Looking for a url blacklist program...

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by nopenofap, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. nopenofap

    nopenofap Fapstronaut

    I want to install an url blocker on my PC, but I don't really find a program that helps me...

    I wanted to install K9, but it dindn't work :(

    Nevermind, I'm looking for a "blacklist" program, so a program into that i can put custom urls, cause I don't want a simple filter, because I want to be in control of what is blocked...

    It should also be password protected, so I can't access it.
    I've already tried addons for chrome (worked, but I can easily disable it whith using incognito mode...) and firefox (worked very well, but firefox is shitty).

    I know that's a lot of features, but if somebody knows a solution, that would be awesome.:D

    It doesn't need to be a standalone, user-friendly program, I'm used to make complicated settings in Windows.

    Thank you in advance!
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2014
  2. AnythingIsPossible

    AnythingIsPossible Fapstronaut

    So I've just installed K9 after having a few issues myself, there is actually a custom URL filter, as well as many other options including blocking certain terms in urls. This is ideal for me as my searches generally aren't covered by blanket porn filters. What firewall do you use? I used ZoneAlarm and I found that after uninstalling the entire program as opposed to just disabling it, and then restarting my computer made it work.