Masturbating without porn?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Mike115, Aug 4, 2015.

  1. Mike115

    Mike115 Fapstronaut

    Is masturbating without porn bad? It's obviously not a good thing when trying to overcome an addiction but is it the worst thing? When I say without porn I mean without visualizing about anything sexual. So pretty much completely zoning out and masturbating to nothing pretty much
  2. CL555

    CL555 Fapstronaut

    It will severely slow down your reboot. Also there are multiple benefits to semen retination. (More Testosterone = more focus/confidence etc)
    Also, I find it difficult to see how masturbation without visualizing sex is even possible.. It'll eventually lead to full on PMO, trust me man!
    And whatever you do, don't edge!!!
    I'd just steer clear of the masturbation. I know a lot of things on this forum are geared towards giving up pOrn, but it's called NoFAP for a reason.

    Good luck with your reboot, my friend!
  3. Mike115

    Mike115 Fapstronaut

    I edge all the time :( I can't help myself
  4. IGY

    IGY Guest

  5. Masturbation in general is till feeding an emotional addiction somewhere inside of us. Makes no difference if it's to porn. It's like an recovering alcoholic having cheat drinks every so often.

    Some might not agree with this, but after years of experimentation and personal/spiritual research, I have come to a conclusion that masturbation is best to be avoided. I'm not a PMO addict. All I know is that after engaging in masturbation, I feel like a different man (and not in a good way).

    Sexual energy IS literally an energy, and when you masturbate you are creating negative energy. That is why many feel depleted afterwards, and you feel like there's a negative vortex around you.

    When you make love to a woman in a loving relationship, where she loves you and you love her, you'll find most of the time that no energy is lost, and that you can have sex multiple times, over and over. This is because sex is a soul based experience, a mixing of energy. It can either fill you back up, or take energy away from you (this mostly happens with one night stands, because there's no soul connection between the two).

    Once we understand that sex is literally a spiritual energy based thing, our perceptions on sex and PMO will change for the better. It's not just a physical thing. Sex is an energy cycle of subtraction and multiplication. You're either losing or gaining when taking part in it. Masturbation, your energy life force is becoming more and more depleted.

    Many artists and others in sport/ music will abstain from sex before big presentations and performances due to a surge of creative energy and strength they feel due to abstaining. Your sexual energy is incredibly powerful. It is your life force.
  6. Mike115

    Mike115 Fapstronaut

  7. thestonedkoala

    thestonedkoala Fapstronaut

    For me I'm done with it all together. If you don't masturbate you'll have a lot more sexual energy to use towards attracting real women. As for edging, I think it could have some benefits, but it would best be done with a real women. Just my opinion.
    Johnny222 likes this.
  8. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    Edging is one of the most destructive things you can do to NoFap. You might as well just fap.
    AlltheRageBackHome likes this.
  9. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    Finding out that not edging under any circumstance was the key to giving up masturbation was like finding gold at the end of the rainbow for me. Basically don't touch unless peeing or washing.
  10. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    It gave me the power instead of the fantasies. I was the one that could touch or not. The fantasies lost their power and I found what I always wanted - freedom from craving.
  11. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    Well, I mean you can itch your jewels too... Just nothing of "sexual nature"
  12. Pixelated Victory

    Pixelated Victory Fapstronaut

    Whether you are masturbating to porn or masturbating to your thoughts, you are still left with the same results. Okay so you didn't jack off to porn, but you painted a picture in your mind. That is just as artificial as porn in my book and consistent MO will lead you to PMO.

    Semen retention is very important for reboot. I am already finding that even once I do reach 90 days of no O, I will never go back to solo ejaculation. You don't need daily ejaculation. For millennia's and millennia's men only ejaculated to reproduce. This is empirical evidence that porn and masturbation is unnecessary and does unnatural things to our brains.
    AlltheRageBackHome likes this.
  13. Mike115

    Mike115 Fapstronaut

    You guys all make very good points. I am trying my hardest not to edge and if I find myself edging I try to stop immediately
    KingRecover17 likes this.
  14. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    How about instead of "if I find myself edging" you just don't touch? The only reason you touch your jewels from this point forward is if you have an itch, bathing, or re-situating.
  15. heartpower

    heartpower Fapstronaut

    It all depends on you and how you define your sobriety. If it affects your life negatively, then it's a problem, and you work on it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. MMAWingChunDude

    MMAWingChunDude Fapstronaut

    to be honest, if you have a bad enough Porn Addiction, you wouldn't even be able to have an erection potentially to EVEN enjoy masturbation without porn. seriously. I have come to realize how much being exposed to this filth overtime has wired my brain in an unhealthy way. I started before i truly even went through puberty entirely.