It's getting worse and worse...and I really need help

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by saquib, May 2, 2017.

  1. saquib

    saquib New Fapstronaut

    Hii, my name is saquib. i m new here....and i don't really know how this website is really gonna help me. I m addicted to PMO. I do it very frequently like every day and i can't help it. It is affecting my life, relationship, studies, thinking process, health.
  2. Overfloweth

    Overfloweth Fapstronaut

    Hey @saquib and welcome to NoFap. Firstly, you are not alone in your suffering with PMO, remember you are amongst brothers and sisters here also fighting for their freedom. Secondly, people usually arrive here when they start to see how PMO is affecting there lives negatively, as you have. This is the starting point for all of us here, congratulations on seeing that. Thirdly, well done for having the courage to make your first post, by being here and posting you have taken the first step towards recovery. It can be a long and hard fought journey, but it's so worth it, and you will learn so much about yourself in the process. This is a journey of self discovery and transformation. So welcome again.

    1) Read threads that give you insights, inspiration and ideas - arranged by age group and topic - ignore the threads that are just opinionated flame wars - these are a waste of your time.

    2) Set yourself realistic goals at first and an action plan on how to get there. You can hone your action plan over time based on things that work for you. Start with small simple steps. If you slip or relapse. Don't worry about it too much just learn from your experience and get better and better at failing until you succeed. Be kind to youself always. Encourage, but don't punish yourself.

    3) Keep a journal - start a thread in a forum most appropriate to you - by age group is best for this - it helps to keep a personal log of your thoughts, motivations, feelings, failures, learnings. So you learn as you progress. Plus others will connect with you that way.

    4) Learn something about the brian science of PMO and addiction. Study it wil help you understand why you act the way you do and how to break the cycle.

    5) Last but not least, check out this awesome thread by @D . J . thats full of brilliant tips and advice

    Good luck bro.
    Keep coming back. Keep posting. It works.
    Last edited: May 2, 2017
  3. Are you D.J.'s ambassador in this section now my good sir?



  4. Overfloweth

    Overfloweth Fapstronaut

    Hey there. Not at all my friend. Just think it's the best post of its kind. So I had it book-marked for situations such as these. Peace.
  5. Bearish

    Bearish Fapstronaut

    @saquib, talk a little bit about how it is affecting your life.
    saquib likes this.
  6. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.
  7. saquib

    saquib New Fapstronaut

    PMO is like oxygen for me. I can't think any thing outside PMO. And now I am loosing confidence. I feel uncomfortable talking in groups. I feel shy talking to new people and sometimes with my friends. I get bored easily or feel like doing nothing. I m not happy with any good or bad.