How to stop fapping as soon as I wake up?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by iHateThisCrap, Apr 19, 2020.

  1. iHateThisCrap

    iHateThisCrap Fapstronaut

    You read the title, I have a lot of problems going on right now, but this is the worst. Despite wanting to start nofap, every morning the first thing I do is MO, with or without P. I sleep naked, and that combined with my soft sheets and intense loneliness and longing for a girl that I normally feel when I wake up, triggers it. So every day I'm starting off on the wrong foot having to recover from a mistake before I even get started. How do I stop this?
  2. FY_33

    FY_33 Fapstronaut

    why don't you change your mindset: i want to sex rather i want to fap.
    Works for me. I know its hard, also search for distraction too, walking outside my room reduced the erection.
    This post reminds me in high school days, MO without P because i need to go to school.
    Hope you go successful!
  3. FY_33

    FY_33 Fapstronaut

    You should be grateful of morning erection tho, its a sign of healthy men(physically and mentally). So wake up and pray to god that i hope soon if i have morning erection, there is a girl that ready to be sma**ed
  4. MerseyPhoenix

    MerseyPhoenix Fapstronaut

    Mornings are traditionally bad. I would suggest wearing pyjamas. I would suggest getting up and into the shower, as soon as you wake. Mornings are the worst because they set the tone for the day. You need to almost leap out of bed.
    iHateThisCrap likes this.
  5. iHateThisCrap

    iHateThisCrap Fapstronaut

    And yet here I am still laying in bed...
  6. FY_33

    FY_33 Fapstronaut

    Search for distraction like playing games, i know you need focus when erect, hahahaha
  7. MerseyPhoenix

    MerseyPhoenix Fapstronaut

    Get Up!!!!
  8. OheyApple

    OheyApple Fapstronaut

    As soon as you wake up get out of bed. Put your phone alarm on and slide your phone across to your door. So as soon as you wake up you can head straight to the door and get ready.

    1.Change your mindset
    2. Give yourself some goals.
    3. Instead of looking forward to beating off why don't you look forward to what you're having to eat for breakfast?
    3. Drink lots of water before you go to bed. That way you'll be bursting to pee in the morning.
    4. You will never change unless you change your mindset.
    Dragonkmp67 and MerseyPhoenix like this.
  9. StonePlacidity

    StonePlacidity Fapstronaut

    If you know you'll be horny if you sleep naked, then don't! It is that simple man.
    OheyApple likes this.
  10. StonePlacidity

    StonePlacidity Fapstronaut

    I personally believe the sleeping naked benefits are overrated
  11. You haven't found the real reason on why you should stop fapping. I agree with all comments here, you should change your mindset but above all find your why.
    OheyApple likes this.
  12. iHateThisCrap

    iHateThisCrap Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the responses as usual. I do have a reason to stop fapping, to finally stop being lonely and get a girlfriend. When it comes to girls I'm experiencing new heights of loneliness. I'm a 23 year old virgin ffs. I use fapping to cope with loneliness and stress which is even worse lately.

    I have always had such low willpower. My parents fucked me up as a kid by never challenging me
    Dragonkmp67 likes this.
  13. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    When do you eat dinner?

    Here's just one angle. I have been finishing dinner at 5pm now, basically the whole intermittent fasting idea. So guess what happens - I don't need an alarm clock, the time I get up varies but the sun shines through the window enough and also my body is done digesting when it's over 12 hours later at 5-7am the next morning, and when I am waking up I pretty much have to take a dump right away! The exact timing is not the point, though it helps that I know I have to get to work too.

    I don't know about you but I don't feel very sexy when I need to take a dump. Physiologically I think this works better than the water idea, personally I can't hold that overnight a lot of times too and I just end up needing to pee in the middle of the night instead of the next morning - and I've had times where the pressure on the bladder backfires from needing to pee - the pressure here from solid food is in a different location in the body.
  14. iHateThisCrap

    iHateThisCrap Fapstronaut

    I don't really have a routine, I pretty much eat at random times about once a day. I was trying to create some structure in my life before this lockdown happened, but the lockdown screwed my progress
  15. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    Well what about creating a routine then? You can just start by eating whatever you want but not WHENever you want. If your feeling is more ambivalent towards food at least have two meal times instead of one.