentful.

    No real solution offered here. just some thoughts and advance warning of the mines in the road...
    Deleted Account, vxlccm and Trappist like this.
  8. Les_Brown

    Les_Brown Fapstronaut

    Hey, sir. First and foremost, thank you for reaching out. While it might not seem like much, it takes strength to identify that there is a problem, so I admire you for wanting to make things better. Out of curiosity, have you ever read the book called "Cupid's Poison Arrow" by Marnia Robinson. It offers a unique perspective on love and may provide you with a new way to look at and appreciate your wife.
    vxlccm and Deleted Account like this.
  9. HybridOwl

    HybridOwl Fapstronaut

    Thanks for this thread guys. My wife also has issues around sexuality and is something she wants to work on. It seems like it's something that's gotten worse as the marriage evolved and I dove deeper into the porn abyss to compensate. It's something I didn't want to admit. On some level I wanted to pretend I didn't need sex either.

    My wife is a trigger for resentment because sometimes I look at her and think "you've just let yourself go... you don't care about my needs. You like the fact I use porn because it keeps me away from you." This is probably paranoia and it's very chicken-and-egg because until I recover (and she does more work on herself in parallel) there's no way we'll really know whether sex is ever coming back into our lives. Not to mention my addiction has probably contributed heavily to her "letting herself go".
  10. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    Just as she is your trigger , I can almost guarantee you are hers . Fix you . She then fixes herself and then you can fix the relationship.
  11. Romans 6 23

    Romans 6 23 Fapstronaut

    I can relate. I am blessed to have a wife who is physically everything I am attracted to. We were very active when we started dating seriously and moved in together. She's almost 4 months pregnant and for 2 months we didn't have any sex at all. which was a big shift from everynight right before then.

    My wife is a big trigger for me especially if she's walking around the house in a "comfortable" outfit
    cosmos_man and inutterclarity like this.
  12. Congratulations to you and your wife on pregnancy. We have a week to go here.
    Deleted Account and Romans 6 23 like this.
  13. Romans 6 23

    Romans 6 23 Fapstronaut

    Thank you sir, this is baby #2, we are all very excited, especially our daughter to be a big sister.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. Slick Willie

    Slick Willie Fapstronaut

    Im in a near sexless marriage myself. For yrs we fucked like rabbits but over time her desire for sex has all but gone. Plagued with chronic pain issues, over medication and childhood drama hasnt helped her. Its sad because she loved having sex. Last time we made love was too painful for her. I hurt her like i was john holmes. (Showing my age) I dealt with it by PMOing. Started resenting her...probably would have had a affair if i could found the time.
    Thanks to Nofap i now accept her for the person she is. Ive only MOed once in the past 30 days and any mental need for sex has greatly dimished.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. Raven King

    Raven King Fapstronaut

    Remove everything that can be a trigger from sight or easy access. After the healing process is complete, you will look differently at the pictures of her, and she won't be a trigger anymore.

    DickMiller45 and Deleted Account like this.
  16. DickMiller45

    DickMiller45 Fapstronaut

    If only it were as easy as taking down a few pictures. Those of us who live with our wives don’t have the option of removing everything that may be a trigger.

    Maybe this deserves its own thread...Anyone have tips for getting past all the potential sexuality of a partner?
  17. lovelyDay

    lovelyDay Fapstronaut

    My advice is to remove everything that can be a trigger.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. Yes, in a way, I think we have to live life without them. Part of this addiction is placing too much importance on their bodies, like a form of worship and idolatry. Working around the house, setting goals and schedules, managing ourselves, can help us DETACH from the unhealthy ways we have attached to our spouses, in order to RE-ATTACH in a healthy way.

    Sometimes this FEELS like ignoring them, reducing communication, doing life without them, etc. When in really it is living life in a healthy way and allowing our spouses the opportunity to connect with us IF THEY CHOOSE TO. Sometimes if feels like I'm living as a single dad, with my wife in the house, but in reality it's being a productive and effective husband to a wife who may have her own issues to deal with, which may or may not have anything to do with me.

    Take care of the family, take care of yourself, this is our job!
    DickMiller45 likes this.