How to transmute your Sexual Energy?

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by EyeofHorus26, Jan 19, 2019.

  1. EyeofHorus26

    EyeofHorus26 Fapstronaut

    Hi guys.I have always seen posts about Sexual transmutation and even read about it in Napolean Hill's book.But I still haven't understood What is the actual process?Can someone please explain it in simple words?
    Honeydude likes this.
  2. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    no sexual thoughts, no spilling of the semen
  3. Do not waste the sexual energy in random orgasms. See it as your stored "willpower", like an invisible coil or spiral that you are setting under more and more tension by this. In a way you can "fire and shoot" your goals by this method then. But be careful, because sometimes those "bullets" may take their own directions, if you have no real idea what you are doing at all. To reserve the sexual energy only for physical unions under love would be a good and rather safe starting point. If you have no actual partner yet, you could make this your first goal to manifest. Any porn is a life/will energy sucker in this context, do not feed it, but stay/become comfortable with your own sexuality and keep/make it guilt free.
  4. EyeofHorus26

    EyeofHorus26 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the explanation. However Is there a way to use the power of sexual energy at will ?For example, How can I use this sexual energy to make me creative at life or work?

    Sorry for bothering you.
  5. The stored sexual energy is strenghtening your will power continiously. Alone by the needed discipline that you have to develop for not wasting it regularly by random masturbation or even to porn. This means a plus of energy, you will feel that after some days/weeks, that normally gets lost and reduced by these activities. You will discover more beauty, more joy, sense and purpose over a while. The feeling of emptiness will be gone. Then you have to place a goal to strive for. Make it as concrete as possible (a job you want, lost weight/better physics by workout, a piece of creativity, a loving partner, learning a new language). Analyze all the necessary steps and start to manifest them, by using this energy. If you just store sexual energy without any concrete goal or activity to strive for at all, just out of a fear to lose it or of a "relapse" or even guilt, it will probably make you nervous and very restless soon. It depends where you are coming from. If you are already seriously addicted to porn like most members here, the 90 days reboot are a good start.
  6. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    I think you guys are still not very advanced in this, the sexual thoughts play a key role in transmutation, it's not just about physical retention, i Remember when I sued t have a single sexual thought/ erection I would feel the ojas going outwards
    Honeydude and EyeofHorus26 like this.
  7. My goal is not to play "guru" here or even becoming a "monk". All this complete denial and repression of any sexual thoughts, especially for young men is religious indoctrinated control stuff to me. It comes from societal ideas to control and discipline any sexual activity outside of marriage, while those marriages are not even founded in love and natural affection to each other, but have been arranged by the parents. That´s no a true and valid point to build anything on this, except obeying other peoples guidelines, who claim that they would new what´s best for others. These days are over.
  8. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    Not necessarily, depends on your goals, my goal is to have a complete pure mind. Also remember the highest form of love has absence of sexual desire, when you desire the body of your partner for your own selfish pleasure, that is a lower form of love, sex turns the body of a person into an object, love can give life even to a statue when you worship it. Sexual desire and love aren't really compatible.
  9. You could do it in two ways. One is to use the Law of Attraction. It is so much more powerful to manifest while you are retaining, because you have more energy to send to etheric plane and into the universe. It's like a radio starts to get less loud when batteries start to run out. But on retention your batteries are full. So universe will receive stronger signals and it will be easier to manifest things you want.

    Simply visualize what you want to get as if you already had it in your mind's eye, from first person perspective. Feel, smell, taste, touch, etc. And feel being grateful for it. If you can do this during a state of sexual desire then it will be more powerful. But even if not aroused it still works great because in your body you naturally have more energy on retention. Do this multiple times a day.

    Another thing you could do is using the Chi that naturally accumulates during retention for physical energy. The same way as one would use RedBull energy drink for physical energy. You just have to do stuff, and because you have that accumulated energy it will take less effort to do them. Again, very much the same way as energy drink or a cup of coffee makes you wanna do things so much more likely.

    Energy wants to move, so you will probably feel more inclined to do something when on nofap anyways. The thing is you might end up doing wrong stuff, like playing whole bunch of video games or something. So you have to use your mind to direct that energy into action that you want. You do this by creating an intention, visualize yourself doing it from first person perspective, feel it (very much the same as with the Law of Attraction above) and then go do it when it's time.

    For example you want to start jogging let's say but you have been lazy and can't get to it. You would visualize yourself jogging tomorrow at morning. If you do that few times today it's so much more likely that you will do it tomorrow.

    Ideally you would combine those two methods for the most powerful results.
  10. We lose our Chi not only through semen but we also lose it through our other senses. And also our mind. Sexual fantasies will drain your Chi somewhat. So if one wants to accumulate the most energy possible it's beneficial to keep thought's as pure as possible. Like that you have more energy for manifestation.

    Even compulsive thinking itself will drain your Chi, sexual or not. Ideally you would be in complete state of presence 24/7 and would not think about anything unless practically necessary.

    We can accumulate the most energy if we go on a long retreat where we fast, keep complete silence, meditate for no thoughts and sit in darkness. Really one could bring it to as much extreme as they want.

    It's not what I am aiming for though, at least not yet. I'm not trying to become enlightened or anything. I personally just want to use the forces of the universe for my own benefit. I desire success and power. And I try to put some love in there as well, simply to rise my vibration and work with the highest energies.

    I feel the more energy we unleash faster results we get short term. The strongest manifestation is when we use orgasm to activate the Law of Attraction. But of course we are retaining here so that is not option. But the most energy we drain the stronger manifestation, at least short term. The thing is to drain energy we have to first accumulate energy. And we have to consciously direct it, otherwise we just lose it and it goes for no good.
  11. EyeofHorus26

    EyeofHorus26 Fapstronaut

    Now that makes sense. I am on 143 days of nofap. But I am still nervous, restless and clueless about life. I realize I should not wait for the oppurtunity but rather go create an oppurtunity.
    ReZen8ster likes this.
  12. EyeofHorus26

    EyeofHorus26 Fapstronaut

    I have always been skeptical about visualization but a huge fan of Law of attraction. I will give it a go.:)
  13. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Yoga seems to help redirect sexual energy. I certainly need to do it more. Excessive thoughts without even doing a long PMO session does drain you some, and can be more maddening short term.

    However and I do proceed with caution here, very quick bursts of sexual stimulation, like seeing a very attractive fit girl in public, can be motivating. The problem of course is that we could linger on this image (how about talking to her?-lol) and be off to the races.

    My plan is to use meditation, yoga, and getting out in public, to combat the temptation.
    Berlin2019 and EyeofHorus26 like this.
  14. EyeofHorus26

    EyeofHorus26 Fapstronaut

    I am still a bit shy to approach girls.:D
    As for yoga I recomend "Yoga with Adrien" in Youtube.She is good for beginners.
    BruceD likes this.
  15. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

    I was in your shoes, I was seeking and seeking for answers on the "how" a lot of information talking about sexual transmutation, like Hill books, and youtube videos. but nobody tells you how to. Until I found Mantak Chia books, it tells you exactly what to do to send the energy to your brain through your spine
  16. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

    This is an interesting theory, never thought about it makes a lot of sense, thank you. I will try it
  17. EyeofHorus26

    EyeofHorus26 Fapstronaut

    I will give it a try. Can you give the name of that book.Also can the book cause triggers.
  18. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

    The book is called "Taoist secrets of love, cultivating male sexual energy" and, it does talk about penetration, vagina, etc. And it has a few simple ink illustrations on the matter but it shouldn't trigger you at all? It hasn't done it for me, and I'm sure it never will
    EyeofHorus26 likes this.
  19. EyeofHorus26

    EyeofHorus26 Fapstronaut

    Retentionman likes this.
  20. More Jing

    More Jing Fapstronaut

    Hi guys .....first post, I had never heard of the word nofap until last week and crazyly here I am. That book by Mantak Chia cultivating male sexual energy if you didnt have a grounding or knowledge of Chi Kung or chinese medicine I think all you would do is flounder and fail. 25 years ago I found all this while doing a degree in Traditional Chinese medicine as a hobby I learnt Chi Kung and all that went with it.....if someone told me that a man could have an internal orgasm Id have laughed.

    But you can and it is incredible words cant convey the feeling its like nothing on earth incredible, Sounds nuts I know but just as you feel like you are going to cum you breath /sniff and imagine the energy from your balls going up your spine through certain energy points then the final one into your brain and boom a cascade of ecstasy envelopes your body cant describe it and you can do it time and time again as you have sex. I believe you would need to have done energy work for a good while before this is doable. I had it so right that just imagining my energy going from my tongue through my partners and down her body to her clitoris she would have a mini orgasm.

    Thing is it does take self control with no proper orgasm at the end just some mediation to move the sex energy around your body and massaging the perineum with a silk cloth to shift the energy .At the time I was "NoFap" and doing jelqing and stretching and kegels and my penis felt fantastic it would get so hard and full ......but I fell off the wagon so to speak ,,,what happened I met a woman who became a long term mistress to be honest and she was the most horniest woman I had ever met voluptious the only word for her and there was no way I could do that stuff with her it was animalistic sex and I just had to shoot to let it all out 58 now that was a long time ago and actually those memories are the reason im on this forum.My penis is just not as big .Nowhere near as hard doesnt feel anything like it did back then. Even though im in good shape still exercise eat well lots of supplements ,,,I had put my penis down to age,,,,,but this nofap thing made me think. Ive been masterbating 3/4 times a week for around 2 years either with porn or believe it or not while lying next to my partner.That was not how I was living when my penis was like "Thors Hammer" :) So this is my journey to get it back and good luck to all on here tonight will be day 3 done and I will not fail ,I am kegling again and after a week I will start jelqing again.............I believe I will get back to where I was and start making love again to the same woman I had the Taoist love with my longterm partner........WILL NOT FAIL

    PS you know how you feel so tired and depressed after cumming ,with this its like youve been attached to a battery you feel fantastic .
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2019