Incest Porn or Porn all together??

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Eric Barnes, Jul 27, 2017.

  1. Eric Barnes

    Eric Barnes Fapstronaut

    ok so I know this is a weird situation...
    I am sexually attracted to my sister (and sometimes my brother). I always get her panties to jerk off with and look at brother-sister porn. Also, I sometimes get on my brother's phone and look at pictures of his cock and vids of him cumming. They are both very sexy. I have realized I need to stop watching porn and jerking off and I am 4 days clean right now.
    So I wonder: do I need to completely eliminate porn or do I need to just eliminate incest porn? I know it's bad to look at my siblings like that but I still feel the urge to jerk off. Would it be OK if I jerked off to pics of girls from school or porn that doesn't involve incest? And yes I am completely serious.
  2. Eric Barnes

    Eric Barnes Fapstronaut

    And yes my incest urges are real. I think that I would fu*k my sister if I had the opportunity even though I know how bad it is... I still get turned on by other girls but the incest problem is what brought me here.
    xXkiller42 likes this.
  3. Wazzai

    Wazzai Fapstronaut

    In a term, porn all together.

    I don't know your situation very well, but you just seem poisoned. It probably is the porn talking. You need to reestablish the line between admiring beauty and being sexually attracted towards it.
    jest likes this.
  4. Eliminate all porn.
    jest likes this.
  5. Excuse me @HelloSalute, but you cannot just tell a porn addict that they are going to hell if they cannot stop their habits!

    Moreover, you cannot just start quoting Scriptural passages that mention "sins", as you see them. This person has not said he is a Christian or that he recognizes the veracity and authority of the bible. You have already had strong reactions to this approach of yours elsewhere. Please stop imposing your beliefs and even the content of your dreams on other people here.
  6. phwrancesco

    phwrancesco Fapstronaut

    Quit porn. I'm sure that this painful situation will end in a month. Then keep on your nofap journey.
  7. obsolete_23

    obsolete_23 Fapstronaut

    Quit the going to hell bullcrap, not in any way helpful.

    It sounds like you have some serious issues to deal with @Eric Barnes but at least you know its wrong and you want to do something about it.

    I have watched incest videos myself. In fact that is the main fetish that made me really decide to quite porn altogether because it really is a gross concept. Although never one that I had any intention beyond the Internet (I'm 100% sure of that).

    You should stop watching all types of porn! See if it mellows your current urges (hopefully it will). Give it some time if the situation doesn't improve then I think it would be really worth talking to someone about.
    xXkiller42 and Hopefulgirl like this.
  8. I think what you need is certainly to quit porn and compulsive masturbation, I would also suggest some kind of counseling with a qualified psychosexual therapist because this kind of behaviour is at the extreme end of porn escalation, and also I believe in most countries illegal. Take it from me, you need to reconsider how you want to live the rest of your life and what is really most important to you. I have ended up foul of the law because of the content I progressed onto and I can tell you it is not a walk in the park. The consequences of being arrested for a sexual offence are very severe, even if it is related only to the type of content you have accessed, depending on the country you are from you could face either a community order with the option to rehabilitate and be placed on a sex offenders programme or you could just get thrown in prison. The main problems are the social implications, your relationships with those who used to hold you in high esteem, your reputation, your ability to gain employment, it affects every aspect of your life, but you are at a point where you can turn that around and learn to be a better human being, you don't just owe it to yourself, you owe it to your family and your friends. What might be a 'dirty little secret' now could potentially become the only thing people talk about when they mention your name. I feel you have made a brave decision in reaching out, and I commend you for that because it's not easy. I've been sober and clean from pornography, alcohol and drugs for coming up to three years now and that's after a 15 year addiction to porn which increased in severity as time went on, it is possible to stop but you really have to want to and get the best support you can.
  9. I am not sure if the post I am referring to has been deleted by @HelloSalute or a moderator. :confused:
  10. NotSoAverageJoe

    NotSoAverageJoe Fapstronaut

    I'm guilty of addiction to incest porn, I made the mistake of diving deep into my childhood to figure out what went wrong.

    Honestly, I'm gonna get hate for this but hear me out.

    What you and I need to do is quit incest porn immediately.

    For the next month, regular porn only. Girls solos, lesbians, whatever you don't feel ashamed about.

    Incest or other fetish genres are harder to quit as they have adrenaline as well as dopamine in the mix.

    Thinking you can immediately quit any addiction is silly so forget reaching 90 days.

    I'd say get comfortable masterbating to regular porn once a week, remove the guilt and shame that surrounds your sexuality and then try to fully quit porn.
    Atlanticus likes this.
  11. Not hate, but there are some aspects of your advice I see differently. You say, "quit incest porn immediately". I agree. :)
    In fact, I would say that it is necessary to quit porn, masturbation and orgasm for as many months as it takes to recover.

    You are advocating that the OP should continue with a reduced regime of porn, masturbation and orgasm (PMO). :eek:
    You claim: "Incest or other fetish genres are harder to quit as they have adrenaline as well as dopamine in the mix."
    In spite of people on this website doing just so, "immediately quit any addiction is silly so forget reaching 90 days."
    You advise Eric Barnes to: "remove the guilt and shame that surrounds your sexuality and then try to fully quit porn."

    A strict regime of NoPMO is the most effective form of recovery IMO. There is no evidence that having a fetish changes that. Please furnish the research or even the anecdotal evidence that "Incest or other fetish genres have adrenaline in the mix."
    LoyalKnight and Hopefulgirl like this.
  12. obsolete_23

    obsolete_23 Fapstronaut

    After months of not watching any porn. I went back to the cam girl, solo masturbation, softcore stuff. While it was good for awhile, I started masturbating more frequently and then began to watch harder stuff for a number of hours at a time.

    I think it's probably because I have a lot of time on my hands at the moment (just finished a job abroad, and back at my parents place with naff all to do) but I feel to some extent I'm probably just never going to be one of those dudes, who watches some corny porno, whacks off- no death grip and masturbates y'know for pleasure. Which I don't, I do it to get the biggest release. Unfortunately I've never really wanted to masturbate without porn, I say unfortunately because if you haven't cummed for awhile it does seriously reduce the time on the stop clock when you jump in the sack with someone. So it's difficult when you're trying to stop one problem but feel like maybe you're feeding into another problem that initially was your priority.

    This ain't the clearest advice you'll ever get but I think it's good to try and quit porn without the reducing to softer stuff method. Because at least for me, that gave me enough of an excuse to leap straight back onto the bad stuff.
  13. jest

    jest Fapstronaut

    You wouldn't tell a smoker struggling with addiction to smoke a different brand of cigarettes in order to stop smoking the ones he usually does! I think that after a proper reboot he won't have to worry about his fetishes because they'll just fade away. So no PMO for 90 days should definitely be the goal here.
    Spidermonky77 and noonoon like this.
  14. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    What kills me about this is you're completely unaware you are doing the exact same thing: imposing your beliefs on other people.

    He can say whatever he wants. It's up to the OP to decide if it's valuable.. .not you. You can block him as can the OP. Are you the thought police?

    I, personally, don't want or need your protection from unpleasant posts. Please stop your moral policing of other people's posts.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2017
  15. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    Your lust is escalating. It's a PMO induced desire. Quit PMO. It's messing you up.
  16. Spidermonky77

    Spidermonky77 Fapstronaut

    Go straight no PMO bro. It's a blessing. You'll feel super amazing dude you won't even see your siblings the same. You'll see them with respect and you'll have great things going for you so you won't even have time to think of your siblings. That's the truth bro. Peace
    Hopefulgirl likes this.
  17. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    You have to quit all together. Your fantasy is porn induced. I started off with normal stuff then I wanted to see weirder stuff and I knew I had to stop. Quitting altogether is the only way. I tried doing lighter stuff before nofap and I rarely if ever got hard.
  18. Atlanticus

    Atlanticus Moderator Assistant
    NoFap Defender

    Hey guy!

    Thanks for this post! I sympathize.

    Unlike others, I do not think incest or even incest porn are particularly extreme. They are morally highly problematic, of course. But thoughts of incest are probably pretty universal -- they should be contained, of course -- and even incestuous acts themselves occur in significant percentages in society -- or even across societies. You may be surprised to learn what goes on out there.

    But I think it's easier for you to deal with your challenges effectively if you de-stress about them. Fortunately, you don't seem half as freaked out about this "weird situation" (as you put it) as some of those commenting!:)

    For a while (a few years, actually), I was also into incest porn -- as an escalation of sexual fantasy. It peaked... and I moved on to another fetish. Believe me, there is worse out there. In my case -- and probably in yours -- it was the porn driving the fantasies and not vice versa. Besides, I've never been tempted to really act on the incest fantasies. They remained just that. One or two other fetishes are a different matter, for me.

    In my experience, fetishes come from porn escalation -- although I realize that people fantasize about linking them to "real life." Even as sex "games" they are often quite well contained, but... when they invade family relationships, or change gender identity, lead to permanent physical damage, or loss of freedom, or affect race relations... it all quickly becomes very serious and unhealthy. I would try to avoid "going there.".

    For you, I think the others are right: you should de-escalate your porn addiction, whether gradually or abruptly. Since I am currently on my second streak -- which has been easier than my first -- I do recommend a NoFap regimen, but not necessarily beginning with hard mode. Cold turkey may work for others but can also be okay not to go totally bananas in the beginning, but get some traction with a little progress, so that you can see that you can do it.

    Of course, the more you continue fapping without scrubbing your fantasies clean through a real profound reboot, the less you'll actually change. Hard mode -- when you're ready to get really serious -- is the best, and by far the most likely to lead to a cleaner you inside and out, including freedom from fetishes... especially if you also work on living your life more constructively.

    Best of success, guy!
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2017
    jest likes this.
  19. Bob2132

    Bob2132 Fapstronaut

    Quit porn altogether otherwise the Coolidge effect will keep bringing you back to where you are now.
  20. There seems to be a misunderstanding here. In line with the NoFap rules we operate within, I was pointing out that a rant along religious lines is inappropriate in a thread where the OP has expressed no religious views. It is not moral policing.
    I am a Christian and believe the Scriptures originally quoted to be true. But there is a time and a place for making such points. That was an inappropriate time and place. I was not seeking to protect you from unpleasant posts. I was trying to ensure a welcoming environment for a new member making his first post about a very difficult subject. Being told, "you are going to hell", was unhelpful and may well have put @Eric Barnes off from making further comments. No offence intended.
    noonoon likes this.