Mixed feelings toward women.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by DancingShadows, Dec 30, 2016.

  1. DancingShadows

    DancingShadows Fapstronaut

    WARNING: If you are easily offended, "triggered", can't tolerate others opinions and are easily butthurt in general, then do not read further!

    I will say it again, this is you last chance to avoid becoming upset.

    You have been warned.


    I was interested in feminism. Because i am fond of justice and equality in general ( following my subjective view).

    What I found was very depressing though.

    Don't get me wrong I am not talking about politics here but just a "problem" of mine which I would appreciate opinions and advices on. Of course, only, if you are able to tell me it with basic human courtesy.

    The first thing is I grew up in a household where my mother was treated badly by my father. He never hit her, but there was verbal and "emotional" abuse.
    Now, that's a thing of the past but my mother developed a victim syndrome, and no matter what happens in the present, her past sufferings justify it.

    Thats why I am very prejudiced against people playing the victim.

    And now I go on the internet and hear, read, listen to stuff. And what I find is a whole movement and Zeitgeist among many females that likes to play the victim role.

    A whole generation that puts down men for the sake of feeling a bit better themselves.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I am not troubled by that. But my problem is not, that I am upset about that.

    The thing is that I can't respect (these) women. Who only blame others for their own faults.Who justify their narcissism and selfishness with delusions and bad things in the past that never had anything to do, or affected them.
    I just don't understand why adolescents and young adults have to behave like spoiled brats and believe the louder they shout, the more they get.

    And again, I know not ALL women are like that. I am sure there are women who don't behave like that and this post isnt talking about you.
    I know that there are cool girls who are "normal" thinking and have common sense.

    But nowadays there are just so many young girls - my age - who are like described above.

    I mean, when people talk about "safe spaces" use terms like "triggered" and call you a misogynist and racist monster whatever at the slightest notion of common sense. When people/more often women get "offended" by logical, normal questions.

    I think what best describes my feelings is "disappointment". I dont feel hate or rage and anger or whatever.
    I just face the facts that a lot of girls are at the mental maturity of a toddler and treat them like that/don't take them serious at all. and because I don't know people beforehand I treat all women who are strangers like that. That doesnt mean I am impolite to them or anything, just that I will not take anything they do or say serious at all. And I don't think this will change without a better solution. Of course, if a women plays the role and behaves like an adult she will be taken serious.

    Opinions, advices? PS: I am 21.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2016
  2. Green_Tea

    Green_Tea Fapstronaut

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