Introducing 33 yr old quitter

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by EndPornLiveLife, Aug 21, 2018.

  1. Hello Fapstronauts,

    I'm a 33 year old male who has been using porn since I was around 16. I have tried to stop many times, but have never managed to stop for more than a month or two. Pornography was a significant contributor to my first long-term relationship ending. Aside from this, it has been a constant drag on my mental health, with the shame, secrecy, trying to find time when nobody is home to use it, and the clash with my Christian faith. I've become de-sensitised to some forms of sexually-explicit material which used to turn me on. From all the personal accounts I have read from porn users who took a break, I am sure that my porn use has played a big role in my anxiety in many areas of life, and general lack of confidence with people, for fear that I will be "found out". But still, for the last three or four years I had basically given up trying to stop, and just gave in to the urge whenever I felt it.

    So why have I decided to try again, using NoFap? I want to be free, of course! I want the confidence that if I start dating a woman, that she isn't going to be shocked down the track to find that I'm using porn several times a week, and to able to be totally honest about where I'm at in my life, without having to hide or try to gloss over the porn issue. I want to be turned on by real women, and not worry about Porn-Induced ED in the future. I also want my confidence back, and my conscience (!) and to go back to church (haven't been in a few years) and be honest about my struggles, with more than just "I've given up, it's too difficult" attitude. Finally, with improving self-control and self-esteem, I hope will come some motivation to start making changes in other areas of my life which are in need of attention.

    So yeah, here I am, it's Day 1, about to start the 1 week PMO challenge and looking forward to stepping it up after that!
    Don80, honestguy17 and George197938 like this.
  2. Good to see you here determined to work on this. Welcome to the forum.
    EndPornLiveLife likes this.
  3. Welcome to NoFap stranger...
    Best Wishes to you :)
    EndPornLiveLife likes this.
  4. Thanks for the welcome Freddie and Sherlock. I'm looking forward to the challenges ahead :)

    Also, Sherlock well done on your streak, that's epic!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Anunaki

    Anunaki Fapstronaut

    Welcome and good luck!
  6. T
    Thanks Anunaki!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. If you look closely... It's commonplace... I take my inspiration from fellows who have crossed 500++ and are still going strong :)
    Thank you for the praise, have a nice NoFap Day.
    EndPornLiveLife likes this.